Sunday, November 19, 2017

Body is Rooted in Spirit

Body is Rooted in Spirit

Psychiatry is now only a skip and a jump away from being able to put its finger on the various negative emotions that bring on specific diseases. The day is not too far distant when medical text books shall list after hate, bitterness, frustration, repression, envy, and loneliness their resultant physical debilities; and mankind will guard its emotions with the same care it now bestows on its physical well-being, pills and potions being replaced by healthy habits of thought.

Writes Edward Carpenter:
Every organ and center of the body is the seat of some great emotion, which in its proper activity and due proportion is truly divine.

Body is rooted in pure spirit, in Universal Subconscious Mind, which is perfect. Body may be cast from perfection only by concepts held in Conscious Mind, which project into the Subconscious and are returned as physical ailments. We do not cause our hearts to beat, nor do we direct the flow of blood to our various organs, nor the acids of the stomach to perform the miracle of digestion, nor the intestines and the kidneys to go about the process of eliminating waste matter. The dynamic source from which our bodies have sprung has inculcated in them these reflexive actions.

The functions of a body represent the movement and concept of intelligence, and when we get our fears and negative desires out of the way, our bodies function perfectly. But every concept we hold of lack, limitation, acquisitiveness, repression, and despair performs its restricting influence on our bodies so that the blood does not circulate freely, the digestion does not assimilate properly, elimination is poor, congestion develops, strange growths appear and represent the distortion of our thinking. Thus our self-awareness with its attendant doubts and fears and frustrations limits the condition of our health and our lives. We must let go our little egos, take unto ourselves the God-consciousness which is our true being; then body becomes perfect, for we have become one with that which is perfect itself.

Body is only a manifestation of God's knowledge of himself. It is an idea held in Universal Subconscious Mind, an evolving idea which constantly changes. All about us we see the cycle of life's expression—seed, bud, bloom, decay, the giving way to new life. Form must change as knowledge and ideation advances. Thus body is that which changes, that which manifests idea, form within the formless, a complete and perfect expression of an idea held in Universal Subconscious Mind, destined to express the idea and give way to a more perfect idea. Birth and death, infancy, youth, middle age, old age, all are absolute essentials in the progress of evolution by which God seeks to know himself, and death will not be stayed until the journey is complete, for to stop death would be to stop the progress of evolution.

Three Magic Words

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