Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Healing Prayer by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Healing Prayer by Dr. Joseph Murphy

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...

My body and all it's organs were created by the Infinite Intelligence in my subconscious mind.

It knows how to heal me.  It's wisdom fashioned all my organs, tissues, muscles, and bones.

This Infinite Healing Presence within me is now transforming every atom of my being making me whole and perfect.

I give thanks for the healing I know is taking place at this time. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me...


Saturday, March 26, 2022

10. THE TEMPLE COMPLETED...Wheels of Truth

10. THE TEMPLE COMPLETED...Wheels of Truth


The Scripture says, Hiram of Tyre was a widow’s son. This means one who is anointed with the wisdom of God, one who has the “know how” or understanding to apply universal principles. “Hiram Abiff,” means “Our Father Hiram.” Hiram really means I AM or our consciousness which is the Father of all. Everything in our world is an out picturing of a state of consciousness within ourselves. When we change our consciousness the outer picture must change too. It takes seven years to complete the temple; this means you must die daily to present precepts and keep on forever expanding your consciousness. Every thought of negation must die within you and you must live only in the Christ truth or wisdom of God. The power to succeed is latent within every one.

There is a rest after every creative process (this is referred to as the seven years) and as we continue creating and generating greater values in life, we go from glory to glory.

“And there was neither hammer nor ax, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was in building.” (I Kings 6:7) We create only in the silence. We must learn the effortless way of life which is to “Be still and know that I Am God.” If we accept all our desires in consciousness by actually feeling the reality of the wish fulfilled, the objective manifestation of each desire will appear on the screen of space without our devising ways and means. Universal principles always set in motion methods of attainment. As we continue conditioning ourselves by daily rejecting all false race beliefs, such as the necessity to work for a living, the time will ultimately come when the man of tomorrow will only think and the thought will be precipitated before the eyes. This will include food, home, real castles in the air, money and everything tangible or concrete.

This world should be the playground for man, as well as a school of learning wherein he paints the glories of God in statues, in stone, on canvas, in flesh, in speech, in writing, in music. His first real work here is to meditate on the mysteries of life. These are the everlasting values. To the degree that we understand life, to that degree can the universe be the playground in which we truly enjoy life. We are meant to be happy. All wish for perfect peace and happiness. “We cannot hope for more, nor need we pray for less.” Our happiness depends on ourselves and not on others.

We must learn to condition the weather at will and have any season of the year at any time. All these things must be done “without sound of hammer or voice of workmen.” King Solomon’s temple means that each man is the King in his own right; Solomon is consciousness or Father, Son and Holy Ghost; consciousness, idea and the feeling of being it. Therefore each man is King or master of his ideas, feelings and actions and he can build the house not made with hands only in the Silence, forever tuning in with the Infinite.

Three men supervise the building of this temple; they are Solomon, (God or consciousness), Hiram of Tyre (conscious mind, Godlike ideas, and concepts) and Hiram Abiff (subconscious mind). There is no mystery about this; the simplest way of stating it is The Father or unconditioned consciousness generates the seed or idea, the feeling nature of man or the receptive attitude of mind receives the idea through feeling. What is impressed must be expressed. The thousands of workmen employed in the building are ideas, moods, beliefs and opinions about people and things. The masters over the workmen are the predominant moods in which we dwell. Moods are creative, consequently, we must watch our moods wisely for they may become enemies within our household. Every man is the reflection of the mood he entertains.

The whole motion of the Cosmos is toward truth. It is the Creator moving through space, dramatizing himself for the joy of self-expression. Every man is that Being, but he doesn’t believe it. The holy place of man is his conscious mind where he contemplates ideas and the most Holy of Holies is his subconscious or subjective mind, the womb of God, Isis, the Goddess of ten thousand appellations, Eve, the Mother of all living, that which is all things to all men called “the harlot” in the mysteries. It is through our feeling nature that we consecrate ourselves to God.

Man must walk the earth in silence contemplating eternal verities; then he walks on the water; he is by the shores of Reality, and all who come in its presence will say audibly or silently “There goes a holy man.” At that moment all who see him will think of God and be blessed, because they felt the presence of God,—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The cedars of Lebanon are used in the construction of the temple of the living God; these represent wisdom and understanding and wealth. The cedars are the cross of Christ, the perpendicular beam is “I AM” or consciousness. Our fixed psychological belief is the horizontal or that which crossed it. There is no other cross, there never was and there never will be. Man is the cross and there is only man. The cross is God conceiving himself to be man. Let us for our own good now die on the cross and let the sword pierce our side and we will be resurrected as new beings; we will become illuminated and transformed from the Jesus state to the Christos plane of God being, Blood and water came out of his side. Blood and water do not fall from a dead man. This is a great truth and must be interpreted mystically and in no other way. Blood and water flow at birth; therefore it symbolizes the birth of the Christ consciousness. As this awareness expands we say “Blessed be the Name of the Lord.” “Blessed be His Angels.” The angels and the saints are the divine ideas that we are radiating; it is the subtle aura of love toward all men, the extension of ourselves as operating centers of consciousness. We realize all men are saints or holy because they are the channels through which the Holy One of Israel walks and talks. We also say aloud “Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin of Mothers.” We now have purified Mary or the subjective by true prayer, and dispelled all false beliefs and superstitions. Now we bring forth the blessed One, the beloved Son of God, the Christ consciousness. Our world is heaven and we abide in it.

In conclusion let us contemplate this profound truth “Beloved, now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (I JOHN 3:2)


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Thursday, March 24, 2022




“And King Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. He was a widow’s son of the tribe of Naphtali and his father was a man of Tyre and a worker in brass; he was filled with wisdom and understanding to work all works in brass. And he came to King Solomon and wrought all his works.” (I KINGS 7:13, 14)


In the center of man is forever burning the eternal flame of God. This center is the Holy of Holies in which abides the Absolute.

The buildings adjacent to King Solomon’s temple are your environment, family life, companionship, friends; in fact, every department of your life, business and social. There must be no taint in any of them. Purity of purpose, integrity of action, self-mastery of thought and emotion, generic virtue, all these are the fundamental basis for the erection of the Temple not made with hands. This is man’s participation and liberation. Thus can he seek entrance into the Holy of Holies. This is accomplished by following the advice of the prophets of old: “Whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.” In other words, we must practice the Presence of God everywhere and at all times.

Practicing the Presence of God symbolizes the vast treasures of gold and precious stones necessary in the construction of Solomon’s temple, WHICH IS “YOURSELF.

The Truth of Being is that the whole wide world and all things contained therein are the self expression of God. Man, not understanding this greatest of truths, forms false beliefs about the Truth. He sees limitations of all kinds around him; he feels himself to be separate from God and dependent on his own efforts. Let us realize that God is doing all things through us. If another person seems to behave badly—to the capacity of your thinking and feeling that God is working through him, will his conduct change. However, why should we dwell upon and magnify the seeming faults of others? Everyone has God-like qualities if we would only look for them. “Seek and ye shall find.” If you look for what is good, you will find it. For your own peace and happiness (if for no higher purpose) an effort should be made to seek out the good qualities in others. It is told that when Thales was asked what was the most difficult thing to do and what was the easiest, he answered: “The hardest thing to do is to learn to know oneself; the easiest, to find fault with the doings of other people.”

If you are, at any time, endowed with God’s ‘Grace’ to heal, realize that “God is healing this person through me.” This is building the temple of God—for you, the reader, are the temple of the Living God. “And he set up the pillars in the porch of the Temple; and he set up the right pillar and called the name thereof Jachin and he set up the left pillar and called the name thereof Boaz.” Jachin is Infinite Personality or the Presence of God in each of us. He is personal to each of us. The other pillar is the law of cause and effect “as you sow, so shall you reap,” which is impersonal; it may also be called Love. These two form the entrance to King Solomon’s temple in which is the Secret Place of the Most High within each of us. God abides in the silence; Truth is transmitted in the silence; the Truth is lived in the silence. Hiram, who builds the temple, is man who is now aware of the fact that his consciousness is God.

“It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east; and the sea was set above them, and all their hinder parts were inward. (I Kings 7:25)

Oxen are emasculated bulls which simply means that before we can finish the temple and awaken from the illusion of suffering, evil and chaos to the reality of love, compassion and wisdom, we must discipline our faculties. Otherwise, like the bull we will run wild and our senses will become our master instead of our servant. Some men live to eat, drink and satisfy the passions and appetites. Such a man is referred to in the Bible as the snake that crawls on its belly eating earth. Therefore seek permanent values wherein is found the only Reality of a Divine Plan.

The three oxen looking toward the north are Andrew, Peter, and James which symbolize perception, hearing and right judgment. The three looking toward the west are John, Philip and Bartholomew, symbolizing love, emotion and the disciplined imagination of man; the three looking toward the south are Thomas, Matthew and James which denote turning your attention from the negative conditions and accepting desires and ability to pierce the veil. The three looking toward the east are Thaddeus, Simon of Canaan and Judas, who portray man in prayer, whereby he turns within and sings the Song of Triumph with the praise of God forever on his lips; he abides in a mystic feast of joy, peace and happiness and then he rests. The rest is “Judas” or complete detachment from all that would deny his good, the good for himself or another.

When we finally have disciplined Judas or the quality of dying daily to all false beliefs, there will no longer be a necessity for disciplining the other faculties, as Judas is the greatest of all disciples when disciplined. It means that we “die” to everything but the power of God and we simply live in the presence of God all the time. This is calling Judas to discipleship. Then do we reveal Jesus, our Savior. Therefore Judas must betray or “reveal” Jesus, who is our own consciousness— our “Savior.” “He that dips with me in the dish, he it is that will betray me.” He now touches reality in the depths of himself by appropriating a new state of consciousness and dies to all former concepts of himself. He has dipped with Christ in the loving state of consciousness or the universal dish called the subjective, or God in smiling repose. Jesus feeds Judas, Judas appropriates the sop. Before this Judas was always considered “poor,” now Jesus has fed him with the knowledge of the Savior and the Judas state has been changed to Jesus, our ideal state.

“And all their hinder parts were inward.” (I Kings 7:25) This means that in prayer we withdraw our faculties from the world of sense and turn inward toward the Real, the One, the Beautiful, and the Good. In other words we deny that which we see in the world of sound and go back to the Silence; God abides in the Silence. The Masonic legend states that Hiram was murdered by three ruffians before the temple was completed and dedicated. The three ruffians are our ignorance of the Truth, our race beliefs, superstitions, and fears. These three ruffians are in all of us and constantly slay the Christ principle. The Truth student and mystic of course realize that this means we go through three degrees or steps every time we die to an old belief. These three degrees are recognition that Hiram is the seat of causation; second, the new ideal or purified desire; third, the feeling or conviction of now being the person you desire to be.

This is the only crucifixion (change of consciousness) there is. The story of the crucifixion is a mystical drama and seen through the eyes of the mystic is one of the most beautiful stories ever told. Good Friday should be every day for the student of Truth. Good Friday is now dedicated by the Christian churches to sorrow and sadness. When man understands its true meaning it should be and will be a day of joy, celebration and happiness. The reason is perfectly obvious, we rejoice in the good.

We now have told the truth. The Jews did not slay Jesus, the Savior. How could they? He is always with us. He is our Savior and salvation. He abides in the heart of every man. Our Savior is slain only by man when he does not in consciousness recognize and sustain faith in the realization of his desires. This Savior is our own consciousness,— ”It was never born and will never die.” As we change our consciousness we die to our old state and are reborn in the new state. The Christ principle in man never dies. “Water wets it not, fire burns it not, wind blows it not away.” Therefore, “Why grievest thou for it?”

Jesus has many meanings; it means to save, it also means desire, i. e. your desires when accepted by you save you. Jesus also means your consciousness, the Liberator, the Emancipator, liberated-self. In order for you to realize your desire it must die or be stilled. You still it this way, by now entering into the mood of acceptance of your desire. Contemplate the joy that would be yours if you had your ideal now and feel it until it becomes a conviction. There must be no break in your sustained faith. Then follows the rest or Sabbath of the Lord.

You now have the inner knowing that tells all those who pray aright that “It is finished.” Man does not seek that which he has, your former state is slain and a new Jesus (saving state of consciousness) is resurrected; “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” This is the true meaning of the Resurrection scripture story. It is high time that Christians painted the true picture of Jesus to the world. If we do that, all will want to emulate the glorious picture of the true Jesus, who depicted the Christ (awakened man) or anointed state of consciousness. Man will become as Jesus, the Christ, the kindliest man that ever walked the earth, the noble dignified man who loves humanity, who has compassion on the multitude and feeds them, the ideal man who walks on the waters, who, translates his body at will, who says “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The praise of God will be forever on his lips, Jesus always said “I thank thee, Father, that thou hearest me.” He it is who wore the seamless robe of consciousness, who ate only the best, the man who could read the thoughts of others and forgive and heal them. The man who never condemned anyone, but said “Forgive till seventy times seven.” The man who said to the thief “this day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” The man who knew nothing about laws of gravitation and motion, but could be where he wanted to be at will. The man who could go through the eye of a needle and revibrate himself again, the man who could go through barred walls, doors and windows, the man who awakened from the dream of being man and ascended in the clouds to the glory which was his before the world was,—the “I AM” state.

Therefore the ultimate mystical meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus is simply the psychological transformation and transmutation of consciousness whereby man awakens to his Godhood here and now and no longer asks for light but realizes “I Am the Light of the World.” He then becomes the radiance of the Light Limitless and his eyes are now God’s eyes, his forgiveness is now the forgiveness of the Absolute, the only One, the absolute Love of all mankind,—“The God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” When in books, in pulpits, and in classrooms we dramatize the Bible, the true story of Jesus the Christ, we will begin to change the consciousness of the nation and the world. We consciously become God’s radiation, dissolving the barrier between man and man. We must now paint the true picture of Jesus, the Christ and not the hideous picture painted for two thousand years of a man of sorrows, bleeding on the cross with a crown of thorns. It is small wonder that no boy wants to be Jesus the Christ, the victim. No, he would rather be a soldier or an aviator or a maker of an atomic bomb so that he may drop bombs of destruction on his seeming “enemy.” Science without Christ consciousness (wisdom of God) means the destruction of mankind! If we paint the true picture, every boy will want to be Jesus, the Victor. He will want to emulate the perfect ideal.

Now we have carved a model of perfection, which is good and beautiful. The basic pattern of the world is beauty and the particulars are suspended from the Universal like roses hanging from a vine. It behooves all of us to let Hiram build the temple; this represents a state of spiritual, intellectual and worldly emancipation. We must cease sacrificing the beautiful for what we consider the riches of the world. Let us begin now to change the superstition and discord into an ingot of spiritual gold. Meditating on these great truths, we will surely build Solomon’s temple here and now, which is your mind, your body and affairs.

We have been searching for “the lost word,” not knowing, not realizing that when discovered it would be in our own manger, surrounded by the animals and marked by a blazing star or burning bush. This blazing star is the sun or our own spiritual consciousness called I AM. I AM is the lost word; now having found


Wheels of Truth, dr. Joseph Murphy

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

8. SLEEP—THE SABBATH...Wheels of Truth

8. SLEEP—THE SABBATH...Wheels of Truth


“When thou goest, it shall lead thee, when thou sleepest, it shall

keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.”



In sleep we are united with our Father every night; we become one with the Ancient of days. Prior to falling asleep, students of the mysteries must learn to behold the scintillating white light that shines forever on the great white throne, which is the Secret Place of the Most High, or the Holy of Holies within man. We can imagine that we see this white light and this will completely still the mind. Nothing can appear on this white screen without our permission.

Now we are first in the pool. No man can get into this pool of silence but our “I AM” which is first person and present tense. “But while I am cometh another steppeth down before me.” (John 5:7) That which steps down before you are the idle thoughts such as fear, doubt, despair, self-pity and similar moods. If you banish these evil spirits or moods, Jesus, your own I-AM-NESS will speak softly and say “Rise, take up thy bed and walk.” Then the healing comes. Meditating on the eternal verities and the inner glory and beauties of the Deity, man feels a movement within him, this is the Divine Light and it is visible as a golden yellow light. Words cannot always define and formulate the things behind the veil; there are of course many mystical experiences which we cannot express with words, the ecstasy of heavenly bliss, of love and happiness. Meditation is that inner communion which works like a thief in the night, silently in man’s own soul. This mood cannot be expressed in words or language as it is beyond all formulation into word symbolism. To enter into the Silence, is intercommunion with the Self or Christ within. This is the nearest approach to the invisible.

To receive inspiration in Bible passages, the following procedure will be found very helpful. Begin to imagine and dwell on the fact that in the deep of yourself sits the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the Prince of Peace whose dress is white, so also is the appearance of the light of his face. Imagine this Being sitting upon a throne of scintillating light that He may give Light to you. Realize now that your intellect is being anointed by the Christ or Truth. You will find your spine tingles and your forehead becomes moist—this is the “dew from heaven.” “My head is filled with dew,” “Elohim shall give thee of the dew of heaven.”

Many good people think that sleep is intended for rest of the body, an inertia of mind and body. It is believed that a restorative process sets in resulting in a feeling of well-being due to the fact that there is a restoration of physical energy. The reason we go to sleep is to develop spiritually and for no other purpose: therefore it is of paramount importance that we avoid all discordant states prior to sleep. The Divinity that shapes our ends is all wise and has so arranged it that man is compelled to withdraw from the world of noise which is not conducive to spiritual unfoldment. Man is divinely guided in sleep, answers to many problems are given him in the sleep state. Formulas, inventive devices, poems, contents for many volumes, are also given in this dream state. The contents of many chapters in chemical textbooks, and in the engineering laboratories of the world, appeared in a dream, an answer to a request of the dreamer. Sleep, therefore, does not mean rest for the physical body in the sense of inactivity, mental or otherwise; on the contrary, sleep protects one from the confusion, chaos and distractions of the objective sense world. Paul said “I die daily.” Sleep is akin to death, the only difference being that in the so-called sleep of death we sleep a little longer. There is no absence in the One Presence; therefore we cannot go outside ourselves, and all experiences take place in our own consciousness.

Suppose, for example, you want to invent or discover something and you have no precedent to go by, no textbook reference. You may have a vague idea of what you want to invent or discover and that is all. The technique is simple. Learn all you can about it objectively, and then in a passive state dwell on a mental picture of that which you wish to invent; then turn your mental picture over to your subconscious mind and go to sleep. When you awaken be sure and follow the “hunches” you receive. It sometimes comes as an inner feeling that the solution lies in a certain direction or in a certain group of facts. You will find that many times the entire formula or solution may appear in a dream. In such cases it is wise to have a pencil near you as you sleep, so that when you awaken you may jot down the impressions that come to you in your dream. Some say “I never dream.” We all dream and if you don’t remember your dreams simply suggest to your subconscious before you drop off to sleep one word, “Remember.” It knows what you want to remember and will faithfully follow your instructions.

As we all know, the subconscious never sleeps. If you are a writer, teacher, doctor, housewife, or stenographer, you can utilize this great truth to your advantage night after night. Give your subconscious the right mental picture to go to work on each night knowing that it will reproduce your request in exact accordance with your desire.

The book of Genesis says that God rested the seventh day. Some good people reading the Bible literally, seem to think that God was fatigued or needed rest after six days work. Such a conception of course is unthinkable and absurd. “And God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because that in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.” This quotation has nothing whatever to do with physical repose or rest. The Sabbath may be any hour or moment of the day or night. It means the supreme satisfaction that follows prayer, an inner knowing that what you prayed for is an established fact in your own consciousness and as “within so without.” Therefore in calmness and in peace you await the external evidence of the inner experience.

We have two ears, two nostrils, two eyes, and seventh a mouth. Through this, as Plato says, “mortal things have their entrance, immortal their exit.” All the food we eat is consumed to tissue, bone, muscle; finally the body disintegrates and returns to the elements. But in the silence, communing with God, when the seven faculties are stilled, the still small voice of the undying God speaks through the lips. This may be the voice of intuition, the voice having healing in its vibration, or it may be the fourth dimensional feeling of “It is finished.” This is the rest or Sabbath of the Lord


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Tuesday, March 22, 2022




“And he confessed and denied not, but confessed, I am not the Christ.”  (JOHN 1:20)

“I baptize with water; but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoes’ latchet I am not worthy to unloose.”  (JOHN 1:26,27)


Jonah or John is not the Christ, but gives birth to the Christ. Every man after calling the twelve disciples to discipleship, becomes Jesus the Christ or the God-man here and now, or Jesus with his twelve disciplined faculties, signifying thirteen or the sacred number of God. 

Christ as unmodified consciousness is in all men and when all false beliefs are distilled from man the pure essence or Christ comes forth. This distillation or purification comes after the complete disciplining of each of our twelve faculties. We must be incapable of seeing anything but the good; we must perceive divine perfection everywhere and in every man. We must give “beauty for ashes” and “oil of joy for mourning.”

Truth is an inward perception, therefore by constantly turning our eyes inwardly toward the Real and feeling the Song of Triumph within, we call the first disciple, Andrew to discipleship. We call ‘hearing’ or Peter to discipleship by hearing only the good tidings, the gospel or good-spell. This is an inner hearing, the disciplined hearing of the mystic who hears only the voice of God or good, and cannot hear other than the Truth about any person. By constant application, by daily meditation and prayer, we call forth the Christ or true Self of man and reveal man as God.

“He confessed and denied not”—denial which is to appropriate the feeling of being what we long to be. No negative statements are used. The baptism of John symbolizes this process. “And they asked him, what then? Art thou Elias? And he saith I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.” That prophet is Jesus or our conviction or feeling of being free; if we thrill to this feeling it is essentially a prophecy. “Elias” means the same as Elijah, “God is my Father.” We must discover the law of consciousness before we can come out of a state of limitation, Elijah must come. Jonah or John goes a step higher than Elijah which simply means that a man discovering his own consciousness to be God, acts on that assumption and begins to change his world. Many are in the Elijah state, they intelligently affirm that God is within, but do nothing about it.

“He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.” This is the innate principle in all men forever seeking light and expression. It is God seeking to come forth in giving-ness and living-ness. The eternal urge in man is to give life, love and beauty to the world. The moment he ceases to do this, he dies; he crumbles up in disease and mental decay. It is our instinctive desire to give beauty, order, and symmetry to the world. God is the circle and He is the center everywhere with no circumference. We form a perfect circle when we send forth thoughts of life, love and beauty to all around us; then beauty and love come back to us multiplied a hundred fold.

The libidos impulse flowing through us all is not just a biological sex impulse, but is the complete comprehension of God which is giving-ness or pure desire. God is pure desire. The “wilderness” is our state of frustration due to our unwillingness to share our gifts with the world. We must give, give and give; all can give a gift of love in consciousness which is the greatest of all gifts. “I” “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” If now in the silence you raise your consciousness or ascend into the hill of God and see people, conditions and things as they ought to be and feel the joy of the answered prayer, you have given “better than you knew” to the world and to your fellow man. Material giving always follows, never precedes the gift in consciousness.

“Make straight the way of the Lord” simply means the state that is to come in desire. We clear the way for it by removing all obstacles such as doubt, fear and idle thoughts.

“I baptize with water.” Water will assume the shape of any vessel into which it is poured. Water, therefore, means unconditioned consciousness which is all things to all men. When we use the I AM, we condition consciousness by believing. Think emotionalized thoughts “I am sick, I am old, I am tired,” and these emotionalized ideas become fixed states, i. e. are poured into a vessel and assume its shape. Water is a cleansing agent; we cleanse or purge consciousness from sin, from a mistake or limitation by assuming a new mood or cultivating a new idea in our mind, and thrilling to it, it finally becomes a conviction within us.

The reader, therefore will see that when the book of John, which is pure mysticism says, “I am not the Christ,” it means John, the conscious mind, is not the Christ, whose shoes’ latchet I am not worthy to unloose. The conscious mind is not creative. The subjective mind is all wisdom, all power, all intelligence and omnipresent. We must therefore still the conscious mind and dwell in the secret place of the most High in pure-consciousness. When all our sense perceptions such as seeing, hearing, feeling, etc. are turned inward to the Real and we feel and sing the Song of Triumph, we are in prayer or in tune with the Infinite. If we have a problem it is the effect of a cause we ourselves have set in motion. We must surely know that God has no problem. God is peace, love and infinite intelligence. All we have to do when confused is to leave the world of noise, together with the problem, and listen to the voice of the Holy One of Israel—God. In this stillness the mind is lifted to a higher level of consciousness where all earthly quantities cease. It is then that liberation is achieved. Intuition, which is the all-knowing, of God flows through the problem and there is no problem. We must realize that God is not confused. He does not know the problem, He knows only the answer. We therefore rise to the point of recognition of the correct answer. As an analogy—mathematics, of or by itself, does not know problem or error, it knows only the answer. Mathematics cannot possibly know error.

We are living in a Cosmos not a chaos. Everything in the Cosmos is orderly—man creates disorder. Therefore, as we meditate or pray we must forever keep our eyes steadfastly on God, or our good, knowing that God is the answer and not the problem. In the great drama of life, God is the only actor. He is not only the Actor—He also is the Scribe and the Script. Man is God’s radiation, an extension of the Limitless One, playing for a little while the billions of parts we call personal lives. When the particular role is ended, the garment no longer needed, disintegrates, and the Spirit which gave it life returns to its Source. For are we not told “Nothing is lost in all My Holy Mount?” When man dies his Spirit lives on in all men; it never dies; it carries on until the end of the Cosmic day, until all are reabsorbed into the One. The perfect man is not born yet, but when one man sees Him face to face, no one can imagine what a cataclysm will take place. Instantaneously all men will awaken from the dream of being man, because there is only one man and all men in the world are merely extensions in space of that one man. However, all men being within each of us it follows that when one fully awakens, all awaken. “That they all may be one; as thou Father art in me and I in Thee, that they also may be one with us; And the glory which Thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one even as we are one.” (John 17:21, 22)

“I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect in One.” (John 17:23) Esoterically this means that when we identify ourselves with the light, we become the light and flow again with the Light Limitless. “No man can see the face of the Father and live” simply means that when the perfect man awakens he becomes one with the Father or one with the All,—the particular now becomes the Universal, then all men become perfect simultaneously; the scroll is rolled up and man dreams a new dream. Because there is only man, let us stop fooling ourselves in trying to make many out of the One. “Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is One”

“The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) One may go East, another West, but it is the fixed psychological state that counts,—“the set of the sail.” It is the mood that you adopt. It comes from nowhere, from the invisible to the visible. “Those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition.” (John 17:12) All words, beliefs, impressions and suggestions are being fulfilled and nothing is lost but the sense of loss (perdition).

If Joseph and Ann are climbing the mountain and Ann says to Joe, “I want snow,” and Joe wants sunshine, Doth not all things exist simultaneously in the Absolute? All things exist in God. He contains all things, therefore, though their hands be joined together as they climb the mountain, if they reach high enough in spiritual awareness, each will be conscious of snow and sunshine, separately, according to his will. Psychologists have proven that when a man is hypnotized and it is suggested to him that a blizzard is blowing, even though it may be 100° in the shade, he sees snow and feels cold, for it is all belief. “Canst thou believe? All things are possible to him that believeth.”

We often hear the trite saying, “What about material laws?” The only material laws there are were given birth by you, the reader, and exist as long as you believe them. Though you now believe in the laws of motion, some do not and are therefore not subject to the same law. Jesus said, “I come to make the blind see and those that see, blind,”— meaning all things exist now but we refuse to believe it. Canst thou believe that you (your consciousness) are God walking the earth, when you think and act from the Absolute consciousness level? Consciousness (God) ever creates “in its image and likeness” on micro-cosmic as well as macrocosmic scales. The created is always relative to the Creator- consciousness.


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Monday, March 21, 2022

6. CHILDREN OF LIGHT...Wheels of Truth

 6. CHILDREN OF LIGHT...Wheels of Truth


All man-made laws have penalties attached to them. God made all things and pronounced them good. The Law of God is Truth. A law in the usual sense presupposes two parties and an agreement, but these are all man-made. If man throws a stone in the air and it falls to the earth, this is a law or truth, and contains no reward or punishment. If you permit the stone to fall upon you, it simply means that you failed to get out of the way.

It is utterly false to say that God makes laws which man disobeys. Man believes a lie and the disease and misery that follow are based on his belief in the lie. We have made a law unto ourselves and are now bound by the chains of our own false beliefs. The laws of nature are not different or separated from the laws of man’s inner life. None of the forces of the universe exist outside man. The innermost reality in man is the One Identity, within which the whole world moves, lives, and has its being.

The center of this great wheel is always at rest, it is the Sphinx, or the formless awareness in man which remains unmoved throughout all the cycles of transformation. “Ye shall delight in the Sabbath.” The Sabbath is our conviction;—the rest of the Lord, the stillness which follows the inner knowing that our prayer is answered. We must not hear anything but good. When you hear a person criticize another, you are actually hearing him tell you who he is. You do not have to check on his references; he has completely revealed his character to you, and character is destiny. All the things he criticized were within himself.

At a Truth lecture, members of the audience frequently say, “I’m exceedingly glad I brought my husband (or wife, as the case may be) tonight, for what you said certainly applied to him (or her).” The listener never thinks that what is said applies to himself, or that he is in any way to blame.

We believe if we lose an article that cost five dollars, we have lost something of value because we are constantly thinking in terms of dollars and cents. But when we lose a joyful state, which is the greatest loss we can sustain, we don’t mind that, because we seem to expect the sad, gloomy state and look upon it as inevitable.

The writer is frequently asked to say grace at meals, particularly when invited to homes, or sometimes by Truth students. “Go thy way and eat thy food with joy.” The only real thanks is a joyful state; it is the great digester and assimilator. It is the silent inner knowing that there is abundance of God’s bounty. Mechanical repetition of some fancy prayer is meaningless and distasteful, and gives rise to indigestion in some instances. If you are in a joyful mood, the natural secretions will play their role to perfection and the food that you eat will be completely digested. If you believe the food is bad, or if you are in a dejected, critical, or angry mood, the food will become a lump in the esophagus and stomach. The gastric juices will dry up. This can be proven readily under hypnosis. If you are worried, it makes no difference what you eat, the result is usually ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. Become relaxed and happy, and you are cured, the ulcers vanish, as they never really were. The ulcers existed because you continued to believe a lie and the opinions of man. Disease is what follows a belief. Some pray to entities in space for a cure, others take pills, others pray to a God outside themselves wondering whether they are worthy. Praying is a hit or miss proposition to most people; they don’t know whether their prayer is answered or will be answered. It is true that if a person believes in a pill, a cure will follow. It is the belief that cures, not the pill. A belief is one thing, and Truth is another. “The children of this day are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” (Matt.16:8)

“And I say unto you Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” (Luke 16:9) This means that it is better for a man to believe in something rather than not have faith in anything. For the children of this day are those who have worldly beliefs such as the superstition that a rabbit’s foot will protect them from all harm while driving. If man believes this implicitly, so long as he has the rabbit’s foot he will be immune to harm. Of course, the stupidity and falsity of this belief are manifest to the Truth student who knows that when the rabbit’s foot is lost or stolen, the owner’s God is lost and misfortune follows. However, such a man, though he may believe that if he lights a candle or several candles someone will be healed, is wiser than the children of light; meaning a person who has heard and acknowledged Truth, but fails to apply it, is no wiser than he was before.

Unfortunately there are thousands of these children of light who can pass an examination in metaphysics and get 100%, or at least 99%, and at the same time can’t demonstrate over a toothache. They never apply it; just talk about it and around it. Therefore, the man who believes in the power of talismans, amulets, candles, spiritual entities walking in space with healing in their wings is wiser and better off than these children of light. We must become men of light, and let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.

The food that we eat must be spiritual, the bread from heaven which is the living Truth. This gives us health and happiness. When we sit down to eat, let us believe that what we are eating is good for us. If we are eating under protest it will do us harm. If we drink a cocktail to please our hostess and we feel it is bad for us, it will work harm. It is not what we would like to believe, but what we really believe that matters. Some people like to tilt tables while they eat and to produce sounds at will in different parts of the table. This procedure is due to a certain state of consciousness and not due to spirits. It is due to a law of disassociation: It is the peculiar passive state where you begin to write on the Ouija board, while waiting for it in the attitude of expectancy. Man and no one else operates the Ouija board. There are no discarnate entities, and persons practising automatic writing, Ouija board readings, and mediumistic operations are usually living in fear of evil entities in space. Consequently this fear and negative state result in a split personality, or so-called schizophrenia. The above is bad food, and the scripture points out, “Thou shalt not eat any abominable food.” We must take our ideas which are facts of consciousness and secrete the emotions necessary to assimilate wonderful food. This is the happy, joyous mood, and if we go to sleep in that state, the desert will blossom as the rose.


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Sunday, March 20, 2022

5. THE MAN OF TOMORROW...Wheels of Truth

5. THE MAN OF TOMORROW...Wheels of Truth


The motto of the man of tomorrow will be “be careful for nothing.” This simply means that he will be indifferent to the failure of the law;—it is a conditioning process. The law here referred to is the Lord God Jehovah. To put it simply, this means the Law of God in manifestation, or the wisdom of God in operation. The man who becomes indifferent to the law is one who has perfect control of his subconscious, and directs it wisely so that whatever he feels can be done, is automatically put into effect. To such a man there is no failure because he believes that “all things are possible to God.” He knows the Divinity that shapes our ends is the God in smiling repose within himself—the subjective mind. The man of tomorrow will immediately embody his desires by so disciplining the mind to acceptance that all his wishes will be immediately fulfilled. He will not use effort to lift tables, pianos, or to wash dishes;—he will simply sit in an armchair and in a partially subjective or passive state see all these things done. The man of tomorrow will not have to use a switch to turn on the light, as he knows all light is within him; “I am the light of the world.” His own I-AMNESS contains all suns, planets, stars, moons; therefore, at his will all light emanates from him. It will be impossible for him to be sunburnt, as he controls all rays which are really within himself. Incidentally, no one is burnt by the sun; the burns come from within man due to his belief or fear of sunburn.

Home, a Scotsman, in 1843 used to go through windows, lift tables at random without touching them, and increase or diminish his height at will. This man in the presence of the greatest scientists of the day, overcame the law of gravity by projecting himself through a window and flying through space without any mechanical aid, and then came in through another window. He also defied the most exacting scientific tests by proving to the scientists that he could cause scientific instruments, which were wired and solidly fixed in a special cabinet, to move freely about the room and be handled by many.

There is no mystery about this; it simply means that in boyhood he was conditioned into believing that he was able to do this. The man of to-morrow will not use airplanes to travel; on the contrary, he will use no mechanical means, but will simply collapse time and space by going within himself and feeling that he is now where he wants to be, and when he opens his eyes he will find himself there. If God is space-less, where can we travel;—time and distance are but the illusions of the five senses. God is Omnipresent; if so, He does not travel. God is timeless; therefore time is but an illusion. The man who prays scientifically and realizes his own consciousness to be God, collapses time and space. Many men today believe that they can collapse time and space only in an astral body, consequently they can do only this. “According to your faith be it done unto you.”

There is a case recently of a woman who asked a metaphysician to find out where her husband was. She had not heard from him in six months. This mystic went into meditation, visited him in London and had dinner with him. The lady, who was waiting in an outer room, opened the door and saw this metaphysician in a trance. In a few minutes he came out and told her that her husband was returning by boat, giving the name of the boat and the date of arrival. When this lady’s husband returned home, she told him about her experience with the man of prayer. He said, “Yes, a man appeared to me and asked me why I had not written to you, and several other questions. We ate together, and at the time I did not think his questions strange, but when he disappeared as we went through the door of the hotel, I thought the experience rather unusual.”

We must condition ourselves to collapse time and space bodily and not astrally. Some men believe they can travel astrally and be seen and transact business; others believe that they can only transport themselves psychologically and not be seen, but can see what is going on elsewhere and come back and report. It is all belief;—nothing but a conditioned state of consciousness. There is no space. We are living in the illusion of time and space. There are men in America today and in other parts of the world who never use street cars, trains, or other means of conveyance to go home. They simply realize in consciousness that they are where they wish to be. The man of tomorrow will not go from New York to London. He knows that London is within himself, so he brings “there” “here”;—thereness becomes hereness. He will close his eyes and simply feel that he is in London that moment, doing the things he wants to do. He simply feels the naturalness of the state, and “According to his faith, it is done unto him.”

Again there is no mystery about this. We must begin to practise collapsing time and space now,—today,—and finally it will become a conviction and our demonstrations will be instantaneous. The ancient mystics knew all about the law of mathematics, geometry, aerodynamics, engineering, but they saw no need for an airplane or train. The law of gravity is simply a belief of man, that’s all. Therefore, these men, knowing the great laws of life as taught in the Bible, realized this simple fundamental truth: that all potentialities were within them, as God dwelt within them. Men may scoff at these things, but that’s nothing new. People scoffed at the idea of radio, television, airplane, telegraphy; all these things were believed to be impossible by the so-called wise men of the world who knew all, yet knew nothing. If we are Truth students, we must surely realize that all things are possible to God. Therefore, what is strange or startling about a man being in New York one moment and Chicago the next?—I mean bodily, in the real physical sense. Men who cannot read or write do this in the islands nearby this country. We must walk in the consciousness that it is impossible for our prayer to fail. Dream all things into being. Fix them as actual states of consciousness, and they will embody themselves. First, visualize; second, actualize. Feel all things naturally. The whole is contained where you are now, as God dwells within you. The doctor of tomorrow will not prescribe pills, x-rays, diets, or any other medical treatment. He will assume the attitude of prayer and practice the law of substitution. He will not see a sick person; on the contrary, he will see the perfect man, radiant and expressing himself joyously. The doctor of tomorrow will hear the good news, as he will be the true mystic tuning in with Him who healeth all diseases. There are some physicians who do this now. Homes, real estate, property, and money will have no value for the man of tomorrow.

Those who have read the new metaphysical book called “This Is It,” may recall the young man who could talk to his brother thousands of miles away without the aid of any mechanical device. There are many similar incidents related at the present time. The human ear is capable of apprehending a small band of sound waves; a dog can hear certain sounds that man is incapable of hearing. The voice of a husband overseas, for example, creates a sound wave. These waves go around the world and never stop. We can hear from any part of the world on the radio, yet the man on the radio speaks in a normal tone of voice. The reason we hear him is that we and the radio announcer are equipped with sensitive apparatus, for sending and receiving sound. A loving husband and wife are equipped with a greater instrument,—the love of God, or love of oneness. The husband’s thoughts and feelings are transmitted to his wife, and her feelings go toward him; the waves of sound bridge the gap. Some wives in this country hear the voices of their husbands as plainly as if they were one foot away, yet their husbands are in the South Pacific or Europe. If the loved ones at home practised consciously and systematically the art of listening for the voice, they would converse freely and as easily as if they were together;— in fact, more articulately. The man of tomorrow will not use radio, television, telegraph, or any instrument;—all those will be obsolete. He will use only his mind. Telepathy has been proven more accurate, for example, than radio messages. (Read “Thoughts Through Space,” written by Sir Hubert Wilkins and Harold Sherman).

We spoke of real estate losing its value. Yes, the business man will leave his office in New York and instantaneously be in Venice, California or Italy. He will not need that summer home or that air-cooled automobile or that yacht in the ocean. What can you give that man of tomorrow?—he will have all things. You can’t sell him sunshine. He commands the winds and the waves. If you want money for something he will put up his hand in the air and give you some coins. All things are in the air;—mentally he will mine the air and precipitate what you ask. “Nothing is made; nothing becomes; all is, and all is God.” The man of tomorrow will not be a cynic, the so-called wise man. He will be the humble man who says, “I believe, Lord; help Thou mine unbelief.” The man of tomorrow will also be able to project his vision to any part of the world and see the person to whom he wishes to talk. He will not have to resort to television for this. “He that hath made the ear, can He not hear?” “He that hath made the eye, can He not see?” When we turn within to our own consciousness which is God, we are at the seat of causation, seat of all power; consequently we don’t have to pay any attention to what medical science or any science says about our limited capacity to see and to hear. For this simple reason, “He that sees all and hears all” is within us. “Believest thou, this?”

Clairaudience and clairvoyance are well known today and the true scientists acknowledge them to be true. Man’s thoughts constitute a veritable universe. A man and a woman in love with each other will grow into a single harmony;—if we love God by tuning in and claiming his attributes, we will grow into His likeness and then will not feel it robbery to do the works of God. Man is God walking the earth, but man has forgotten it. We really tune in with our Higher Self when we tune in with God. The man who sings the Song of the Lamb (I am Christ) is the man of tomorrow.

The doors may be shut and the windows barred, but the man of tomorrow will appear in the midst of the assemblage in the flesh. He will walk on the water and appear and reappear at will. These occurrences will be so common that people will no longer say, “What manner of man is this whom the winds and the seas obey?”

The man of tomorrow will be Spirit-like. The sun will not burn him, the weather may be 30° below zero and he will not feel the cold. Thunderbolts might split the skyscrapers, the rivers may rise and flood the valleys and he will not be afraid. He will mount the clouds, he will ride the sun and moon, and ramble at ease beyond the four seas. He knows no death and has no thought of gain or pain.


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

Saturday, March 19, 2022

4. DREAMER AWAKEN...Wheels of Truth

4. DREAMER AWAKEN...Wheels of Truth


Religion means “to turn back to the One”;—in other words to a realization of the oneness of all things. There cannot be two religions for the same reason there cannot be two Gods or two men. Man has made many creeds and through ignorance called it religion. There is only one man, and the whole world is within him. The true self or life of that man is God;—the invisible, unmodified consciousness or formless awareness. Therefore, when man worships or prays he really prays to the Higher Self within him. The Church is within; the choir is within; the congregation is within; the High Priest is within;— all is within. The Church is his own consciousness; the choir is the joyous feeling held in meditation; the High Priest is your I-AM-NESS which declares “I am that which I feel myself to be”—”I am that I am.” The congregation are your ideas, thoughts, moods, and concepts about people and things. In other words, the congregation is your belief about yourself and others.

The Shrine of your God is truly ornamented when adorned with the righteousness of the believer. Your righteousness consists in seeing all men using the law righteously and growing perfectly. There is no more precious jewel than that of a noble life, and the highest altar of the Lord is that of the purified heart of man.

Is our faith in the gilt edged securities and stocks, impermanent and oft times becoming valueless, or in the Christ within? By the constant application of the Golden Rule we will become like Jesus who, by the transcending of his human wisdom, became one with the Soul-urge of all man-kind. He was in truth the Substance of the great universal desire; the actual embodiment of the age-old quest for peace, wisdom, and illumination.

Every day of our lives we must begin to meditate upon the beauty, the glory, and profundity of the Eternal One. Dwelling in the Changeless One within ourselves, we find an ever abiding peace which stretches out beyond the stars,—beyond time and space. When we are imbued with lofty ideals, when we think universal thoughts, little things disappear and all the petty things of life become inconsequential and are forgotten. Our soul actually becomes filled with the glory of the whole and the limitations and restrictions of our daily life vanish. We find that this happy mood lifts us up and brings us en rapport with the universal mind of God. As greed, jealousy, discord, and other narrowing concepts which bind us to the wheel of pain disappear from our consciousness, forgotten in the joy of Truth, we then become a citizen of free consciousness. We become one with the universal vistas. Constant meditation, either in the woods, in your own home, or wherever you may be, causes your soul to thrill as though touched by a divine harmony, and a pulsating throbbing feeling pervades every part of you. Many experience it as a tingling sensation in the spinal area as if the melody of the Gods were played on the sacral plexus.

In this profound, relaxed mood, men oftentimes realize that this planet we call the earth becomes a dot in consciousness, and all things which seemed so great and wonderful in the world become as insignificant as the fading planet itself. The wings of the Shekinah with its shining glory and attached to each one of the wheels of thought within us takes us onward and upward. The cherubim’s are all around us; we are suffused by the Golden Flame of the seven candlesticks before the throne. We float in this formless awareness beyond the stars, until finally the flickering lights of the stars, suns, and moons vanish in the Eternity within ourselves. We find that the immensity of Being is our True Self. We have found the All. There is neither time nor space, now nor then; neither he nor she, only the ever-flowing Reality flowing on forever. All things we once witnessed are now a forgotten dream. The dreamer has awakened and for an infinitesimal moment partaken of a glimpse of Reality. You have found there is nothing but you the Sphinx,—the unmoved Mover of all. The inscrutable face of the Sphinx,—the ageless One which changes not is found to be your true identity, the Christ within, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, and the Prince of Peace, the Ancient of Ancients. “Blessed be He ‘The Ancient of Days.’”

You now cease dreaming, but you continue contemplating the moment which lasts forever. You are the solid which reached its melting point and have melted into the Boundless One. His thoughts are your thoughts; His heart is your heart; His dream is your dream; His contemplation is your contemplation. Then you know that you have finished the works which “He gavest you to do.” Now you sing the song of the Lamb, saying “Now, O Father, glorify Thou me with Thine own self with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.” Before the world was “I am”; before Abraham was “I am”; when all things cease to be “I am.” I am—the only living Reality,—the timeless One within man,—“the lost Word” has been found. You have truly finished the work here when you have discovered who you are and return to the Glory of the Father.

In the instant you become one with the All you find you are the world, and motion, gravitation, time and space are all within you. You know now that you are Alpha and Omega, that which was, is, and ever shall be. All things in space now revolve and dance as countless wheels within you,—the Eternal wheel of the Law. You are the Creator of Heaven and earth whose dream is creation. You are also the dream, and when the dreamer awakens, the creation disintegrates,—“When all things cease to be ‘I AM.’” All the world is but an infinite dream of the Infinite One. When we come out of this meditative phase we find we have fallen. “Remember man from whence thou hast fallen and do the first works.”

Even though we have returned to time and space, we must forever keep our eyes upward. We find we are never the same again and will always remain in the world, but not of it. We will become Jesus the Christ, or God-man. We then say “I in Thee, and Thou in me, and I am glorified in Thee.” To us all men are simply aspects of ourselves; parts and members of the One body—ourselves. “I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified in the Truth.” All men will become the All and see the transcendent glory which was theirs before the world was. All imperfect parts will become perfect and one with Reality and Eternity.

The Resurrection comes as a sunrise and never sees night. It remains forever, for we are now one with our Father and thus perfect. We have truly returned to the Glory of the Father “to go no more out in rags and sackcloth.”


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy