by Daniel P. Towle, D.C., DNBHE
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Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy (more specifically embryophytotherapy) which was discovered by Henri Pol Bruxele and colleagues in 1965. This was further detailed and developed into a clinical application by Max Tetau, MD. Gemmotherapy employs glycerine macerates of fresh buds and other vegetative tissues in the growing stage. Dechelating lithotherapy uses dilutions of minerals and rocks to help liberate oligoelements (trace elements) so that the latter can be more efficiently utilized by the body. Oligotherapy utilizes metalloid homeopathic dilutions of trace elements to improve enzyme function and is commonly used with the other therapies mentioned. Oligotherapy (trace mineral therapy) is often used concurrently with gemmotherapy as they act as catalysts. The oligo elements catalyze the enzymatic systems of the body to more efficiently utilize the gemmotherapy: allowing detoxification that would take months with gemmotherapy alone to happen within weeks.
Gemmotherapy incorporates the buds of fresh plants or embryonic tissues in the growth phase, such as young shoots. These tissues are rich in growth factors, including phyto hormones, auxins and gibberellins. The active principles in the gems are present which start to disappear after a plant reaches a certain point in its growth. An example is auxin which is a hormone found in plants, in vitro studies show that auxins stimulate cell growth. This substance has been tried in agricultural applications and has been successfully used in Italian peach orchards for the purpose of growing larger peaches that have a better resistance to disease. Auxins have a fetal hormonal action and are found only in the buds of a plant. Gibberellins are the other principle factors in these remedies. They stimulate RNA and protein synthesis. Like the auxins, they are present only in the buds and are not found in the whole plant. Therefore all of our current homeopathic remedies that are prepared from the whole plant (usually flowering) do not have these key elements present.
For many years gemmotherapy held an important place within French homeopathic circles where these macerations were used for the purpose of drainage and detoxification. It is for this reason that the first comprehensive studies on such therapy came about from the Homeopathic Society of Normandy and constituted the object of important publications in the homeopathic archives of Normandy. Dr. Max Tetau states: "When an emunctory of the organism, that is an excretory system such as the kidneys, the liver, etc., is inadequate or blocked, when a glandular or tissulary system is deficient, when a well individualized treatment conforming to the similimum of the patient does not give the hopeful results, but on the contrary presents aggravations or the appearance of new troubles, it is necessary to stimulate the organs of elimination by means of medications whose organic tropism or physiological affinities are known... page 41.
"[The] term drainage expresses the dynamics of this therapeutic which consists of one or many organs with an excretory function. Thus in some way the outlets are opened which permit the toxins liberated by the homeopathic medication to exteriorize themselves and be thus eliminated from the organism." page 41.
Phytoembryotherapy, also referred to as gemmotherapy, is very close in concept to homeopathic therapy due to this drainage capacity. In a homeopathic sense, drainage stimulates the organs emunctories, allowing it to more effectively react to the homeopathic therapy. Three types of drainage have been distinguished:
1. Drainage by means of organ stimulation.
2. Drainage by means of tissue excitation.
3. Drainage by means of toxin elimination.
Gemmotherapy provides us with a modern method of drainage, perfectly adapted to the Vital Force disturbance being treated. It can easily be combined with other homeopathic prescriptions. If people are considered as a whole, the elements to which they fall prey develop on a terrain weakened by the slowing down of the elimination organs - emunctories - which are trying to work while there is a continued growth of a pool of toxic substances, badly broken down metabolites, waste material and immune complexes. There is also a concurrent decrease in the defense systems.
"Just as swampy land is drained by judiciously excavating canals, in the same way an ailing organ will be drained by judiciously chosen medications. Canalizing the waste products towards the exterior by opening the appropriate emunctories is the basic principle of curing by healing from the depth towards the surface."
In the past drainage remedies have been limited to what was available in our Materia Medica. The kidneys were stimulated by berberis and solidigo. The liver with chelidonium, taraxacum, and carduus marianus. The skin was drained with fumaria, saponaria and viola tricolor. Other remedies were aimed at tonifying the veins like aesculus, hamamelis, hydrastis and viburinum. These previously utilized approaches can be amplified and diversified with the use of specific gemmotherapy remedies, as well as organotherapy which is used to stimulate or regulate the function of specific organs.
Homotoxicology is a parallel concept. Their hypothesis is a progressively worsening internal clogging of the body as a primary path of the aging or disease process. This concept is quite valid since it facilitates the development of pathology. Homotoxicology remedies are combinations used to reverse this toxic trend and bring the body back into a healthier state.
Drainage is a technique acting internally as one of the "Natura Medicatrix," a specific Hippocratic concept. Draining remedies work in a mild and prolonged manner as they aid the function of the bodies emunctories in order to gently detoxify it. Homeopathic remedies customized according to the Law of Similars are more likely to work on a terrain that has been thus improved with a significant reduction in the risk of aggravation.
For today's homeopath, drainage has become an even more important issue. Our patients have changed considerably from those who have consulted Hahnemann or, more recently Kent and Hering. The patients we see today are stuffed with tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Heart and stress patients come to us with a variety of antiarrythmic's, diuretics and calcium deposits. Hormone therapy and vaccinations flourish among our population. Antibiotics, anti- inflammatories, analgesics and antihistamines are all in wide spread usage. As some of these medications are often necessary, there is no question about stopping them immediately, rather we seek an eventual reduction in the drugs used.
As soon as they are harvested, the bud and embryonic plant tissue are soaked in a mixture of glycerin and alcohol, in a ratio of 1/20 of the dry weight of the fresh plant used. Glycerin is selected as an excipient as it allows for better extraction of the embryonic ingredients. After three weeks, the macerate is filtered and diluted to 1/10 with a mixture of water, alcohol and glycerin. With this 1/10 solution, Hahnemann's first decimal (DH), is the medicinal form of gemmotherapy remedies. It is the only one prescribed since it is the formula that provides the maximum and, above all, the most consistent effect. All of the glycerin extracted macerates are subject to the protocols in the French pharmacopoeia.
A concentration that is stronger than 1 DH risks causing some intolerance phenomena. A concentration weaker than 1 DH would provide irregular activity. All of the gems must be prescribed in separate bottles and not be mixed until they are used. Mixing in the same bottle carries the risk of chemical reactions that could modify or alter their therapeutic properties.
Dr. Nebel, a Swiss physician, was the first to codify drainage constituents, his work identified a certain number of draining substances due to their affinity for specific organs in the human body. Drainage always occurs in the centrifugal manner carrying waste towards the organ which it is providing for their elimination to the outside. It then involves not only the organ or the tissue which functions as an emunctory (liver, kidney, intestines, skin) but also the organic liquids (blood, lymph) which transport waste as well as the nerve constituents assuring the regulation of cellular excretions.
These uses of gemmotherapy have become so precise that patients can be treated with specific types of gems according to their constitutions. This is possible because of the affinity that each gem presents for a single organ in the human body. These clinical indications provide a repertory that a physician can use in a simple matter. In most cases, these indications are valid and allow for a rapid application of this method with beneficial results.
The use and research behind each of the gemmotherapies is well documented in French homeopathic literature. They have spent decades doing the chemical analysis of the buds, young shoots, rootlets and a comparison in the qualitative and quantitative distribution of the different components as compared to the adult plant. They have studied the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) properties as an assessment of the activity of the whole bud as opposed to the active ingredient isolated in the whole plant. They have also carried out clinical experimentation that enables the physician to know the precise therapeutic possibilities of gemmotherapy and determine its main indications.
The French have tested and compared each of the different species within the genus to determine which one has the highest pharmacological effect. For example, that's why tilia tomentosa is used and not one of the other linden trees.
Inflammatory reactions are characterized by the sequence of different phenomenon. Initially there is vasodilatation causing an acceleration in blood flow, increasing the number of open capillaries, and then their dilatation, due to elevated pressure following the release of different substances like histamine, locally indicates the first effects of an injury. This is followed by a greater increase in capillary flow from the permeability. The frame work of the vascular wall will be looser which permits the passage of numerous substances like proteins, glucose and leukocytes, in addition to certain chemical mediators such as histamine and bradykinin, etc. This leads to the interstitial accumulation of fluids consisting of plasma and white blood cells contributing to the localized edema. Depending on the triggering incident, macrophages can be moved into the region. Under certain circumstances these can contribute to autoimmune and other destructive processes. The effects of ribes nigrum as an anti-inflammatory is listed below from a Newsletter produced by Dolisos, Volume number 15. Similar extensive studies have been performed on many of the other gemmotherapy remedies. Many of these other studies can be found in the book titled "Gemmotherapy: A Clinical Guide by Max Tetau, MD."
Many of the gems overlap in their indications and usage for a variety of commonly treated conditions. These will be described below in alphabetical order and the information presented will allow treatment beyond these listed disorders by applying the general principles elucidated below.
Dr. Tetau states that the gemmotherapy remedies work because of the gibberellins and auxins that they provide represent an excellent method of arresting tissue degeneration, particularly in the joints. The gemmotherapies can be used to slow the evolution of arthritic changes, as there is still no cure possible. It is entirely possible to favorably impact arthritic pain and joint ankylosis. No one will claim to eradicate wide spread osteophytosis or severely damaged cartilage. Arthritic joints can stop hurting and can recover an acceptable level of mobility given sufficient time and care with the consistent use of the correct gemmotherapy agents.
The key note to treating osteoarthritis is ribes nigrum (black currant.) This gem neutralizes the inflammation that results from an affected joint. It's effect is similar to that of the corticoids, whether steroidal or not. This cortisone like plant extract does not have the inconvenient iatrogenic side effects we have come to expect from suppressive drug therapies. It's anti inflammatory action also works on tendons and ligaments and improves their flexibility. It also has a distinct anti allergic activity. Ribes is indicated in every inflammatory condition where there is an accelerated rate of inflammation, and in allergic conditions of any organ system whatsoever: rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, gastritis, migraine, urticaria, etc. This is extremely useful in patients that have needed cortisone treatment at any time in their lives, in addition to treating allergies, and hypoadrenalisim. Furthermore, it will be a key note in treating any autoimmune disorder.
The typical dosage is 50 to 100 drops three times per day, commonly administered in water and preferably prior to meals. This gem comes with a recommendation not to use it in the evening unless working at night because of it's mild stimulatory effect.
Pinus montana (Mountain Pine) acts on the articular cartilage to maintain its durability. It's cuts down on wear and strengthens the bone. Pinus can be prescribed to the elderly as a preventative against fractures. This gem is useful in non-inflammatory chronic rheumatic conditions wherever they are located, whether it be the spine, the knee, the hip, etc. Pinus is noted for its ability to drain the joints, especially the large joints such as the hips or knees. This remedy can be mixed with chelidonium tincture to boost lymphatic drainage around the joints and help regenerate the cartilage. To drain the small joints of the hands and feet, use the gems juniperus communis (common juniper) and ampelopsis weitchii (wild woodvine.)
Vitis vinfera Bud: (European Grape Vine) slows down the articular deformation along the joint to maintain a better range of motion. This can be used for any kind of painful, deformative arthritis, additionally it stimulates the white blood cell count especially the lymphocytes. They can be used to help drain the digestive system as can will be noted below and is available for long term treatment.
Depending on the patient, the three primary remedies can be administered singly morning - noon - or night, or together utilizing 50 to 100 drops of each. There are no contra indications for this treatment listed in the literature and typically it is utilized two months on and one month off until there is a sufficient improvement in the patient's joints. This treatment can be administered by itself or with other homeopathic and biotherapeutic remedies.
This is the basic treatment for arthritis, other particularly stubborn cases can be enhanced with different gems. For example, arthritis of the hip, because of its unique structural design, may require more work. The immune defenses must be energetically stimulated to reduce cartilage destruction and encourage osteoblast action. It is also necessary to stimulate local blood flow in the hip as it is one of the worst equipped joints in terms of vascularization. For the hip you would add betula pubescens for it's in depth action on the reticulo endothelial system and arterial circulation. Betula pubescens (birch) is a universal drainer and works on many systems at a time. A general rule of thumb is, when in doubt use this drainage remedy.
Arthritis of the knee can be treated with the same initial triad of remedies alternating with another triad on opposite months utilizing pinus montana as above. This is in addition to rosa canina (dog rose) for an anti-inflammatory on the knee joint especially at the synovial level. The third leg of this second triad is rubus fructicosus (blackberry vine) since it helps to reform cartilage and aids all kinds of osteoarthritis. There is a caution with this one, since rubus helps to tear down fibrous scar tissue, it cannot be used if there is a history of tuberculosis.
For patients that have to work or travel, the triad can be administered quite simply. The evening before or the morning of treatment, they can place two droppers full (approximately 50 drops of each of the triads in a 16 ounce water bottle, preparing three of these. They would drink these three through the course of the day, refilling them with water and the appropriate gems the following evening or the next morning to repeat the same schedule. These can be refrigerated and should not be prepared any further than 16 to 24 hours prior to consumption. This will obviate the need to carry the specific bottles with them and prepare their remedies during the course of the day, as well as increasing their water intake so that the toxins can be more readily flushed out of the body.
In summary: simple arthritis ribes, pinus, vitis vinifera
hip : ribes, pinus, vitis vinifera alternating with ribes, pinus and betula
knee: ribes, pinus, vitis vinifera alternating with pinus, rosa and rubus
small joints: ribes, pinus, vitis vinifera alternating with ribes, juniperus and ampelopsis.
All homeopaths know that there is nothing superior to the appropriately chosen homeopathic remedy for the treatment of asthma. In very chronic or stubborn cases, the use of gemmotherapy can ease the suffering of the patient and yield quicker results. To do this, utilize 75 to 100 drops of ribes nigrum in addition to 50 drops of viburnum lantana (Lithy Tree) three times per day. Viburnum is a sedative for the neuro pulmonary system and markedly reduces bronchial spasms. It helps to reestablish normal respiratory function and can be used in any type of asthma or asthma like dyspnea. This is also an effective combination for treating any type of air borne allergies.
The most common condition that we will see is anemia, and presuming there is no significant organic pathology noted, then start a pattern of corylus avellana and tamarix gallica to trigger erythropoiesis and to rebuild hemoglobin by activating the iron and cholesterol metabolism. Alternate these two 50 to 75 drops three times per day, and recheck in six weeks. The tamarix comes with the caveat that it can increase coagulation if used for periods extending past six weeks.
For chronic bronchitis use the ribes nigrum and the carpinus betulus and add juniperus communis as a detoxifier. Use the juniperus for six weeks in people with normal liver functions and then switch to juglans regia (European walnut). The juglans regia is a powerful anti infective and drainage remedy, it is best not to start with this one as it could trigger a Herxheimer's reaction by draining too quickly.
There is a slightly different triad for cardiac insufficiency particularly if its due to spastic coronary arteries.
The cornerstone is using crataegus (English hawthorn) because it is the primary heart drainer, it is used for any cardiac condition. This will include the secondary edema caused by cardiac insufficiency for congestive heart failure. To this is added syringa vulgaris (wild lilac,) it acts specifically on the coronary arteries and reduces the spasms. Then the third gem is either cornus sanguinea if it's before they have their first coronary incident, or zea mais (corn) if it's in a post infarct stage. The zea is an anti inflammatory for the arterial and cardiac tissue and also helps accelerate the healing of the myocardial tissue following an infarct. The dose would be 50 drops of each three times per day. This would be in addition to your other therapies to reduce homocysteine and oxidized LDL.
Recurrent urinary tract infections can be treated with a combination of vaccinum vitis idaea which has a disinfectant effect on the urinary system as well as calluna vulgaris (heather) which is another natural disinfectant and has some diuretic properties. This can be combined with 500 milligrams of vitamin C and two cranberry juice capsules three to six times per day in acute situations.
Gemmotherapy can help to peel away both chronic anxiety and depressive states which can often times make a much clearer picture for classical homeopathic prescriptions. The primary combination to use for this situation is tilia tomentosa 25 to 50 drops three times per day, ficus carica 25 to 50 drops three times per day, juniperus communis 25 to 50 drops three times per day (as a general drainage agent) and citrus limonum 25 to 50 drops three times per day. The citrus (lemon bark) has a rapid, but short lived, action on the nervous system, and can be used also for treating migraine or tension headaches.
If the anxiety state is accompanied by severe palpitations, or if there is a fear of cardiac conditions accompanying the anxiety state, then add crataegus oxyacantha (English hawthorn.) This remedy was mentioned in the cardiac section, as it drains the heart region and strengthens the heart. Crataegus would be applied 50 drops two or three per day as well. Note that the crataegus should be stopped two or three days before an EKG is performed in order to get an accurate indication on how the heart is performing at the time, because it will normalize the heart rate and rhythm and possibly give a false positive normal.
In dealing with dermatologic conditions, the key remedies are cedrus libani (Lebanon cedar) which functions as a skin drainer and works in any type of dry eczema such as psoriasis or other chronic dermatitis conditions. Ulmus campestre (English elm) drains the skin (as well as the liver) and is the specific for any type of moist or weeping eczema. The third remedy of choice is secale cereale (rye grain) which is used when there is history of skin and liver conditions. This gem is also associated with juniperus communis to help drain the liver. For diaper rash, babies can receive ulmus campestre mixed in some juice, starting at about five drops once or twice per day if they are small and increase to ten drops if they are larger or older. If there is an acute episode taking place then add ribes nigrum as an anti inflammatory to keep the patient as comfortable as possible while the other gems are draining the problem from the system.
If the eczema has become infected (by staph or strep) add juglans regia.
By now comes as no surprise that the first remedy to be used in emphysema is going to be ribes nigrum, 75 to 100 drops three times per day. In addition to this, utilize corylus avellana (European filbert) as it will help to dissolve the scar tissue in the lungs. Corylus can also help with a smoker's cough. Again as noted before, do not use this remedy if there is a history of tuberculosis or cancer because you don't want to unlock any of the bodies defensive maneuvers to seal these problems off from the rest of the body. The dosage for the corylus would be 50 drops three times per day. If the emphysema is severe, the third gem to add would be aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut) 50 drops per day to improve the respiratory flow.
Upper respiratory tract infections are typically present when school begins, following major holidays such as Thanksgiving & Christmas and then in the spring with the change in the weather. These conditions can severely impede family lives and the current medical model of prescribing recurrent rounds of antibiotics has been demonstrated to be bankrupt. This is a situation that goes past exposing young immune systems to bacteria and viruses that they are not familiar with; repeated infections indicate a weakness in the immune system that needs to be addressed in order to achieve long term satisfaction for the parents and particularly those afflicted.
The primary gem for this is rosa canina (briar rose) because it is effective for draining the sinuses in particular and the head in general. Any condition found in children associated with this area comes under the umbrella of treatment possibilities. The treatment protocol is 25 to 50 drops three times per day and this gem is also applicable for outbreaks of herpes and migraines that are resistant to the previously mentioned combination. In addition to this, we would use ribes nigrum for its anti inflammatory affect along with carpinus betulus (European horn bean). The carpinus has anti infectious activity for the entire upper respiratory system and can be used even if the triggering incident was exposure to inhaled toxins, since it helps support the mucous membranes of the lungs. Depending on the age of the child, a dose of 25 to 50 drops three times per day is applicable.
Utilizing this triad, initiate the program when the child begins the school year and continue through the first two months. Then Dr. Tetau recommends doing this 15 days each month through the rest of the school year to prevent recurrences. This same protocol can be followed in children as a preventive measure where there is a weakness noted in the Vital Force in the upper respiratory system.
To treat dysmenorrhea utilize rubus ideaus (raspberry). The rubus is specific for its uterine antispasmodic action which will reduce the pain which occurs at the onset of menses. The dose is 40 drops twice per day.
There is a triad for treating fibroids which includes vaccinum vitis idaea, rubus fructicosus (black berry) and alnus incana (mountain elder). The treatment protocol is 50 drops of each three times per day for two months and then a one month break.
The treatment of fractures is very similar, utilizing abies pectinata (red spruce) because it facilitates consolidation of the fracture and the formation of the callus. This is used in conjunction with ribes nigrum to decrease inflammation and pain and should be combined with the cell salts calc-phos. and calc-fluor. in low potencies. Again the dosage schedule is 50 to 100 drops three times per day and can be combined with sequoia gigantea if there is a lot of fragility in the bones since it will help suppress the number of spontaneous fractures.
If surgical repair of a joint was necessary then add ampelopsis weitchii 25 drops 3 times per day. If there are no pins involved, then add silicea 6c twice per day and arnica 6x to 12c three times per day to help resolve tissue trauma and blood clots in the region. Marcus Greaves, MD states that if there is surgical repair requiring pins then aurum metallicum 6C twice per day can be used rather than the silicea to promote healing without the risk of altering the pin dynamics.
To drain the gall bladder we use a slightly different triad of gem remedies. This is a slow process which will not be of use in case of acute gall stones. For the first month upon waking take 50 drops of lemon juice and 50 drops of rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) on an empty stomach in lukewarm water. If gall stones are implicated, then use a supplement containing bile salts with each meal. For the second month, utilize 50 drops of fraxinus excelsior and 50 drops of acer campestre. If the Vital Force is strong then either or both of these can be supplemented with juglans regia (European walnut) at 50 drops three times per day. Since the juglans also improves pancreatic function, if this is a diabetic, then they need to be monitoring their insulin levels to ensure that they can continue to gradually reduce their insulin requirements over time.
The gem triad for treating these conditions includes ficus carica (fig) which has its regulating affect on the coritico-diencephalic core. In addition to this, add tilia tomentosa (Lithy tree) for it's antispasmodic effect and the anti inflammatory ribes nigrum. This treatment protocol can be used to help a patient withdraw from prescription medication such as cimetidine.
This same triad can be utilized for heart burn and hiatal hernias with good affect, the dose for any of these conditions is 50 drops of each preferably before meals.
Hyperuricemia can be treated at a maintenance level by utilizing fraxinus excelsior (European ash). This remedy is useful for its diuretic qualities as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory on these ligaments and synovial membranes. It is especially indicated with high cholesterol levels and should be used with juniperus communis (juniper) and ribes nigrum. This can be enhanced with intermittent treatment utilizing colchicum 6C. The protocol is very similar, 50 to 100 drops of each three times per day for two or three months with a one month break in between treatment schedules.
Children and adolescents frequently complain of articular pain. This can be linked to growth patterns and more precisely the metabolic problems regarding phosphorus and calcium in the skeleton. This protocol is useful in Scheuermann's disease or for other areas regarding other metabolic disturbances. The following two gems are utilized, 50 drops each twice per day for two months with a break following. If compliance by taste is a problem, the gems can be placed in juice which will disguise their taste entirely.
Abies pectinata (red spruce) is an excellent mineralizer and wonderful pediatric remedy. It facilitates the growth of children and adolescents by ensuring a better calcium and phosphorus metabolism. There is a notable increase in height and weight. Since abies enhances calcium absorption it is also very useful in children with soft teeth that get many cavities. This is the general choice for anyone complaining of "pain in the bones" and is utilized with calcarea phosphoricum (3x to 12x). Abies is used in conjunction with betula verrucosa which is the children's version of betula pubescens.
Soft and bleeding gums with teeth that are loose will be helped by the combination of betula pubescens and quercus pedonculata, 50 drops of each twice per day. In addition to this, Dr. Tetau recommends utilizing phytolacca and calendula mother tincture, 25 drops of each in a half a glass of water to rinse the mouth after each meal.
Reversing the condition is fairly straight forward. A patient that is prone to a weakness in this area will do well by adding thirty milligrams of CoQ 10 twice per day and an addition of one ounce of 35% food grade strength hydrogen peroxide to a 32 ounce bottle of mouth wash. This enhanced mouth wash is used after brushing, to dip the tooth brush and then swish through the mouth. The peroxide will ensure that the bacteria causing the gingivitis are completely destroyed following each brushing and dipping the tooth brush ensures that the patient will not reinfect themselves with same bacteria each time they brush their teeth.
Dr. Tetau states that gemmotherapy is very useful and the entire allergy pathology to neutralize the consequence of the antigen/antibody complex. On the respiratory level, this could be used to treat rhinnitis, coryza and asthma. The key element to treating allergies is ribes nigrum because of its cortisone type action. To this gem add fagus silvatica and betula pubescens, 50 drops of each three times per day. These second two slow down the degranulation of the mast cells and reduce the amount of histamine in the system.
To this add carpinus betulus (hornbeam) which helps to regulate the nasal mucosa in coryza, or viburnum lantana in cases of asthma.
The triad for treating hepatic conditions includes rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) because the rosmarinus is the primary drainage remedy for the liver and gall bladder. In addition to this use secale cereale which has it's direct effect on the cells of the liver. Secale can be used in both acute and chronic hepatitis as well as being used during immunosuppressant treatment. Secale is particularly valuable where there is a history of chronic skin and liver conditions simultaneously. This combination will be of use in alcoholic cirrhosis and stimulates the liver cells to rejuvenate. The third leg of this triad is juniperus communis (common juniper) because it has an effect similar to the secale and potentates its effect. All liver conditions will respond even more rapidly with the addition of silymarin (milk thistle), two capsules two or three times per day. The typical protocol for this triad is 50 drops of each three times per day, continued for as long as there are imbalances that can be detected by a SMAC blood profile. This protocol can be continued 2 or 3 weeks out of each month, if necessary, if the liver is still being exposed to toxins or in cases where the damage is severe. This protocol would be ideal for hairdressers that are chronically exposed to a lot of chemicals daily.
The treatment protocol for hepatitis C is to use ampelopsis weitchii, juglans regia and rosmarinus 25 to 50 drops three times per day. Also, in most of your cases, utilize acer campestre (hedge maple) which is applicable for any type of viral infection whether it is herpes, chicken pox, hepatitis, etc. since it helps to inhibit the growth of the virus. In the treatment of herpes, have the patient stop utilizing lysine since it will slow the healing of skin lesions while utilizing this gem.
High blood pressure can be assisted with crataegus oxycantha (English hawthorn). As previously mentioned, crataegus is the primary drainage remedy for the heart and to be used in any type of cardiac condition. It will not have the same affect as the beta blocking agents for high blood pressure, however it will provide a gentle, progressive moderation of extremely high or low blood pressure. To this is added olea europaea (European olive) because it potentiates the action of crataegus in addition to lowering the cholesterol levels and acting as an arterial antisclerotic.
In stubborn or severe cases add one of the gems that has a diuretic affect such as fraxinus excelsior or betula pubescens. The treatment protocol would be 50 drops three times per day for as long as is necessary to control the blood pressure, and 20 days per month as a maintenance approach.
The two gemmotherapy remedies which stimulate the adrenal glands are ribes nigrum and quercus pedonculata, 50 drops three times per day. This is likely to be a long term treatment protocol and can be supported with other nutritional phytotherapy agents.
In dealing with more aggressive inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondolytis or psoriatic arthritis, patients can be placed on a triad of ribes nigrum, ampelopsis weitchii for the tendons and ligaments as well as to combat deformation and sclerosis, in addition to rosa canina to assist the synovial portion of the joint. The protocol would be 100 drops (four droppers) of ribes nigrum, in addition to 50 drops of the other two. This can be done for two months and then alternated for two months with the other arthritic triad of pinus montana, ribes nigrum and vitis vinifera.
There are a wide variety of herbs that are available to utilize phytotherapy for the treatment of mental distress and nervous afflictions. Of course a significant portion of our materia medica is based upon the mental pictures offered by our remedies. Gemmotherapy offers us another concise set of tools to use to ease suffering and speed the healing process along for our patients.
The gem tilia tomentosa is rich in franesol, a terpene which has neuro regulating sedative properties. Experiments on laboratory animals proves that it clearly holds sleep inducing capacities. It is not a hypnotic, but it is a sleep inducer without toxicity and is not habit forming. It is particularly recommended in treating children, pregnant women and the elderly. The dosage will vary between 25 drops in young pediatrics up to 100 drops for adults taken at bed time. While the tilia actually has a pleasant taste, it can easily be mixed with some other type of juice to make it more palatable if necessary.
Gemmotherapy can speed the development of collateral circulation for an increase in walking distance and an improvement in Doppler studies. The two gems to use as a tonic for the arteries and to improve the sympathetic nervous system are populus nigra (black poplar) as it acts as an arterial antispasmodic. To this is added cornus sanguinea (hounds tree) which has an antithrombotic action, and olea europaea (European olive) as an antisclerotic agent. The treatment protocol would be 50 drops of each three times per day. This can be enhanced with the use of 500 milligrams of niacinamide and 400 international units of vitamin E three or four times per day.
All colic and intestinal distress is treated initially with vaccinum vitis idaea (wine berry). The vaccinum is a drainage remedy for the entire abdominal region and can be used for bacterial and yeast infections, parasitic infections as well as healing the mucosa of the intestines. What is advantageous about the vaccinum is that it has a balancing or diphasic action on the colon. It will act as a tonic in cases of constipation and has an antispasmodic effect in cases of diarrhea. Dr. Tetau states that on waking take 50 drops of vaccinum in water for a couple of months gradually allowing the patient to wean off of laxatives. During the transition period other things such as slippery elm, or psyllium seed husks can be used to provide a gentle bulking agent.
For spasmodic colitis use a combination of vaccinum and tilia tomentosa along with considering the use of ficus carica, 50 drops three times per day.
In cases of diarrhea following antibiotic treatment use juglans regia with the vaccinum for three to four weeks. If the patient has been on antibiotics numerous times, consider the supplement Floristor *** which is unique in that it will help restore the normal ecology to the colon even during antibiotic use because it is not affected by any of the antibiotics currently used in this country.
If there is renal insufficiency, even requiring dialysis, which is often times seen in elderly patients we would use the following program. 1. fraxinus excelsior (European-ash) for it's diuretic properties and again fraxinus is particularly indicated if there is hypercholesterolemia. 2. betula pubescens. 3. juniperus communis, 50 drops of each twice per day for two months and then a one month break.
To treat benign prosthetic hypertrophy (BPH) we would give the patient sequoia gigantea which is the specific for the inflamed and senescent prostate. This gem has a general eutrophic action which also gives the patient a sense of well being. To this add ribes nigrum to increase the anti inflammatory affect and accelerate the functional improvement. The treatment protocol would be 50 drops each three times per day, in addition to saw palmetto. Many of the saw palmetto supplements available on the market today are of little value, it is advantageous to pick one that comes from a reputable source which yields the clinical results you are after. Once the condition has improved, the patient can be placed onto a maintenance type of protocol of 15 days on and 15 days off each month.
Dr. Tetau recommends combination of sequoia, quercus and betula 50 drops three times per day. There are supplements available such as Super Mira-Forte *** which can help to release the testosterone that is bound within the blood stream.
The consistent use of a couple of the gem remedies can help migraines significantly over time Those being ribes nigrum as an anti inflammatory and alnus glutinosa (European elder.) In addition to aiding in migraines (50 drops each three or four times per day), the combination is powerful for treating cerebral infarctions or hemorrhages, even those in post stroke individuals. Alnus has an anticoagulant activity and is of value for any chronic inflammatory condition regardless of its origin.
Many factors condition the appearance of muscle spasms and this typically indicates a problem with the calcium metabolism. So in addition to the tilia we would use abies pectinata. A secondary neurotrophic gem can be added for advanced conditions that have been very chronic, that being ficus carica (common fig). This has a regulating affect on the entire cortico hypothalamic core and the reticular formation. Ficus is the key element for psychosomatic illnesses, particularly if they involve the digestive organs as would be found in irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and gastritis. We would apply 50 drops of the tilia, abies and ficus two or three times per day.
Osteoporosis is a universally widespread destructive process of the bones which like osteoarthritis appears often with age. The following three gems intervene in osteoporosis to arrest the osteoclastic process while encouraging osteoblastic action. Vaccinium vitis idaea (wine berry) is useful in low estrogen symptoms and helps to drain the pelvis in males. This is a fundamental element in regulating the calcium metabolism because it assists in the greater absorption of calcium through the intestinal mucosa.
Rubus fructicosus (black berry) consolidates bone tissue and improves the action of other gems. Sequoia gigantea (Giant redwood) is a precursor of estrogen. This allows it to assist in osteoporosis as well as treat benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Therefore the treatment schedule for osteoporosis/osteoarthritis conditions is as follows: first two months 50 to 100 drops each of vaccinium vitis idaea, rubus fructicosus and sequoia gigantea. The second two months use pinus montana, ribes nigrum and vitis vinifera 50 to 100 drops three times per day. This treatment protocol demonstrates good results at a functional level providing there is long term follow up. It is effective without running iatrogenic risks, and the gems will reduce or prevent fractures and spontaneous vertebral collapse.
As noted above, the juglans regia improves pancreatic function at 50 drops three times per day. This gem can also be used for digestive malabsorption which would include flatulence, abdominal meteorism or post-prandial swelling. For stomach conditions, the typical dose would be 50 drops in water 10 minutes before meals.
Added to the juglans, ficus carica (fig tree) helps to normalize the secretions of gastric juices and can help heal a gastric ulcer as well as gastritis. If there is a strong emotional component present, then add tilia as well.
The best remedies for these two conditions are going to include ribes nigrum (50 to 100 drops three times per day), ficus carica (50 drops three times per day) and tilia tomentosa. The betula verrucosa (birch) has a remarkable anti depressant affect and can be added as well if this is a significant component.
Oftentimes high potencies of arnica (200C and higher) are ineffective in these conditions because the Vital Force has been so severely traumatized that it cannot resonate with these higher energetic remedies. Utilizing an arnica 6x to 6c two or three times per day initially seems to be more effective for stabilizing the condition, and then moving up the potency scale as they continue to improve until a high potency can be used to remove the remainder of the energetic imprint of the trauma from the system.
This would be a treatment option for the preliminary stages that would ultimately result in senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Gemmotherapy can be used in more advanced cases, it certainly would be of benefit to the patient, however it is likely that there won't be any tremendous changes taking place that can be noticed except that perhaps the rate of decline would slow allowing the patient to remain at home rather than requiring a nursing home facility. The primary gem is alnus since it improves cerebral circulation and intellectual performance as well as memory and attention span. This can be augmented by olea europea (European Olive) as a cerebral atherosclerosis remedy. To round out and make this combination specific, you would use sequoia gigantea (giant sequoia) for males as an anti senescent and eutropic. For women the third leg of this triad would be vaccinum vitis idaea (wine berry) which is high in phytoestrogens.
The treatment regimen recommended by Dr. Tetau is 50 drops of ribes nigrum for its anti inflammatory effect and 50 drops of carpinus betulus because of its marvelous affects on the mucous membranes. This gem is applicable even if there is a bacterial infection present. For children under the age of two, the dosage would probably be more appropriate at 25 drops each.
Acne products are best sellers in drug stores because of the psychological effect of the recurrent skin lesions. The primary gem for this is platanus orientalis (plane tree). To this is added ulmus to regulate the level of skin oil and ribes nigrum to deal with the irritation. If the individual is taking antibiotics, then add juglans regia before discontinuing the antibiotic.
The combination of betula verrucosa and abies pectinata (red spruce) will help to improve the teeth structure in children (20 to 50 drops per day depending on the age and the condition.) The abies pectinata is of great value because it promotes calcium absorption and calcification of the appropriate tissues such as the teeth. If the child is old enough to rinse with the mouth wash solution mentioned above, this will also help to prevent the bacterial overgrowth that ultimately leads to tooth decay.
If there is no significant cardiac pathology noted, then use the triad of crataegus oxyacantha, tilia (for its anti anxiety effect) and ficus carica for its regulation of the reticular activating system. 50 drops of each three times a day.
There is a triad of gemmotherapy remedies suitable for varicose veins which can include a feeling of heaviness and burning along the legs. 1. Sorbus domestica (Rowan tree) because it tonifies the venous system and strengthens the valves of the veins. This would also be a key element in treating restless leg syndrome. 2. Castanea vesca (sweet chestnut) for the lymphatic system since it is lymphatic stasis that is responsible for the edema and feeling of heaviness. 3. Citrus limonum (lemon tree). The treatment protocol is 50 drops of each three times per day.
Dr. Greaves, MD had a women in a wheelchair with ulcerations of the legs which appeared blue with serum running down the legs. His treatment for this potential amputee was three weeks on sorbus domestica, juniperus communis and ribes nigrum in addition to the use internally and externally of calendula mother tincture (30 drops three times per day). Her leg was improved, he followed this with ulmus campestris (English elm), olea europea and juglans regia in addition to some of the oligotherapy elements. Over the course of her care, her leg was completely healed and she was able to walk without assistance.
To deal with hypogammaglobulinemia utilize fagus silvatica (European beech). This is useful in dealing with AIDS, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr or mono. In addition to this add vitis vinifera (European grape vine) as it stimulates the white blood cell count especially the lymphocytes. Utilize 50 to 75 drops of each three times per day and recheck the blood work after eight weeks to modify the amount of each that are being utilized. This is a treatment that can be used for an extended period of time.
A large portion of our population is constantly in seek of weight management tools which of course cannot replace the necessary lifestyle changes that must be made. One of the first tools to apply is to put the individual on their diet specific for their blood type (Live Right for Your Type by Peter D'Adamo, ND) which will take the individual away from eating foods that they may be allergic or having an inappropriate metabolic response to. To this is added two different series of gem triads. For the first month utilize betula pubescens (birch) since it has a general endocrine stimulating affect, particularly on the thyroid. In dealing with the thyroid, this does not replace hormone therapy, it is aimed at rebalancing the endocrine system so that the body responds properly to the amount of food eaten. It also functions as a general drainer for the system. In addition to this is added ficus carica and tilia. Utilize 50 drops two or three times per day. In the second month utilize the triad of juniperus, rosmarinus and tilia. As they continue to lose weight, you can increase the amount of physical activity they are engaged in to speed the process.
Gemmotherapy can offer an extremely useful tool to expedite a patients recovery when utilized with classical homeopathic prescribing and nutritional support. While many patient's want to get well, they also have to be moved out of discomfort as quickly as is possible or they will resort to allopathic means to get relief. Speeding the results that you get will increase compliance and referrals because they will be very pleased with the results.
Dr. Greaves offers the following guide lines on how soon to expect results, 1. Expect approximately one month for each year of disease. 2. Depends on the state of the liver and the pancreas as well as the strength of their Vital Force. 3. For a normal person, treatments take anywhere between 4 weeks and 4 months. He also states that even if one is healthy, in the fall and in the spring use the drainage remedies juniperus, betula and rosmarinus 50 drops two times per day for three weeks. He also suggested that when traveling and eating out always take rosmarinus to help digest the meal.
All of the gemmotherapy remedies listed can be obtained from Dolisos (1-800-365-4767) and the effect will be even more amplified with the addition of oligotherapy, a topic of a future article.
As previously mentioned, gemmotherapy benefits the entire system and all the organs, it increases the tissue defenses and normalizes the local altered metabolism. Due to its selectively localized action on various emunctories of the human body and stimulation of the reticulo-endothelial system, gemmotherapy assures a profound detoxifying action of the body. Gemmotherapy proves to be efficacious and perfectly integrates the ideal therapy established by Hippocrates: "If nature is not sufficient to cure, art teaches us to provoke the nonviolent powers within the human body, which would help, without risk to get rid of whatever burdens."
FLORISTOR is available from:
SUPER MIRA-FORTE is available from the Life Extension Foundation which can be contacted at or 800-544-4440
· Author : Daniel P. Towle, D.C., DNBHE
· Publication Name : Prover, The: The Journal of the Global Homeopathic Alliance
· Publication Date : 01/2002
Material appearing in The Prover is for informational purposes only and should not be considered advisory or prescriptive. Always consult a licensed health care provider about using any such information as therapy. Copyright © The Global Homeopathic Alliance 2001
Daniel P. Towle, D.C., D.N.B.H.E., P.A.
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