Friday, December 1, 2017

The Hidden “I”

The Hidden “I”

To be conscious is to be conscious; there are not different kinds. The “I” that is in
your neighbour is the exact same “I” within you. It may appear to be different
through being attached to different sensory experience, but that is only because
it has allowed itself to be conditioned by such experience. In point of actual fact
consciousness is never the result of experience but the cause instead, and
wherever we find it, it is primarily aware of existing, of being “I.” There is only
one basic consciousness in all creation; it takes up its residence in all things,
appears to be different according to the things it enters into, but in essence is
never changed at all. It is intelligence, awareness, energy, power, creativeness,
the stuff from which all things are made. It is the alpha and omega of existence,
first cause; it is you.

“Everything in Nature contains all the powers of Nature. Everything is made of
one hidden stuff,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. He pierced the veil, perceived
behind the sense-enamoring dance of nature’s myriad forms the workings of the
one mind and one intelligence from which all life and aspiration spring. There can
be no inner peace or surety of action without this basic spiritual knowledge. The
man who lives isolated from the roots of his being has cut himself off from the
source of all power and dwells alone and without resource in a hostile and
threatening world. Let him once perceive the true nature of life and his
relationship to it and he soon sees that the world always reflects his thoughts

The Magic in your Mind
U.S. Andersen

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