Low Potency Prescribing
There are many different ways to administer the remedy and potencies to choose from. One way that I have found very useful is low potency prescribing. Low potencies are any potency from the mother tincture to the 30C potency. The most common low potencies are in the X and C potencies. They usually start with the 3C or X and proceed in increments of threes ie., 3C, 6C, 9C, 12C, 15C, 18C, 21C, 24C.
The X potencies are cruder and are very good to use when there is a gross pathology. The X potencies are diluted 1 part of the original substance to 9 parts alcohol and water, then succussed. Because gross pathology usually involves inflammation or infection, the remedy may need to be given more often than one time per day. When the person is quite sick, it may be necessary to give the remedy hourly. If the remedy is given and there is a noticeable response, then it is best to wait until the symptom picture changes again and shows that the vital force has stopped acting. Then it is time to repeat the remedy.
In gross pathology, the removal of the symptom can sometimes be very quick or it can take a lot longer depending on the person's vital force and the correctness of the remedy. Usually, those conditions requiring such a low potency (open lesions, infections, broken bones, etc.) require days to weeks of treatment. If the case is started with a 6X, for instance, it may only be a few days before the remedy seems to have stopped working. Before leaving the remedy for another different one, try giving the 9X potency in the same frequency. You may find that the remedy seems to be working again. In the course of a week, one might go through 2 or 3 different potencies from the ascending scale.
When there is a chronic case, the C potencies seem to work better than the X potencies. They can be used when there is a gross pathology as well but I find that if the lower X potencies do not work then the medium 30C potency is often needed to treat the acute case. The C potencies are diluted 1 to 99 ratio. They also are common in polycrest remedies and are usually available in the 6C at most health food stores.
In chronic cases or constitutional prescribing, using the C potencies seems to be more effective. Often, there will be a mental/emotional theme to the case that indicates the proper remedy. When there are obstacles to cure that prohibit the use of a higher potency in an occasional dose, then daily prescribing in low potencies is a better solution. The reason daily dosing with a low potency is best is that often the low potency will not be so strong as to aggravate the person and yet is strong enough to inspire the vital force into a response. Since we are creatures of our biology and live with a 24-hour clock based on the cycles of the sun, taking a remedy on a daily basis works well in maintaining a vital force response.
I have prescribed a daily dose of low potency and have had the person aggravate greatly. This happens very infrequently, maybe 1 case in 200 cases. When this happens, it is good to repeat the remedy in water after waiting for the aggravation to subside. For this sensitive person having them repeat the remedy in water or even sniffing will be enough to maintain the vital force response. Do not go back to a routine of the daily dose until there is no evidence of aggravation or support. When the person is not supported with the infrequent dose, then start them on the daily dose again. Usually, it will be okay to repeat this often.
The most common scenario I see with low potency prescribing is to start the case with either a 6, 9, or 12C potency one time per day. The 6C is very useful when there is a predominance of physical symptoms and the dis-ease is longer standing. Aggravations are usually rare and daily support is received. If there is a case of mostly mental/emotional/spiritual symptoms and not so much pathology, then the 9C seems to be a very good starting potency. When there is a mixed case of mental/emotional and physical symptoms and the gross pathology seems acute (with much physical suffering), then starting the case with the 12C potency is sometimes best.
After the daily dose has been prescribed, I instruct the person to call if there is anything remarkable to report. If there is nothing happening that would require a call, I will see them again at the pre-scheduled follow-up appointment in 6-8 weeks. At this time, it is necessary to evaluate the remedy and their response. If it seems that the remedy is working and they are still being supported, I will leave them at the same potency with a daily dose. If it seems that the remedy is still working but they could use some more support, then I will increase the frequency of repetition of the dose to two times per day. If a person seems to be going through potencies too quickly, it is best to extend the action of the remedy potency by having them take the remedy more frequently. I will have a person go to two times per day and then even three or four times per day before changing potencies if they are needing more support before the 6-8 week follow-up.
If the person comes to the first follow-up and is still being supported but I sense that they will need more support soon, I may have them take the remedy two times per day and order the next higher potency. When the remedy arrives, they can stop the original potency and start with the next higher potency. Most low potencies will last between 6 and 12 weeks before needing to change to a higher potency. When they do go up, I usually have them go back to one time per day.
The beauty of low potency prescribing is that it lessens aggravations and gives much more consistent support over time. When a high potency remedy given as a single dose fails, it is necessary to repeat the dose. This often requires another contact with the client and I find that it usually becomes necessary to repeat the remedy from several weeks to several days. If the person does not call with a report or does not notice that they need to go up, then much valuable healing time can be lost. Giving a daily dose seems to eliminate this kind of prescribing problem. It also gives many options for when some minor change needs to happen. You can put the remedy in water to soften an aggravation, yet still repeat daily. You can have them sniff it. Or even stop the remedy for a few days if a person needs a bit of a break.
I find that daily dosing in low potency is one of the very best ways to prescribe and keep the person inspired to heal. It is safe, gentle, and can be altered to accommodate many different situations. When the remedy is correct, I do not see provings at all. So if you are sure of your prescription, try it sometime with a client that has many obstacles to cure and is a case that would normally need much management. The management of daily dosing is minimal and the effect is fantastic.
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