Saturday, June 25, 2022

Troward’s Teachings In Condensed Form

Troward’s Teachings In Condensed Form


1. First of all Judge Troward teaches that there are higher and deeper defini-tions  of  Spirit  and  so-called  matter.  Life’s  intelligence  and  life’s  living-ness are one. Spirit’s essential quality is thought, and form is the quality of “matter.” 

2. The form we see extends in space, and its borders are of a limited nature. Thought,  on  the  other  hand,  is  not  limited  by  boundaries  and  is  every-where, or to quote Troward, “at every point of space simultaneously.” Spi-rit is thought and equally present everywhere.

 3.  As  we  increase  our  perception  and  awareness,  this  higher  development controls lesser-developed intelligence. 

4. The distinction between Universal Intelligence and individual intelligence concerns the will of the individual. The work of New Thought is to learn to know the relations of our will to the Universal Will. 

5. Developing the power of abstract reasoning, we grow to see the truth of the principle of evolution. This is now reaching the higher stage of evolution, which Troward describes as “intelligent, individual evolution.” Up to this time we have evolved unconsciously. Now we become interested and par-ticipate in evolution from this time forward. 

6. Though from the standpoint of the five physical senses there seems to be a definite  line  of  separation  between  things,  there  is  always  a  fundamental unity.  The  basic  principle  of  the  New  Thought  is  that  there  is  just  One Power. 

7. It is possible for us to use our intelligence and volition to condense Spirit into any point, anywhere, any time, and individualize or specialize it as we desire.

 8. Troward, like Hudson, taught the control of the subjective by the objective mind.  Today  we  would  express  this  modern  vocabulary  by  saying The control of the subconscious mind by the power of the conscious mind. The subjective  mind  has  remarkable  psychic  powers,  telepathy,  or  thought-reading; clairvoyance, or clear-seeing, independent of time and space. 

9.  The  subjective  mind  knows  infinitely  more  about the  conditions  under which  disease  develops,  and  can  accurately  diagnose,  and  excel  the  most intelligent and skillful doctors, and reveal the true and perfect remedy. 

10. The subjective mind is the chemist and the builder of the body. Because of  its  amenability  to  thought  patterns,  it  will  manufacture  the  desired chemistry and build the personality that we learn to impress upon it. 

11. Before this knowledge has fully developed in the mind and secured ade-quate realization, wisely selected medicine will serve a good purpose. On the  other  hand,  when  we  have  trained  our  minds  and learned  to  coordi-nate  these  spheres  of  the  One  Mind,  we  will  have  discovered  the  true fountain of everlasting life. We must think of the mind as such a fountain of perpetual livingness and health. 

12.  Judge  Troward  taught  that  the  individual  subjective  mind  (or  subcons-cious mind) is our share of the Universal Mind. 

13. As Universal Mind, this Cosmic Mind does not, in itself, work on the in-dividual  plane,  but when  we  are  working  for  some  definite  purpose,  we are using the power of the Universal Mind to do so.

14. To control conditions, we must learn to control the relative by the Abso-lute. 

15. The first step in making any attainment, or securing any good, is to con-struct a spiritual prototype, archetypal idea, or mental equivalent. This, if faithfully  practiced,  will  come  into  the  practical world  of  visible  form and use. 

16. These correspondences or prototypes must be good and constructive, for the Law will work out for the manifestation of the undesirable as well as the desirable. Each seed will bring forth “after its kind.” 

17.  The  desirable  thoughts  of  health  and  healing,  or  success  and  prosperity, can be aided by the trained power of imagination and visualization. 

18.  Judge  Troward  carefully  explained  how  the  Universal  Mind  does  not have a self-recognition of personality in itself, yet must have the quality of  personalness,  or we  could  not  be  centers  of  personal  intelligence.  He made a distinction between personality and individuality. 

19.  “The  Infinite,  Underlying,  All-producing  Mind  is  ready  immediately  to respond to all who realize their true relation to it.” Troward emphasizes the wonderful power of deep, heart-felt feeling. 

20. The whole position, summed up, is that we do not want to run the whole Universe, but draw particular results of a happy nature, spiritual, mental, physical, social. In regard to your own individual requirements, face the Universal  Subjective  Power,  and  “make  up  its  mind  for  it.”  When  its mind is thus made up, it continues to exercise its creative power, and sets to work to carry out the purpose for which you have concentrated it.

 21. Carefully distinguish between the Universal First Cause, on the one hand, and  secondary  causes  on  the  other.  The  understanding  and  use  of  this Power is the whole object of Mental Science. A condition, whether posi-tive or negative, is never primary cause, and the primary cause of any se-ries  can  never  be  negative,  for  negation  is  the  condition  which  arises from the absence of active causation. It  will  be  seen  that  all  error  or  inharmony  is  typified  by  darkness. You do not have to turn out the darkness. You simply turn on the light, for where there is light, there is no darkness. 

22.  Secondary  causes  are  mere  reflections.  Image  the  desired  idea,  in  the realm of the absolute, and you can cheerfully await the desired results. 

23.  As  Spirit  operates  independently  of  space  and  time,  the  work  cannot  be formed in the future. It must be accomplished here and now.

24. There should be no fearful, anxious thought about the conditions to be re-placed  with  the  desirable.  You  must  work, but  take no  anxious  thought. “We must not fly in the face of the Law by expecting it to do for us what it  can  only  do through us;  and  we  must  therefore  use  our  intelligence with the knowledge that it is acting as the instrument of a greater intel-ligence  .  .  . Anxiety  and  ‘toilsome  labor’  will  be  replaced  by  states  that are a permanent source of all that is good.” 

25. Intuitive power, by which we perceive Truth, is the right path to travel in. For  this,  we  have  to  be  trained  in  the  right  way.  It  is  very  important  to have  a  real  understanding  of  intuition  and  to  distinguish  real  intuition from groundless fears and distorted imagination. Before the conscious or objective  mind starts to argue or object, the mind is like the waters of a still lake. With fear, the image is blurred as when a stone is thrown into the lake. 

26. The basic principle of all New Thought, and mental and spiritual healing, is  a  change  of  belief—from  falsity  to  faith  in  Truth.  “The  wrong  belief which  externalizes  as  sickness  is  the  belief  that  some  secondary  cause, which is really only a condition, is a primary cause.” 

27. The healer tells the patient to take a receptive attitude. The healer also re-laxes,  but  for  the  purpose  of  “flowing  out”:  and  the  patient  relaxes  to permit a “flowing in.” 

28. Realize the importance of the will. While imagination is of a creative na-ture,  the  will does the  work of keeping  it  to  a  given  path or  center.  The will guides your faculty of imagination rightly. 

29.  The  power  of  concentration  is  not  a  strenuous  proceeding.  The  law  of force is not to be used. “From this standpoint we see that all is Life, and all is Good. Nature is one vast storehouse of Life and Good entirely de-voted  to  our  individual  use.  We  have  the  key  to  all her  treasures.  .  .  . Realizing  this,  we  shall  draw  from  it  streams  of  vital  energy  which  will make the very sensation of livingness a joy.” 

30.  To  get  into  a  state  of  attunement  with  the  Universal  Mind,  we  should think  of  ourselves  as  pure  Being.  We  are  spiritual  beings  in  a  spiritual universe, here and now. We are expressions of the Infinite Mind, sons of God. We must make a proper identification of ourselves. 

31. The conscious mind reasons by all methods of reasoning, but not always correctly. The subconscious reasons deductively only, and its deductions are perfect. That is, they are true to the major premise laid down by the conscious mind. 

32. The master teacher, Jesus, has given rules which, rightly interpreted and applied, solve  all  our problems,  whether  they  are  business, health,  love, marriage, or abilities. 

33.  The  old  Elizabethan  poet  says,  “The  soul  is  form  and  doth  the  body make.” The body must be included in complete integration. Only so can we have wholeness of personality. 

34.  The  evolution  of  the  individual  wholly  depends on  the  Universal  Mind working on the plane of the individual. The Supreme All-originating Spi-rit  is  essentially  creative,  in  the  Eternal  Now.  The  Life  Spirit  seeks  ex-pression  of  its  perfect  and  everlasting  livingness.  Beauty  is  eternally  in the Divine Mind. We are here to give it expression. 

35. “Principle is not bound by precedent.” The future is in no way limited by the  past  and  the  present.  The  multitudes  know  that certain  good  things are utterly impossible, but fortunately someone is always born who does not know they are impossible, so this one goes ahead and does them. 

36. There is always a new order in which things can be arranged. This is fa-miliar to us, but what is now known is that the Personal Factor can be in-troduced.  We  can  always  make  something  better.  Our  manifest  life  is  a process of becoming, and we can move on to new excellence. 

37. “We have now got at some reason why concrete material form is a neces-sity  of  the  Creative  Process.  Without  it  the  perfect  Self-recognition  of Spirit from the individual standpoint, which we shall presently find is the means by which the Creative Process is to be carried forward, would be impossible.  .  .  .  Here  we  find  the initial polarity  of  Universal  Spirit  and Universal  Substance,  each  being  the  complementary  of  the  other.  .  .  . Spirit supplies Selection and Motion. Substance supplies something from which selection can be made and to which Motion can be imparted, so it is a sine qua non for the Expression of Spirit.” 

38. “Spirit wants to enjoy the reality of its own life—not merely to vegetate. This Spirit does by Self-contemplation. . . . Thinking of itself as having the enjoyment it wishes gives it Reality.” When we contemplate the Spi-rit doing this, we have more and more joy in our lives. Think of the All-originating mind as the Great Artist creating through us. 

39. Let your mind dwell on the relationship between the Universal Manifest-ing Principle  and  its  individual  manifestation.  This is  the  essence  of  the matter.  We  may  contemplate  Spirit  and  re-orient  ourselves  in  true  crea-tive fashion. The Creative Power is the Spirit of the Affirmative. The Di-vine Ideal is that of individuality which recognizes its Source. We are to become  channels  of  its  inexhaustible  supply  of  life,  love,  wisdom,  joy, youth, and beauty. 

40. We should not be so interested in transferring ourselves to other planets. There is infinitely more life and goodness in this planet than anyone has ever  discovered.  Understanding  this,  old  age  can  be  prevented,  even cured. Life can be made perpetual. 

41.  Unless  we  get  the  good  results,  we  have  introduced  interferences  by  our thought. We have brought in the negative element of wrong thinking. 

42.  “Spirit  creates  by  Self-contemplation;  therefore,  what  it  contemplates  it-self  as  being,  that  it  becomes.  You  are  individualized  Spirit:  therefore, what  you  contemplate  as  the  Law  of  your  being  becomes  the  Law  of your being. Hence contemplate a law of death,” and you die. . . . “Con-template  a  Law  of  Life  as  inherent  in  the  very  Being  of  the  Spirit.  .  .  . [and  you  are]  building  up  a  healthier  and  happier  personality  in  mind, body, and circumstances.” Express this by Initiative and Selection. There s  an  eternal  principle,  as  active  as  ever.  It  is  available  now.  Like  God, we must express the pure Affirmative Spirit. 

43.  We  are  to  evolve  from  the  necessary  race  thought  to  individually  prac-ticed  initiative.  Race  thought  would  let  us  become ill,  grow  aged,  and die. We must saturate ourselves with the Spirit and really, truly live. 

44.  When  we  are  open  to  the  Spirit,  vivifying  thoughts,  ideas,  and  feelings will flow in. 

45.  There  will  be  eternal  progress  through  more  highly  developed  form  of expression  in  man.  People  read  and  interpret  the  Bible  imperfectly  and imagine it teaches inevitable death. This arises through careless reading. “These  are  good,  well-meaning  people  with  a  limited  idea  which  they read  into  the  Bible.  Man  possesses  a  joyous  and  immortal  Life-perm-eating spirit, soul, and body.” Life is a gay adventure and God is on our side! 

46. Regeneration can be accomplished here and now. We are to keep a free, full  circulation  between  us  and  God. Creation  is produced  by  the  action of  Divine  will  upon  Nature.  “Death  will  sometime  cease  to  be  for  the simple  reason  that  Life  alone  can  be  the  enduring  principle.”  True  wor-ship is communion with the Supreme Life of the Universe. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” We, too, must learn to say it, and mean it. 

47. The Divine Power is the “I am.” This is the Word which we read of in the Gospel of St. John which is also the Light. “And the Word was with God and  was  God.”  “The  Light  that  lighteth  every  man  that  cometh  into  the world.” The light (the Word) that was with God and was God is our di-vine light. 

48.  Knowing, then, that  the  Divine  Word  within us is  God  Himself,  we  will speak  our  words  with  divine  authority,  knowing  that  these  words  are conceived and spoken by the God in us. “Life and Death are in the power of the tongue.” 

49.  Although  the  Law  is  Immutable,  and  we  cannot  change  it,  we  can  intro-duce the personal factor. By changing our word, we can change our rela-tionship to the Law. “The Law itself never changes, but we can special-ize it by realizing the principle involved.” “The Law cannot be changed, and the Word can.” 

50. From the Law and the Word we should secure: (1) Freedom frGranted  that  these  two  conditions  be  fulfilled,  I  think  we  should  all  be well pleased to go on living ad infinitum.

51.  The  way  to  fulfill  these  two  conditions  is  to  use  the  Word  with  confi-dence,  constructiveness,  and  in  perfect  harmony.  Be  sure  it  is  the  right word  in  harmony  with  the  principle  of  Unity.  This  will  give  freedom from  anxiety.  Then  if  we  always  have  a  succession  of  new  ideals,  we will have a continual interest in life. New vision is new life. 

52. The promises of the Bible comprise all sorts of desirable things: health of body, peace of mind, earthly prosperity, prolongation of life, and finally even  the  conquest  of  death  itself;  but  always  on  one  condition:  perfect confidence  in  the  power  of  the  All-originating  Spirit  in  response  to  our reliance on the Word.” There must be true quality of faith. 

53. “We must always bear in mind that the Law is set in motion by the Word. The Word does not make the Law, but it gives it something to work on.” This is true of the negative as well as the positive, so we have the power of choice. 

54.  “Death  and  taxes”  are  typical  expressions  of  the  race  mind,  but  it  is  not true that they are inevitable, certainly not in the eternal plan of things. 

55. “How can I know that I am not speaking my own Word instead of that of the Creative Spirit? The Word of the Spirit is always based on the idea of Becoming.  The  word  of  the  smaller  personality  is  always  based  on  the idea of possessing. ... If we base our speaking of the Word on the Prom-ise of Spirit, we may be sure that we are on the right track.” 

56.  The  true  interpretation  of  the  Bible  is  within us.  The  True  Word  will make us free, the quality of that freedom being the “Liberty of the Sons and Daughters of God. 

57. “The great Truth concerning Man is that he is the image and likeness of God. Man is at first ignorant of this Truth, and this ignorance is his Fall. Man at last comes to the perfect knowledge of this Truth, and this know-ledge  is  his  Rising-again,  and  these  principles  will  expand  until  they bring us to the Life that is in us all.” 

58. Distinguish between the personal name of Jesus and the Christ. The Chr-ist is within all men. The word Man means the Measurer. Consciousness is  the  cup  which  measures  the  degree  of  love,  wisdom,  joy,  power,  life, and peace we pour out for ourselves. om worry and  anxiety,  (2)  “Something  to  look  forward  to  and feel  an  interest  in.” 


Thomas Troward the Teacher and the Man, Chapter 13 

Written by Harry Gaze 

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