Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Autumn problems and Gemmotherapy

Autumn problems and Gemmotherapy 

Flu and viral infections

Sorina Soescu MD, MPH, MFHom


Gemmotherapy is a useful therapy in the treament of various health conditions. Every

period of the year has it’s special influence over one’s health. Autumn is a transition

season in North Hemisphere, between the warm and dry summer and the cold and wet

winter (in many countries).

The difficulties of the immune system to adapt to these changes may be seen in many

small epidemics of viral infections, of respiratory troubles, from allergic rhinitis to

chronical bronchitis and in more extended flu epidemics.



The treatment is mostly the treatment of the symptoms and the support of the immune

system of the body.

Gemmotherapy could have an important role to play in the treament of flu cases. The

most common symptoms of flu are fever, general soreness of the body (painful muscles,

headache, painfull eyes etc) and catarhal symptoms.

Best combination of gemmotherapics to treat this picture is:

Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant), young shoots, D1 - the biggest anti-inflammatory,

immune-stimulating and CSR protector of all gemmoderivates. It is the main preparate

indicate in the treatment of viral infections, in all acute local and general inflammatory

syndromes. Has a regulator action over the mucouse membrane of the respiratory tract,

being indicated in rhinitis, pharingites, tonsilitis and other –itis at the level of the

respiratory tract.

Quercus pedunculata (Oak), buds, D1 is a revitalising remedy for a tired body. It helps

the immune system, it supports the cortico-suprarenal (C-SR) gland (having an anti-stress

effect) and has a general detoxification effect. It is important in all different pains in

muscles, joints and other parts of the body (anti-algic effect), together with Ribes nigrum.

Has a slight euphoric effect and anti-alergic properties.

For prevention purposes, the two preparates can be used

- Ribes nigrum, 30-35 drops in water, in the morning, daily, 1-2 months (during the

cold season or during the epidemic of flu)

- Quercus pedunculata, 30-35 drops in water, in the evening, 1-2 months.

The use of the two preparates helped many of my patients, especially children, teenagers

and old patients to stay in good condition during epidemics of viral infections or flu.

In the case of acute episode of flu, the use of the remedy could be more frequent,

according to the evolution of symptoms.


Clinical case:

November 2008, little girl, 9 years old, with astmathic antecedents, but presently in a

balanced state, acused sudden onset of acute headache, with high fever (39), pain in

muscles all over the body, aggravated when trying to lay on bed. The bed seemed too

hard and she became restless. Weakness, general state of lassitude, moderate respiratory

catarrh (congestion of eyes, sneezing, watery discharges from nose, moderate obstruction

of nose, moderate sore throat). The onset of troubles was sudden, at 10 pm and mother

had in the house only the gemmoderivates she had for the support treatment of the girl

(Ribes nigrum and Viburnum lantana). She remembered a disscution we had in the

past and started to give the little girl Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant), 30 drops in water,

every hour. She managed to give 4-5 doses and the fever droped a little so the girl was

able to sleep. Then she continued with the hourly dose, until she reached my practice next

day, in the afternoon.

The little girl had a moderate fever, the general state was a little better, respiratory catarrh

was definitely better (according to mother), I saw no objective congestion, just some

watery discharges from nose. She drank a lot of water and already started to perspire (she

couldn’t ate or drank or perspire at the onset of problems).

We decided to continue the gemmotherapy and because the muscle pains were still

present, we decided to alternate Ribes nigrum with Quercus pedunculata every hour.

The girl slept much better the second night, fever was down after 48 hours. Mother gave

the preparates every 2-3 hours, in alternation, for the next 3-4 days.

Then she gave Ribes nigrum in the morning, Quercus pedunculata at noon and Viburnum

lantana in the evening, for the next 14 days. We wanted to protect the little girl during

convalescence, and we wanted to prevent her asthmatic bronchitis to flare up.

It was a good experience, to treat an acute viral infection (probably a flu-like viral

infection) only with gemmotherapy. In many other episodes we have used gemmotherapy

together with homeopathic remedies and other supplements.

From the above case and from other cases we learned that gemmotherapy can be used in

acute cases, as well as prevention during epidemics of viral infections.


Viral respiratory episodes

In winter and spring, in our temperate climate countries, the main problems of our

patients are the viral respiratory infections. Symptoms are many and variable, according

to each person, but constant there is a nasal catarhh, in different degree (with or without

obstruction, with or without discharges), there is a throat problem (with or without cough,

with or without hoarsness, with or without discharges) and there is a general physical

weakness (with or without fever, chills or other symptoms).

We can use many gemmopreparates, in different combination, according to the symptoms

of the patient and their general health and constitution.

The gemmoteraphic pharmacy may have for us:

- Betula verrucosa (Silver birch), buds, D1 – very useful in the catarrh of the

respiratory mucouse membranes, in rhinopharyngitis and nasal catarrh, mainly

with watery or mucous discharges. It is mainly indicated in children and

teenagers. Can help with the fever and chills in many respiratory problems, due to

its cleaning general action of the body and its immune stimulation (at the liver,

spleen and kidneys level)

- Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam), buds, D1 is very useful in nasal catarrh, with

sinusal inflammation, in pharingeal and bronchical inflammation with catarrh and

discharges. One of the most important remedies in coughs, in acute bronchitis

with loose cough (with Lonicera nigra) or chronical bronchitis, with many

discharges, difficult to eliminate (with Fagus sylvatica). Very useful in spastical

cough, with spasm of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tractus (together with

Viburnum lantana).

- Lonicera nigra (Black Honeysuckle), young shoots, D1 is an important remedy

for acute bronchitis, with a lot of cough with discharges (with Carpinus betulus),

when the general state of the body is affected (fever, chills, some muscle pains).

Is an important remedy for flu, when the respiratory symptoms have already

evolved to spasms of respiratory muscles. Could be used also for the dry, spastic

cough, with Carpinus betulus and Viburnum lantana. In the same time, is a

remedy that protect and support the activity of the liver and the general immune

system of the body.

- Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant), buds, D1 is the greatest systemic anti-inflamatory

and immunity stimulant preparate. The main use of the Blackcurrant

gemmotherapic is for the treatment of inflammatory states, viral or bacterian. Its

main indication are every inflammation of the respiratory level – nasal, throat,

ear, eyes, bronchitis, laryngitis etc. For its main action on the SR glands has an

important destressing action and a general tonic and supporting action on the

body. We tend to use it almost constantly in all the strategies of treatment of acute

respiratory troublems, with a frequency according to the intensity of the

symptoms. An important mention about the remedy is the following – is the main

preparate that increases the general resistance of the body to cold. So could be

extremely useful in the cold period, as a preventive, but also in the treatment of all

troubles triggered by cold weather.

- Rosa canina (Wild dog rose), young shoots, D1 is the main remedy for local and

recurrent respiratory inflammation. Has an important anti-inflammatory and antialergic action. It is useful in flu prophylaxis and the treatment of convalescence,

but can be used in acute episodes, whenever there are bones and muscles pains.

The remedy has a marked osteoblastic activity, so it increases the resorbtion of

calcium in bones and muscles and is able to support the anti-algic action of other

preparates. Usually it is combined with Ribes nigrum and/or other


- Viburnum lantana (Mealy Guelder Rose), young shoots, D1 is an important

neuro-vegetative regulator, has an anti-spastic and anti-alergic action on the

respiratory system. It has a sedative action over the neuro-vegetative system of

the lungs and stops the bronchial spasm, normalising the respiratory functions. It

is indicated in all cases of strong, dry, spastic cough, with or without dyspnaea

(breathlessness), that could be associated or represent complications of viral

infections. For the dry, spastic cough could be associated with Lonicera nigra.

For the improvement of the general energy of the body during the episodes of viral

infection, one can use preparates such as:

Quercus pedunculata (Oak), buds, D1, considered a revitalising and general tonic for

weak bodies (after viral infections or flu).

Sequoia gigantea, young shoots, D1, with an energetic, tonic and general stimulation

action for the body. It increases the 17-cetosteroids, substances produces at the SR level,

with a slight euphoric (emotional well being) and eutrophic (improving physical function

of tissues) action.


Other respiratory troubles

In the winter season, there are many other disturbing respiratory troubles, caused by the

cold weather, cold wind or wet and cold air.

Acute sinusitis

= represents the inflammation of the mucouse membrane of the nasal sinuses (the hollow

spaces in the bones, near the nose, that helps for reverberating of sounds)

Discharges, that are watery or pus-like could fill and block the sinuses, with unpleasant

symptoms such as headaches, local pains, nasal obstruction and chronical discharges

from the nose.

The main gemmotherapic strategy, according to dr. Pol Henry, to clean the sinuses

problem is the combination:

Alnus glutinosa (Black Aldertree), buds, D1, 30-35 drops in water, in the morning

Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant), buds, D1, 30-35 drops in water, at noon and at night, for

21-30 days.

Acute laryngitis

= represents the inflammation of the larynx, manifested with hoarsness of the voice and

cough. Could come in the same time with a viral infection or could manifest alone, after

the exposure to dry, cold wind.

The main gemmotherapic strategy to treat the acute laryngitis is:

Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant), buds, D1, 30-35 drops in water, 1-2 times a day

Rosa canina (Wild dog rose), young shoots, D1, 30-35 drops in water, 1-2 times a day


Lonicera nigra (Black honeysuckle), young shoots, D1, 30-35 drops in water, 1-2 times

a day, for 10-14 days.


Convalescence of the viral respiratory problems

For the convalescence of the viral respiratory problems we have the best preparate:

- Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn), buds, D1, that is a general tonic and stimulator of the

body, especially after a difficult physical problem that affected its general energy.

It is indicated when there is a physical and emotional weakness after a stresfull situation

or disease, with or without anorexia or other apetite troubles. Is especially indicated in the

lack of apetite of children, after a viral infection or flu.

It stimulates the immune system, when this suffered a negative impact from different

environmental factors, pollution, chemicals, viruses and germs and helps to reduce the

convalescence period after flu and other severe respiratory troubles such as bronchitis or


Has other important supportive action on heart, kidneys and digestive tract (on smooth

muscles from the structure of the above organs) with an important antispastic and general

relaxing action.

It has a mental and emotional relaxing action, being useful for diminishing the fear and

anxiety associated with acute illnesses such as flu and viral episodes.

For the convalescence after flu, there is a general strategy that helps children, as well as


Rosa canina (Wild Dog Rose), young shoots, D1, 30-35 drops in water, 1-2 times a day


Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn), buds, D1, 30-35 drops in water, 1-2 times a day, for 30


The above combination improves apetite, helps the body to get rid of the last symptoms

of the viral infection or flu (discharges, cough, nasal obstruction etc) and protects the

body from other aggresive viruses or germs that exists in the same time in the colectivity


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Live the Answer Now – Free Neville Goddard Lecture – 1968

Live the Answer Now – Free Neville Goddard Lecture – 1968

LIVE THE ANSWER NOW – Free Neville Goddard Lecture
January 15, 1968

Every fact is a dream made visible, so I invite you to live as though your dream were already a fact! I am convinced that every dream (desire) I have dared to live in the now has gradually and unnoticed blossomed into fact in my life.

I also know, not only from personal experience but from eternal vision, that the spiritual states of the soul are eternal. That like a traveler, individual man passes through states but the states remain forever.

Without the help of any man or government you could lose everything you possess and become dependent upon society. All you need do is enter the state of poverty. Or again: without asking for help you could assume wealth by occupying the state. Remain faithful to it and you will discover that the state has its own way of externalizing itself. You must, however, give the desired state occupancy.

How do you occupy a state? By asking yourself how you would feel, what you would see, hear, touch, taste, and smell if your dream were real. Take time to set the stage. Being the star of your production, place yourself center stage, then allow a friend to enter and see you in your new state. Write the script – the words he would say when he sees you. Feel his touch.

Clothe yourself with the reality of the state you have just created in your imagination. You need not ask anyone’s permission or help, but moving into the new state in your imagination, simply remain there until you feel its reality. Then let the feeling go its way toward fulfillment.

A friend recently wrote, saying: “Not understanding why I read the Bible but never attend church, a friend brought a group of missionaries from the Mormon church to the house to convert me. Regretfully, I invited them in, and no matter what I said they would not listen. Rather, they expressed their own opinions and would not let me speak.

“That night – while reviewing my day – I thought of these people, and wondered how anyone could give such love, devotion, sincerity, time, energy, and money, to what I called `reverent baloney.’

“Dwelling upon that thought, I fell asleep and dreamed I was in a very strange and barren land, with craters everywhere. Hundreds of people were walking down a long roadway, leaving behind a girl, who was possessed by a screaming voice. Curious there, as I am here, I wanted to see the girl. When I saw her pity poured forth from me. I sat beside her, put my arms around her to offer sympathy, when suddenly the voice began to scream from within me. Then the girl arose, and walked away completely cured as I awoke.”

My friend was shown how discriminating one must become. The moment you contemplate something you become the very thing you behold. Entertaining a state in sympathy, my friend entered it. That night her heavenly Father taught her a great lesson. That no matter how awake one may be in this world, no one is exempt from falling into a state.

Blake understood this truth when he said: “From this I realize that neither the just nor the wicked are in a supreme state, but to be every one of them states of the sleep which the soul may fall into in its deadly dreams of good and evil, when it left paradise following the serpent.” The serpent, the wisest of God’s creations, is the personification of God’s wisdom and power. It was he who told the woman: “You will not surely die, but will become as the gods, knowing good and evil.”

Entering a world of death, you will seem to die to those who cannot follow you – but not to yourself. Instead, you are restored to an unaccountably young body. You may leave an old body with missing hair and teeth, to find yourself in a healthy, new body with your hair and teeth intact. This I know to be true, for my vision is open and I have seen those who have departed this life. I know they are not gone, but are restored to wear a new, young, and healthy body.

Now, a state may be entered either deliberately or unknowingly, but you are going to become what you contemplate. The world’s wise men believe we are heading for the end, but its climax has already occurred. While on the cross, these words were spoken: “It is finished.” This age has already ended and an entirely new and different age – into which we are all moving – has begun.

To Blake, space was a woman, while everything in it was Man, and Man was God. Blake saw the world as a play of six thousand years, with a door opening to Eden every two hundred years. We think we are moving in one direction, yet everything is taking place now, and every two hundred years an individual can enter the New Age.

Let me now tell you of a vision the lady had, who shared the dream of the screaming girl. One night as she was mentally reviewing her day, a long table appeared before her inner eye. A judge, robed in black and wearing a white wig, was sitting at one end holding a gavel. Looking directly at her, the judge raised his gavel, lowered it to the table and proclaimed: “The incurrent eyewitness.”

The word incurrent means giving passage to a current that flows inward, such as a sponge when placed in water. This lady has been conditioned by Divine Providence to receive spiritual communion. Whether she likes it or not she will be compelled to receive it, for she is already awake! She will bring back vision after vision paralleling scripture, for scripture only records finished history.

Blake described the Bible as: “The Divine written law of Horeb and Sinai,” which is the Old Testament. “And such the Holy Gospel of Mount Olivet and Calvary,” which is the New Testament.

Every conceivable part that Man could play is openly described in the Old Testament, for each individual recorded there represents a state of this age. The New Testament describes the entrance into the New Age. It reads as though it happened to one person, as a biography; but the New Testament records states which unfold in the individual.

Blake’s poem, “Little Boy Lost,” records a true revelation:

“Nought loves another as itself,
Nor venerates another so.
Nor is it possible for thought
Greater than itself to know.
And Father, how can I love you
Or any of my brothers more?”

When the priest heard this, he took the little boy by the hair, and screamed: “What a fiend is here!” Then he burned the little boy, as he had burned others before.

The little boy spoken of here is everyone in this world. I know, for it is impossible to transcend a thinking being. Therefore, it is impossible for a thinking being to know a thought greater than self.

If God – the creator of all life – wants to be known and loved by you, He must become you, for He cannot discover any other than Self. That is why it was necessary for God to become as you are – that you may be as He is; for if God did not become you, you could never know Him.

Being a thinking being, you are unable to know a thought greater than yourself; for God – the Father of all life – became individualized in order for you to discover that you are He. And because God is a Father, he must have a child. Therefore, one day God’s son, David, will call you Father and your true identity will be revealed. There is no other way to discover your Fatherhood.

I urge you to dream nobly. Although your dream may seem impossible, invite it into your consciousness by feeling it is real.

Wear this feeling as you would a suit of clothes, and persist until the feeling takes on the tones of reality. Do that, and in a way no one knows, your desire will appear as an eruption of your continuous thought.

Your desire started in motion when you wore it. Its appearance is simply a hidden continuity which came to the surface. Dwell upon a thought, and you will realize that it is not original. That the thought itself is complete and therefore every thought is Divine plagiarism!

Enter a mood and watch the thoughts that come to you while there. If you want to be known, get into the mood by feeling recognized as you move about. Then as the feeling becomes familiar you will be amazed how things will reshuffle themselves and you will get the publicity you desire. It may not be very flattering, but if you really want to be known, you will be.

“Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.” Knowing what you want, assume you have it and let no one divert you. Do your father’s will, believing in the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Try it, for this simple principle will not fail you. But remember: you are its power, as it does not operate itself. I can tell you how to move into another state, but you must move into it. No one can do it for you. You see, states are permanent and it is up to you to get out of the state you are now in if it is undesirable to you.

One day a lady in New York City came to see me regarding her stomach problems. While she was there we talked of higher things, and after the silence she returned to her home on Staten Island. Arriving there, she went into a favorite German restaurant and ate all the food she hadn’t been able to eat in years, with no ill effects. I didn’t give this lady any pills. I don’t even know what a stomach looks like! I simply got this lady to move from the state that had the bad stomach!

Leave the state containing poverty and move into the state containing wealth, and wealth will take on reality. This room has reality and substance because you are thinking from it. Think of a room, however, and it is but a shadow. Think of a state and it seems a mere possibility. But enter it by thinking from the state, and it is the only reality. Blake said: “If the spectator could only enter into the image in his Imagination; if he could make a friend and companion of his image, he would rise from the grave and meet the Lord in the heavens.”

Now, buried in a state, you are a spectator of other states. But if you will rise from your present state and bury yourself in another, you will express it. If you can be what you want to be, why not become it? Why sit in a state you dislike and argue, when you can move into another state in your imagination? But once you have moved into the state of your fulfilled desire, don’t be like Lot’s wife. Don’t look back at your former state and preserve it, for salt is a preservative.

Every character in the Bible is a state of consciousness that you, an individual, will pass through, for you are immortal. Having descended into a world of death, you pass through states; but you cannot die. Blake tells us: “The oak is cut down by the ax and the lamb is stayed by the knife, but their forms eternal remain forever.

Step out of this garment and you will instantly step into another. Ninety per cent of those who leave are totally unaware of what has happened. Observing their passage, we think they have died, but they do not die to themselves. They do not even recognize the change, any more than you do when you are asleep. The moment you become aware that you are dreaming, you wake up. But if you do not awaken it is because you have passed through the gate we call death, to continue your dream.

In your night dream you take everything for granted – until you begin to become aware that you are dreaming. If you find yourself waking, try to grab a solid object, like a post – but not an animal, no matter how tame he appears to be. Hold the object and will yourself to wake up, and you will awaken in your dream to find yourself in a world which is just as real as this one.

When this happens don’t get panicky, as you will come back. Instead, if you have any red blood in you investigate the world you find yourself in, and you will discover the people there are just as stupid, just as ambitious, and just as sound asleep as they are here. I have been shut out of this world many times, to return to find this body cataleptic for maybe twenty or twenty-five seconds before I could animate it again. If sometime I do not get back, the doctors will cut up the body to see why I died. They will come to some conclusion; but if they are honest with themselves, they will know that there was no physical reason for my death. I simply left and did not return.

But while you are here, why not live well? I think we will all agree that it is easier living when we have wealth than when we are poor. I have no desire to have lots of things, but if anything can be mine by the simple act of assumption, why not assume it? No power on earth can stop you from imagining. The morning paper records what happened, but they do not tell you the cause. Who knows who is dreaming what is happening today?

Two years ago I watched the Kentucky Derby on television. Willie Shoemaker was riding a horse which was favored to win. The night before the race, the owner of the horse had a dream in which he saw Shoemaker – leading by lengths – misjudge the finish line and ride the saddle to ease the horse too soon.

That is exactly what happened. Shoemaker, a truly great jockey, misjudged the finish line, then – realizing his mistake – he could not get enough energy again to win the race and therefore lost it. But who controlled Shoemaker’s behavior? The owner told Shoemaker the dream before the race and he listened attentively; then, in the physical event, he couldn’t do anything about it. Shoemaker took the brunt. He was condemned and received his sentence, which was a financial loss to him; but Shoemaker didn’t have the dream – the owner of the horse did!

You do not have to have a dream of the night to influence the behavior of others. You can dream during the day and influence them, as everyone is contained within you. “All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, in your Imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” (William Blake) If everyone is contained within you, you do not need their permission to be used to externalize your dream! The owner used the horse, the jockey and everyone who bet on the event, to externalize his dream. He entered the state unknowingly but couldn’t escape its effect. He lost the race in the same manner in which he had envisioned it.

You can sit quietly and enter a glorious dream. If it’s shadowy, you are not in it. Persist until you enter it, and it will become the only reality. Live in the state of your fulfilled desire now, knowing that in a way unknown and unnoticed by you it will erupt to become an objective fact.

Take the challenge of scripture: “Whatever you desire, believe you have received it and you will.” Dare to believe you have what reason and your senses deny. Persist in your assumption and it will harden into fact. Try it and see! And remember: the Father who became you is speaking to you through the medium of dream and revealing himself in vision, for this world is His play!

One day you will leave this play, knowing you are God the Father who conceived it all. Beginning as the one God, we fell as the gods. But we will return to the one God, for it takes all of us to form the Lord. “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, is one Lord.”

Take the challenge of scripture and assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled – not only for yourself, but for your family and friends. When you imagine for another, you are really giving it to yourself, as there is no other. The whole vast world is only yourself pushed out.

Now let us go into the silence.


Monday, April 17, 2023

Gemmotherapy Herbs for Cold and Flu:


Gemmotherapy Herbs for Cold and Flu:Back to Articles
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

In the Autumn of 2003, I was introduced to Gemmotherapy. Since then I have begun using these wonderful remedies in my homeopathic practice with most impressive results. As a classically trained homeopath, I am finding a complementary place in my practice for both homeopathy and gemmotherapy.

One of my first experiences with gemmotherapy was with a patient who had been suffering from severe allergies from the Chinese Elm trees that lined his street. I gave him European Hornbeam, and within 2 days, he no longer needed Claritin. He called to tell me, "This is miraculous, now I don't have to move from my neighborhood."

As the feedback from patients continued to be favorable, I decided to focus on treatment during the upcoming winter months. For instance, I gave many of my pediatric patients Briar Rose several times a week during the winter for preventive care. Many parents reported less colds and runny nose. When children did become sick, it was less severe. In my own household, my 6 year old kindergartner didn't suffer his yearly cough.

Remedies for Common Conditions

In this section, I have listed remedies that I found useful for various condions like colds, coughs, and preventive care.

Choose the one(s) that are most pertinent to you or your child's symptoms. The remedies can be used in combination with one another. They can also be taken with homeopathic remedies and other medicines. Scroll down to read a detailed description of each remedy. 

Ear, Nose, and Throat Infections
Briar Rose, Black Currant, Red Spruce

Colds and Flu
Black Currant, European Alder, Common Birch

Coughs and Bronchitis
Lithy Tree, European Hornbean

Red Spruce

Winter Prevention
Briar Rose (kids) Black Currant,  Common Birch (adults)

Materia Medica
This section gives you a description of each Gemmo.

Black Currant (Ribes nigrum)  Stress and Fatigue

Excellent remedy for strengthening the constitution. It increases resistance depleted from stress and fatigue. Especially good for adults. Use in the morning, and if needed in afternoon. Avoid before going to bed as it increases energy. Black Currant is useful in the following:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Adrenal gland stimulation (Also supportive to people on prednisone steroids)
  • Anti-inflammatory (respiratory, digestive or urinary)
  • Auto-immune diseases
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Emergency remedy (Rescue Remedy of the gemmos)
  • Vaccination (Take once daily 1 week prior to shot and 2 weeks following vaccine.

Briar Rose (Rosa canina) Winter Children's Remedy

Briar Rose, a natural remedy made from plant buds, is for runny nose and congestion in children. It strengthens a child's immune system and is useful for conditions involving ear, nose, throat and sinuses. It is particularly helpful for those winter colds. Briar Rose is is a natural form of medicine called gemmotheraphy. Briar Rose can be used in conjunction with homeopathic and standard medicine. I use this as a prevention 2-3 times a week as needed during cold and flu season. For illness, use twice a day.

  • Children's remedy
  • Ear aches and ear infections
  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Sinus infections
  • Headaches, migraines caused by allergies

Common Birch (Betula pubescens) Immune System

Common Birch targets the cleansing of the liver and other organ systems. It is known as the universal drainer and is an excellent general remedy for strengthening the immune system. As Black Currant is for the adrenals, Common Birch is for the immune system.

  • Infections of the ear, nose and throat
  • Allergies
  • Adrenal gland
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Hip joint and Osteoarthritis (stimulates local blood flow)

European Alder (Alnus glutinosa) Beginning of Colds

Useful at the early onset of colds, runny nose and sinus complaints. In addition, it is useful for cardiovascular conditions.

  • Early onset (ear, nose, throat and sinus)
  • Beginning of inflammation of digestive tract (gastritis, gallbladder, colitis), and urinary tract (cystitis)

European Hornbean(Carpinus betula) Sinus

European Hornbean is effective in treating infections, especially of the sinus. It is also useful for treatment of certain clotting conditions of the blood. European Hornbeam dramatically helped my patient who had been suffering from severe autumn allergies from the Chinese Elm trees that lined his street. He wrote, "This is miraculous, now I don't have to move."

  • Sinus infections
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Ear, nose, throat
  • Mucous membrane of lung
  • Coughs
  • Bronchitis
  • Improves blood clotting (including thrombocytopenia after splenectomy)

Lithy Tree (Viburnum lantana) Chest and Cough

This drainage remedy targets the lungs and aids in restoring pulmonary function. Note on Asthma and Breathing Problems: Asthma and other problems with breathing can be life threatening. All of my patients with asthma and lung conditions have inhalers and other standard forms of treatment available to them. In my experience, the use of homeopathy, Gemmotherapy and other forms of natural medicine can greatly improve a person's breathing. As a result, patients are less likely to be dependent on prescription medicine See your healthcare provider for the treatment of chronic conditions such as asthma. . Lithy Tree is helpful for the following:

  • Cough (including spasmodic fits of coughing)
  • Bronchial spasms
  • Bronchitis
  • Lung problems

Red Spruce (Abies pectinata) Sore Throat and Tonsils

Targets the tonsils, throat and nose. It has positive affects on calcium absorption in bones, and is an important for growth problems.

  • Tonsilitis
  • Sore throat
  • Deficient growth conditions in children (which includes frequent infections of the ear, nose and throat, poor appetite, and fatigue)

For more information on gemmos see Natural Baby and Childcare by Lauren Feder, M.D.


Friday, April 14, 2023

2 of Disks Thoth – Crowley Tarot | Thoth Tarot Deck

2 of Disks Thoth – Crowley Tarot | Thoth Tarot Deck

0 25,266
The Light
Flexibility is the positive side of change.
The Shadow
Polarity (at a higher level, all opposites are just illusions or different natural products of the same energy stream).
thoth 2 of disks

Change – The power of opposites

Menu of Contents

I. Analyze and describe 2 of Disks Thoth Tarot

The picture shows a giant snake carrying the image of a penis forming an eight-figure, swallowing its tail itself and creating an infinite sign. This animal exhibits constant change between the two different regions but still maintains the connection. This snake is a sacred entity that connects life and death, Gods and demons, animality and spirituality, and express development, intellectual-emotional change, death, and rebirth.

This card represents the original polarization, the basic pattern of archetypal forces: yin and yang (feminine and masculine). As the power of expansion and contraction, the principles that are often opposed to each other form a unified whole, they are described here as two wheels turning in opposite directions. They show the truth that underlies all beings, that life is constantly changing according to its stable rules and continuous change.

II. Interpretation of 2 of Disks Thoth Tarot

1. Energy

The number eight has a snake-shaped describes the continuous change of opposites and is, therefore, a condition of fluctuations and continuous changes. The intact elemental strength of Ace of Disks Thoth card has now been polarized in this card; 2 disks mean a turning point, change, distortion, volatility, revolution, transformation, and diversity. Ace expresses material through the “condensed form of emotions” present through the symbol of gold; this sense of pattern is separated in this card, so that change and distortion occur, even the Taoist symbol (yin/yang) also indicates that the opposites are only signs that are expressed out (Jupiter) of an individual, in an immutable archetype of itself (Saturn).

2. Inner

This card means a deep understanding of folk maxim, that everything has two sides. It almost refers to freeing yourself from all things that have only one face and exploring other necessary aspects for the game of power. It is like opening the horizon, realizing that day and night are two extremes (necessary) of a unified body, leading to a comprehensive experience.

3. Career

The card represents changes that occur on their own. If a person does not rely on what appears to be “authenticated”, or at least familiar, he or she will feel that this period is rich and at least when looking back, will that person understands the benefits which it has brought to him/her. High mobility and a good side of selflessness are the best prerequisites to experience these stages in pleasure and comfort.

4. Sentiment

This “change” card in nature refers to a change of relationship as well as the variability in a relationship. The second may come from experience (a new breeze) so that two partners can actually exchange the roles they are carrying. Those who have high standards of emotional security can feel like going through these stages as a threat. But anyone who is open to new motivation will appreciate those times.

III. Similar correlations of 2 of Disks Thoth Tarot

  • Astrology – Jupiter in the Capricorn.
  • Tree of life – Chokmah (energy) through the Earth: the transformations that are polarized.
  • I Ching – 38th hexagram (KuĂ­) – “Separate (Hate each other)”.
  • Similar objects – The Uroboros snake, the snake swallowed its tail and itself forms a symbol of eternity.
  • Image – Heaven and hell, day and night (yin and yang).
  • Keywords – New goals, new directions, continuous cycles, things that change.

IV. 2 of Disks Thoth Tarot symbolism

Top Disk = rotates to the left.

Bottom Disk = rotates to the right.

Not all change is easy, so we have to trust that what lies ahead is for our greater good.

4 elements = these are in the eyes of each disk.

Fire and Water = (active and passive) are in the upper disk.

Air and Earth = (active and passive) are in the lower disk.

Serpent = coils around the yin yang symbols and represents the constant infinite motion that characterizes life. It is also a symbol for the wisdom of Chockmah = the wisdom of the universe.

The sign ∞ = change is never-ending.

Crown = 7 points relating to the 7th sephiroth ruled by Venus = love.

Octagonal spots on snake = 8 relating to 8th sephiroth ruled by Mercury representing will (the Magician Thoth card).

V. 2 of Disks Thoth card in the upright and reverse

1. Upright 2 of Disks Thoth card

We must learn to follow the flow of life and believe in this process of change in order to find harmony and balance.

The constant change in fortunes makes projects difficult to get off the ground.

Nothing financially or materially impossible to change at the moment.

This card takes you down to earth and reminds you not only to focus only on your spiritual life goals but also to ensure your daily tasks are in order.

This is a card that manages well your practical and financial issues. It sounds tedious to focus your attention on these more mundane issues, but this card reminds you that sometimes getting ahead of the everyday job is just as important as pursuing your more interesting life goals.

2. Reversed 2 of Disks Thoth

Not following the flow in your life and leading to a lack of harmony and balance; trying to manipulate many events excessively.

Reckless spending.

Finances and practical matters are not in balance.

Changes at this moment in time not seemingly for the better.

