I Am He, Three
Take your attention from your present conception of yourself
and place it on that ideal of yours, the ideal you had heretofore thought
beyond your reach. Claim yourself to be your ideal, not as something that you
will be in time but as that which you are in the immediate present. Do this,
and your present world of limitations will disintegrate as your claim rises
like the phoenix from its ashes.
“Be not afraid, nor dismayed by reason of this great
multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” You do not fight against
your problem; your problem will only live as long as you are conscious of it. Take
your attention away your problem and the multitude of reasons why you cannot
achieve your ideal. Concentrate your attention entirely upon the thing desired.
“I AM the lord.” I AM (your consciousness) is the lord. The
consciousness that the thing is done, that the work is finished, is the Lord of
any situation. Listen carefully to the promise, “Ye shall not need to fight in
this battle: Set yourself, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord within
Remember the reward is to the one who endures. Stand still.
Standing still is the deep conviction that all is well; it is done. No matter
what is heard or seen, you remain unmoved, conscious of being victorious in the
end. All things are made by such agreements, and without such an agreement
there is not anything made that is made. “I AM that I AM.”
All that is required of you who seek a change is to rise to
a level of that which you desire; without dwelling upon the manner of
expression, record that it is done by feeling
the naturalness of being it.
Go to the end of that which you seek; witness the happy end of it by consciously feeling you express and possess that which you desire to express and possess; and you, through faith, already understanding the end, will have confidence born of this knowledge.
Your Faith is your Fortune
Neville Goddard
Your Faith is your Fortune
Neville Goddard