Saturday, June 29, 2019

Trust in imagination

Trust in imagination

There are many medicines to help a person enter the dream of wholeness. Although plants are well suited to the task, it is not necessary to use them. Two things are necessary, however. First, the medicine must be non-dualistic. Second, the medicine must have the power of  dreams. A practitioner does not acquire this power by accident. Lofty, well-focused intention is required, and that intention must be married to knowledge and skill.

Eliot Cowan, Plant Spirit Medicine

I could tell you from now until the end of time that your own Wonderful Human Imagination is God, and you could hear it but never apply it. Quite often we cannot bring ourselves to apply it because it is in conflict with our training, but it does not operate itself, we are the operant power.

When we see this world as a world of appearance behind which the reality of imagining lies, we find the truth. All things exist in the human imagination, and by that I mean the individual’s imagination. In your bosom you bear your own heaven and your earth, and all that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination, of which this world of mortality is the foundation stone. It is the tree. Christianity is its fulfillment. It is the fruit, but the tree is Judaism, and all that it contains will come out, eventually, in a plan, a wonderful plan that was there in the beginning of time. That, we call Christianity.

As you are seated here, it’s all about you. Your own Wonderful Human Imagination is the God of the universe.

The whole vast world is yourself pushed out. “All that you behold, though it appears mortality is but a shadow.”

I know the truth of which I speak, for I have found him of whom the prophets spoke, Jesus of Nazareth. The world is taught to believe he was a man who lived and was crucified two thousand years ago. I am telling you he is crucified on humanity, and that one is man’s own Wonderful Human Imagination. That’s Jesus, and there is no other.

He is buried in man, the dreamer in man dreaming this dream of life, and he is capable of anything of anything in this world…

There is only one creative power in the world. The one who kills is the one who makes alive. The one who wounds is the one who heals, and there is no power other than this one power which is your own Wonderful Human Imagination. That is God. There is no other God.

He is buried in you and the day will come He will awaken. If I could turn you from this world of seeming reality to a world of imagination where you believed in the reality of your own imaginal acts, you would be on the verge of rebirth. When you sit quietly, all alone, asking help of no one, and really believe that your imaginal act is a creative fact which will externalize itself and become a reality in your world, you are on the verge.

You are told, “Unless you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.” The kingdom of God is within you and God is in His kingdom. Although He is in His kingdom and the kingdom is in you, you can’t enter it unless you turn from this world of materiality (believing it to be the cause, the realty) to live in your own wonderful human imagination.

What would the feeling be like if it were true that you are what you wanted to be? That they are what they wanted to be? That they have what they want? Don’t ask how it is going to happen, the depth of your own being has ways and means your conscious surface being knows not of, but it will happen

I can tell from the uprising of moods within me I am going to meet certain people, and I do. Churchill once said, “The moods determine the fortunes of people rather than the fortunes determine the mood.” Catch the mood of your wish fulfilled. How would you feel if it were true? In spite of all things round about you that deny it, walk as though it were true, and, in a way you do not know of, it will externalize itself within your world and you will receive it…

God is equalled with the believer in man. The believer in me is my own Wonderful Human Imagination, the dreamer in man. I go to bed at night and dream. The dreamer and the waking I are one and the same being…

Fall in love with something that really excites you and feel you are already what you want to be. If you do this, I tell you from my own experience, you will have it…

What are you feeding your imagination morning, noon and night? You read the morning newspaper and react, yet you don’t know one character there. Before you get to the end of the page, based on upon some biased reporter, you react. That’s what you fed the lord, for the lord is your own Wonder human Imagination. That’s God and there is no other God. That is the Jesus of scripture. That’s the Jehovah of the Old Testament. He is housed in you and that is why you are immortal. You could drop this garment right now, chop off your head, burn the body and turn it into dust; it would make no difference to your immortality. You cannot cease to be, because God became as you are, that you may be as He is…

Start a new diet (what you think and feel about), it may take a day, a week or it may take two weeks; but, if you persist, you will out-picture that change of diet (attitude) and your whole vast world will change.

We are the only beings to whom He gave inner speech, and it is a marvellous gift, but you can’t stop it. You are doing it morning, noon and night. You go to bed talking to yourself. We are always carrying on these little mental conversations with ourselves. But what are we saying? Are we arguing, or are we boldly affirming and asserting. “I Am…(naming what I want to be).

Remember, everyone in your world is yourself pushed out. They only reflect what you have been and maybe still are doing. Blame no one, not even yourself, just change your (mental) diet. It’s all simply words, all within you.

Assume that you are now the man, the woman you want to be. Walk in that assumption; live in it just as though it were true. Then, who knows, that diet may not take more than twenty-four hours – I am quite sure it will not take more than a few weeks, and it will project itself in your world.

You are the Lord and the Lord feasts upon words. He is the Word. What have you said to yourself in the past 24 hours? “I AM in want; I AM sick; I AM unhappy?” Change it! Completely change it and say within yourself, “I AM wealthy; I AM healthy; I AM happy!”…Reason may deny it, your senses may deny it; no matter, persist and sleep as though it were true and it will become true.

I can tell you from my own personal experience it works. But, as you are told in scripture, “I have ways and means you know not of. My ways are past finding out.”…All you do is simply go on a new (mental) diet…

If man could only realize what he is doing when he is thinking. After all, who cares, or who knows. Who knows? The only One that cares knows, and He is your own Wonderful Human Imagination. That is God. That’s the Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Jesus of the New Testament, and there is no other God. He is buried in you and He is dreaming in you, and one day you will awaken to the being you really are.

The day you move into the life of imagination, trusting your imagination and living in it as though it were true, you are not far from the threshold. But I can’t tell you the day or the hour, for no one knows but the Father, and the Father is your own Wonderful Human Imagination.

I saw it so clearly. This is the stone that the builders rejected. But what the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. “It was the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our sight.”

I rejected the fact that I was the cause of the phenomena of my life and thought everyone outside of myself caused it. Then I saw the vision. Here is a stone, a quartz, fragmented, then come together in the shape of a man seated in the lotus posture. As I looked at it I saw it was myself. Then I realized I was the cause. He is the dreamer in me. One day he is going to awake from this dream, and, when he awakes, I am He and He and are One.

Neville Goddard,
Lecture from the late sixties,
Edited by myself

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