Saturday, February 26, 2022

The Seven Eyes Of God

The Seven Eyes Of God

The Seven Eyes Of God

This is a particularly outstanding lecture by Neville. I had to read and transcribe many other lectures by Neville before I really appreciated what he is saying here...This is truly the keys to the kingdom...


…we must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher. I would like to look tonight into what it is to my mind, the greatest book in the world, the Bible, and show you a section with which you may not be familiar. It concerns the Seven Eyes of God, from the visions of Zechariah. He saw a stone with seven facets, and the Voice said, this is actually the seven eyes of God that reach over the entire world. For these seven eyes are really in man, for man is the earth of God. So forget this little planet and know that man is the true earth in which God is planted. These are the seven visions of God, seven increasingly clarifying visions of the Creator. The Bible names them but you must look for them.

The first appears only once in the Bible in Isaiah 14 ~ Lucifer, the morning star. And it tells how he is fallen and cut down to the ground - this shining being. All races have taught that man has fallen. It is not something that belongs to the Christian or the Jewish faiths, but all races have held this concept. So the first Eye of God is Lucifer - cut down to the ground.

The second is Molech, the strange god that demands sacrifices (Jeremiah 32). Man offers up his sons and daughters to appease this being he conceives to be God. But the Voice said, “I command them not, neither came it unto my mind, that they should do this abomination to cause Judah to sin.” This Eye is in every man who thinks he has angered God and must make sacrifices to appease Him. All the wars of the world are an appeasement. The Inquisition with its tortures was an appeasement to God. The wicker baskets in which men were burned alive were an appeasement. They did it all to appease God that he might not be angry.

The third eye is Elohim, or gods, gods above and outside of man. The elements he worshipped, the stars and planets he thinks can regulate his life and influence his behavior. He turns to something outside of himself and it fails him and he cries that he is forsaken.

The fourth is Shaddai - almighty. In this eye, man seeks security and comfort. These are the governments, the mighty political machines, the rulers that man trusts, and all this fails him, too.

And then he turns to the fifth eye of Pahath, which means, “to dig a ditch or to snare animals, dig a pit.” It does not mean the animals of the forest; no, it is man I bring into my little trap. Much of the world functions like that today, everywhere in every business, especially in the great advertising campaigns. These people rule like tyrants over us. Every paper, every magazine, every TV commercial has another method of trapping us into buying all these things, so many things that we never get them paid for before we have still others.

And then the sixth eye is Jehovah - Yod He Vau He - or I AM. Man finally grows out of the snaring process. He does not now have to trap anyone in the world, but only boldly assert himself. Bold inner persuasion will create the condition that I AM persuaded of. That is Jehovah, the sixth eye.

The seventh is Jesus, or “Jehovah saves,” or “rescue.” Where man boldly asserts himself but his heart is torn for those still asleep, and he sacrifices for the others and gives himself for the whole vast world. Not as the churches teach it, but as the mystic tells you. You will take anyone, no matter who he is or what he has done, for he is only in a state. You do not condemn anyone but you lift him out of the state, and you do it by identifying the one you would save with the idea he wants to embody, and to the degree that you are faithful to your vision of that person, he will embody his ideal and become it. That is the eye called Jesus, or the seventh eye.

There is an eighth eye, only implied in the Bible and it is veiled. On the eighth day they circumcise the child and unveil the organ of creation. There is an eye in man and Blake names it. He says, “He did not come. He hid in Albion’s forest.” Albion is Blake’s name for universal man, male or female. This eye is hidden in “Albion’s forest” - in the dark convolutions of the brain. There this eye is hiding. When you finally begin to exercise your imagination for another and actually revel in the joy of others as they become the embodiment of what they desire, and you revel in that far beyond what you would for yourself, that is the eye of Jesus. What begins to be the perfect seeing of the seventh eye of God, then something stirs, and it stirs exactly like something trying to get out of an egg. It is something trying to break through Golgotha - and Golgotha is “the skull,” that is the meaning of the word. But it is held by five nails, the five senses. The five senses confine man to this world, and then he breaks loose from this skull as the seventh eye is clarified; and the eighth eye sees concrete reality for the first time in his life, and then, once seeing clearly, he never blames anyone. For with this eighth eye, he sees the perfect world. This is called circumcision or the unveiling of the perfect organ, which is man’s Imagination. On the eighth day, he is circumcised. It means that the eighth eye is open. It does not open by the process of time, but only after the clarifying of the seventh eye of Jesus. Then you see that God became man, that man, awakening, may become God. God contracts Himself to this very limit of opacity, so that living in this state may be called the very grave of man, and “God enters death’s door with them that enter, and lies down in the grave with them, in visions of Eternity until they awake.” (Blake) And then there are these seven visions.

First - Lucifer, the fallen one.

Second - Molech, the being that demands sacrifices. They are doing that right now, only they call it Nationalism, and they offer up their sons and daughters to Molech, though the Voice said, “I do not command them to do this and cause Judah to fall into sin.”

Man sickens of it and turns to the third eye or Elohim, but the stars, the planets, do not respond. Then he turns to the fourth eye or Shaddai - Almighty, to the financial and political “gods”. And then he separates from that and digs his little pit, Pahath, and snares all the people of the world because he can outsmart them, and because of his smartness he lives very well during this little span from the cradle to the grave, and that is the fifth eye through which much of the world is seeing today.

He sickens of it, and then he finds that I AM - or Jehovah, is the only reality, or the sixth eye of God. And I build my world, as I want it and when I sicken of it, offer myself as a sacrifice for all others and give completely of myself for the good of others, and my good fortune then becomes the joy of hearing their good fortune. As it says in Job 42:5 “I heard by the hearing of my ear, but now my eye seeth Thee.” Suddenly something happens within me, and the eighth eye opens and I am circumcised, in mind, not in the flesh, and as that something opens within you, you see the reason for it all, and you see that Eternity is, and you can take anyone in this world and pull him out of any state in the world. That is the eighth eye of God.


You can get all you want in this world. You can use the fifth eye or the fourth eye. All those who lead us into battle are using the second and third. Few are using the sixth and only an nth part use the seventh eye or the eye of Jesus, and not until it is used and you would rather have the good of another than your own good, and rejoice for another more than for yourself, have you really opened the seventh eye and then you are ready for the opening of the eighth eye.

The seventh eye, the eye of Jesus, has nothing to do with a man born 2000 years ago; it has everything to do with the expanding mind of man. When you exercise the seventh, then something opens. It is the eighth. But until the seventh is fully open, “he hides in the forest of Albion.” He hides in the dark convolutions of the brain. It may scare you a little at first, the feeling of an electric battery moving in your head. You feel memory come back and you feel it on this side and then on that, and then you center it, and then you SEE. Something opens and you actually see a world no one else can see. The seventh eye is based purely on faith. Man does not know God will actually redeem him and he cries, “My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” And then the new world will be seen.

Man seeks security and comfort through the fourth eye. These are the dictators, the political machines, etc. They are always going to save the country, save the world, and then they are driven out - but they take a half billion dollars with them. We have seen it in this hemisphere - the very ones impoverishing the treasury that men had just called the saviors of their country.

They have not reached the sixth eye, or I AM. He who has reached that turns to no one. He knows, “I AM that I will be, I AM what I am.” You can be that or anything you want. But then you go beyond it and you want nothing for yourself but only for others. Then he starts giving himself for man and then when that is completely clarified the eighth eye opens.

Look in your Bible and read the story of the unveiling of the mind of man. But it comes only after the seventh eye is exercised. So I must learn to experience feeling and touchingThat is called the Western Gate, and it is closed in man, but he must learn about it, and before I close this eye he must learn much about the Western Gate, for I was told not to hold back one secret, and having had the experience of holding on to an object and awakening not on my bed at all, I must share it with you. I awake in the world where I am holding the object. I have been shut out many times from this world by holding on to an object in that world and awakening in it, and it was just as real as this, but I came back to this. I had a body here and one there. When I returned here where was that other body? Have I not many bodies, for I am scattered over all the world, and man, as he begins to awake, collects the scattered portions of himself, and then he finally finds the being that is God. You can love everyone in this world and you will find joy beyond your wildest dreams in doing good for another; when he asks of you and you, in your Imagination create, and then you have confirmation of it, and then you rejoice as God rejoices. “These things have I spoken that my joy may remain in you. For whenever anyone awakes, that is the eye of God.


So there are seven stated quite clearly and the eighth implied. I tell you that you will feel it like a chick in the egg of the skull. Christ is crucified on this cross (man) with five nails - the five senses. The same meaning is in the story of the five foolish virgins. And then he tears himself free from this cross.

Now, you catch it on the wing, but I tell you that you will discover all kinds of wonderful things in the awakening of God in man. For God became man that man may become God. So this wonderful poem that existed only for God is beginning to exist for itself. Sentients begin to appear in the poem, lifting it to higher states and we become at last creators, one of an infinite society of gods.

This eighth eye is misunderstood by the priesthoods of the world and they circumcise the child. It is the Imagination that must be unveiled, not the physical organ, and it comes only after the perfect clarity of vision through the eye of Jesus. Jesus means, “Jehovah saves.” Not one is lost. He has fallen into a state, but you, through the eye of Jesus, save him. You ask him, “What do you want? and see that condition real for him, and then seeing it embody itself, you rejoice that one has been lifted out of the mire. You do it over and over, and then your head becomes alive and you feel electric currents through it, and yet you will know what you should do, just as a chick knows what to do. It pecks its way out. And then the place where the skull grew together after birth becomes awake again, and you see another world, and you see the world was perfectly made and every state is perfect, and then you will know that you are awake to play beautifully on this eternal world, to bring out these beautiful combinations made by your Father...(Neville is describing his own experience here)

If tonight’s talk seems different from what you expected, then nothing is more practical than the sixth eye. You can make your world what you want it to be by the sixth eyein fact the fifth has done it. You can snare all kinds of people in your little traps. Read the morning papers. Every ad is to snare us into emptying our pockets, and they will be thrilled that they can do it. Every year we find new traps to get what we have. We have new forms of credit. No one dies leaving anything behind any more. The whole vast thing is a trap. It has become the way of life, the fifth eye.

But then come the sixth and the seventh and then the eighth; and when the eighth opens you forgive everyone in the world, no matter what he has done. You, as man, have gone through every eye. You have worshipped Elohim and sacrificed to Molech.

But when the eighth opens, you will know that nothing displeases your Father but unbelief. Sin does not displease him. The priesthoods of the world tell you sin displeases him, but only disbelief displeases him, for they that come to him must believe in him. Anything you can believe is an image of truth. Could you believe that someone in dire need is now well taken care of? Then he can become as you see him. But sin does not displease your Father. It means, “to miss the mark,” and He comes to the world to show everyone how not to miss the mark. If I do miss the mark, He makes a greater effort to show me how not to miss marks.

Hebrews 11 - “Those who come to Him must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of them that seek…” So seek Him first and then all these things will be added.

So there are these eight eyes in man. The eighth hides in the forest of Albion, or the dark convolutions of the brain. Breathing won’t bring it out, or diets, or Yoga exercises will not do it. He will come out only when, as you look through the seventh eye, which is the vision of Jesus, you see only the good of another and glory in that beyond what is only for yourself. Then you will begin to see through the eighth eye of God.

Use the seventh eye consciously and take every person regardless of color, race or creed and ask of him only, “What do you want?” For in Him there is neither Greek nor Jew, nor bond nor free. So you take everyone, for he has only fallen into a state and you single out that individual’s request and persuade yourself that he is now the embodiment of the ideal that he wants to embody and to the degree that you use the seventh eye will the eighth come out of the “forest of Albion”. The opening of the eighth eye is actually the second coming of Jesus. For when the seventh becomes perfectly clear, then the eighth will open, as if it were released from the tomb, and then you see as God.

One cannot be born a Christian. If you are not using the seventh eye, you are not a Christian. If you are the Pope, you are using the fourth eye and all the priesthoods of the world use the fourth eye. So-called almighty powers all use the fourth eyeBut you must use the eye of Jesus. Jesus is the eye of God that sacrifices itself for the whole vast world. He gives himself for every being in the world, seeing for them their ideal, their perfect state.

Now let us go into the silence.                           



Neville Goddard, Lecture, June 11, 1959

Friday, February 25, 2022

Anima and Animus – Eternal Partners from the Unconscious

Anima and Animus – Eternal Partners from the Unconscious

In Carl Jung’s model of the psyche, we have both the outer world and the inner world. The persona (which represents the social mask that we put on) lies between the ego and society, representing our conscious life and outer world.

The inner world or the unconscious is where the real adventure begins. Here we encounter the shadow, the anima, the animus and the Self, all of which have both a light and dark aspect, as Jung emphasises. The shadow can be inferred from the contents of the personal unconscious (that is, contents that are acquired during one’s lifetime). To become conscious of it, one must recognise the dark aspects of the personality as present and real, if not, one unconsciously projects them onto others, changing the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face. Shadow work is essential for any kind of self-knowledge, but meets with considerable resistance.

While the shadow is always of the same sex as the subject, when we talk of the opposite sex, the source of projections takes the form of a contrasexual figure. Here we meet the anima of man and animus of woman, which often turn up behind the shadow, bringing up new and difficult problems. If you are unconscious of your anima, it will marry your shadow.

The anima is the personification of all female psychological tendencies in man, while the animus is the personification of all male psychological tendencies in woman. These will always express what you lack, as they have a complementary nature. They form part of the collective unconscious, as archetypes or collectively inherited patterns of behaviour, which are autonomous, making them particularly difficult to integrate into one’s personality.

Just as the persona should be a sort of bridge to the world, the function of anima and animus is to make a connection with the depths of the psyche.

We have explored the ideas of the persona, the shadow and the collective unconscious (which differs from the personal unconscious) in previous videos. Now we will be doing the same here with the anima and animus.

Introduction: Anima and Animus

“If the encounter with the shadow is the ‘apprentice-piece’… then that with the anima is the ‘master-piece.’ ”

Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part I. Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

The integration of the shadow, or the realisation of the personal unconscious, marks the first stage in Jungian psychology. Without it, a recognition of anima and animus is impossible.

“Though the shadow is a motif as well known to mythology as anima and animus, it represents first and foremost the personal unconscious, and its content can therefore be made conscious without too much difficulty. In this it differs from anima and animus, for whereas the shadow can be seen through and recognised fairly easily, the anima and animus are much further away from consciousness and in normal circumstances are seldom if ever realised.”

Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Shadow

The first step one must take is acknowledgement of the anima and animus, which form the bridge to the most fundamental figure to emerge, the archetype of the Self, the totality of one’s personality.

Man tends to overvalue the masculine aspect with his persona, playing the strong man, while the feminine aspect remains unconscious. This naturally leads to negative anima projection, as he is completely unaware of it. Man is highly focused on ego, he is highly rational and centres around the outer world, in detriment to the unconscious. His curse is the imprisonment of the outer world without access to the inner world.

Woman, on the other hand, is more in tune with the inner life. There is a considerable psychological difference between man and woman, it is common for men to have irrational moods and women irrational opinions.

The anima corresponds to the maternal Eros, and the animus corresponds to the paternal Logos. Jung writes:

“Just as the anima becomes, through integration, the Eros of consciousness, so the animus becomes a Logos; and in the same way that the anima gives relationship and relatedness to a man’s consciousness, so the animus gives to a woman’s consciousness a capacity for reflection, deliberation and self-knowledge.”

Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus

These archetypes are also conditioned by the experience each person has had in the course of his or her life with the opposite sex.

Every man carries within him the eternal image of woman; not the image of this or that particular woman, but a definitive feminine image. Likewise, woman carries with her the eternal image of the masculine. Jung points to the archetypal nature of anima and animus, and he is talking about the projection of these inner figures onto real women and men.

The Anima: The Woman Within

Starting with the anima “the woman within” or personification of all female psychological tendencies in man, is as a rule shaped by one’s mother. If a man feels that his mother had a negative influence on him, his anima will often express itself in irritable, depressed moods, uncertainty, insecurity, and touchiness.

“Within the soul of such a man the negative mother-anima figure will endlessly repeat this theme: “I am nothing. Nothing makes any sense. With others it’s different, but for me… I enjoy nothing.” These “anima moods” cause a sort of dullness, a fear of disease, of impotence, or of accidents. The whole of life takes on a sad and oppressive aspect. Such dark moods can even lure a man to suicide, in which case the anima becomes a death demon.”

Man and His Symbols. Part III: The Process of Individuation – M.L. von Franz

The anima is the archetype of life and when it is negative, the impulse is to dream about life and to make wishful fantasies about life, instead of living life. It is as if a vampire is sucking one’s blood, the blood being our life activity. Such people sink into passivity, feel constantly tired and do not want to do anything, one wakes up depressed and nothing means anything.

The image of Woman is the solace for all bitterness of life. And, at the same time, she is the great illusionist, the seductress, who draws man into life with her Maya. Hope and despair counterbalance one another.

A still more subtle manifestation of a negative anima involves partaking in a destructive intellectual game, characteristic of pseudo-intellectual dialogues that inhibit a man from getting into direct touch with life and its real decisions. He reflects about life so much that he cannot live it.  

“Young men who are overpowered by their mothers [often] escape into the realm of the intellect, to escape the mother’s power and the animus pressure, by getting into the realm of books and philosophical discussion – which they think mother does not understand. He saves his mental masculinity but sacrifices his phallus: his earthly masculinity and creativity. This vitality of action, that masculinity which moulds the clay, which seizes and moulds reality, he leaves behind, for that is too difficult; he escapes into the realm of philosophy. There is no real question behind such philosophy. Such people have no genuine questions. For them it is a kind of play with words and concepts and is entirely lacking in any convincing quality.”

– M.L. von Franz, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus

Just as a negative experience with one’s mother can negatively affect one’s anima, so too can an overattachment to one’s mother. The man becomes effeminate and is preyed upon by women, he is thus unable to cope with the hardships of life. A mother complex creates a split anima.

On the one hand he worships the feminine image too much. A man lives regressively, fleeing from the cold cruel world and seeking his childhood under the nourishing and protecting circle of the mother. This is known as puer aeternus or eternal youth (also known as the Peter Pan Syndrome). It is the archetype of the child-god whose negative aspect includes the unconscious temptation to return to the mother’s womb. This is seen today in adults who are socially immature, the so-called “man-child” who has never “grown up.”

On the other hand he despises woman and sees her simply as an object to fulfil his erotic fantasies. The most frequent manifestation of the anima takes the form of erotic fantasy, which becomes compulsive only when a man does not sufficiently cultivate his feeling relationships, and has remained infantile.

These aspects of the anima can be projected so that they appear to the man to be the qualities of some particular woman. It is the presence of the anima that causes a man to fall suddenly in love when he sees a woman for the first time and knows that this is “she.” In this situation, the man feels as if he has known this woman intimately for all time; he falls for her so helplessly that it looks to outsiders like complete madness.

In the German myth of the Lorelei, beautiful water spirits or sirens sing to seduce and lure men to their death. The anima symbolises an unreal dream of love, happiness, and maternal warmth (her nest) – a dream or wishful fantasy that lures men away from reality.

Men also project the anima onto things as well as women. Such as the captain of a ship being symbolically “her” husband, which may be why he must (according to tradition) go down with the ship if “she” sinks.

However, the anima is not just about lust. The universal anima is symbolised by the goddesses who possess feminine energy: Cybele (the Goddess of Nature) and Aphrodite (the Goddess of Love).

The anima has just as many important positive aspects. It plays a vital role in putting a man’s mind in tune with the right inner values and thereby opening the way into more profound inner depths. This is the role of Beatrice in Dante’s Divine Comedy, who after descending into hell and the purgatory, guides him through heaven.

There are four stages in the development of the anima:

“The first stage is best symbolised by the figure of Eve, which represents purely instinctual and biological relations. The second can be seen in Faust’s Helen: She personifies a romantic and aesthetic level that is, however, still characterised by sexual elements. The third is represented, for instance, by the Virgin Mary – a figure who raises love (eros) to the heights of spiritual devotion. The fourth type is symbolised by Sapientia, wisdom transcending even the most holy and the most pure… In the psychic development of modern man this stage is rarely reached. The Mona Lisa comes nearest to such a wisdom anima.”

Man and His Symbols. Part III. The Anima: The Woman Within – M.L. von Franz

In practical terms, the positive role of the anima as guide to the inner world occurs when a man takes seriously the feelings, moods, expectations, and fantasies sent by his anima and when he fixes them in some form – such as writing, painting, sculpture or musical composition.

After a fantasy has been fixed in some specific form, it is essential to regard it as being absolutely real and not “only a fantasy”. If this is practised with devotion over a long period of time, the process of individuation takes place and unfolds in its true form, as one brings the unconscious contents into reality.

The unconscious as we know can never be “done with” once and for all. The purpose of Jung’s analytical psychology is to achieve wholeness of personality, bringing the unconscious contents into consciousness, through the lifelong process of individuation and alignment towards the Self.

“Only the painful (but essentially simple) decision to take one’s fantasies and feelings seriously can at this stage prevent a complete stagnation of the inner process of individuation, because only in this way can a man discover what this figure means as an inner reality. Thus the anima becomes what she originally was – the “woman within”, who conveys the vital messages of the Self.”

Man and His Symbols. Part III. The Anima: The Woman Within – M.L. von Franz

One such example can be seen with Scottish writer William Sharp, who wrote under Fiona Macleod, a pseudonym kept almost secret during his lifetime. He wrote on Celtic lore and nature. He wrote out of his heart, out of his soul, through the voice of the archetype of life. When a man is full of life he is “animated”. This he could never have brought into expression with his outer self. He knew that what he wrote could not have been done by himself alone.

In fact, he even wrote letters to Fiona, and she would answer. They were two separate persons. A rare degree of reality, corresponding to anima integration. The great poet William Butler Yeats praised Fiona’s writings, but did not like those of William Sharpe.

The Animus: The Man Within

The animus “the man within” is the personification of all male psychological tendencies in woman, it too exhibits both good and bad aspects. However, it does not so often appear in the form of an erotic fantasy or mood, but rather takes the form of a hidden “sacred” conviction about one’s assumptions.

“One of the favourite themes that the animus repeats endlessly in the ruminations of this kind of woman goes like this: ‘The only thing in the world that I want is love – and he doesn’t love me’; or ‘In this situation there are only two possibilities – and both are equally bad.’ ”

Man and His Symbols. Part III. The Animus: The Man Within – M.L. von Franz

Just as the character of a man’s anima is shaped by his mother, so the animus is influenced by a woman’s father. The father endows his daughter’s animus with incontestably and unarguable “true” convictions – convictions that never include the personal reality of the woman herself as she actually is. The negative aspects of the animus lures women away from all human relationships and personifies a cocoon of dreamy thoughts, filled with desire and judgments about how things “ought to be”, which cuts a woman off from the reality of life.

In the folk tale of Bluebeard, we can see a representation of a negative animus, who secretly kills all his wives in a hidden chamber. When he marries another woman, he asks her not to open a certain secret door, where all the corpses are found. The woman, however, is overcome by curiosity and opens it.

In this form the animus personifies all the cold and destructive reflections that invade a woman which get her into a state where she even wishes death to others.

“By nursing secret destructive attitudes, a wife can drive her husband, and a mother her children, into illness, accident, or even death. Or she may decide to keep the children from marrying – a deeply hidden form of evil that rarely comes to the surface of the mother’s conscious mind. (A naïve old woman once said to me, while showing me a picture of her son, who was drowned when he was 27: ‘I prefer it this way; it’s better than giving him away to another woman.’)”

Man and His Symbols. Part III. The Animus: The Man Within – M.L. von Franz

An unconscious animus opinion may lead to a strange passivity and paralysis of all feelings, or a deep insecurity. In the depths of the woman’s being, the animus whispers: “You are hopeless. What’s the use of trying? There is no point in doing anything. Life will never change for the better.” Just as the anima, the animus also takes on a vampiric aspect.

“It is one of the activities of the animus life of a woman to steal, to suck life from other people. Such a woman becomes a vampire because she has no life in herself. But she needs life and so must take it where she finds it. The negative devil-animus kills every feminine aspect in life.”

M.L. von Franz, Animus and Anima in Fairy Tales

Unfortunately, whenever one is possessed by the anima or animus, it seems as if we ourselves are having such thoughts and feelings. The ego identifies with them to the point where it is unable to detach itself and see them for what they are. One really becomes possessed by the unconscious and only after the possession has fallen away does one realise with horror that one has said and done things diametrically opposed to one’s real thoughts and feelings.

Like the anima, the animus does not merely consist of negative qualities such as brutality, recklessness, empty talk, and silent, obstinate, evil ideas. He too has a very positive and valuable side; he too can build a bridge to the Self through his creative activity. If a woman realises who and what her animus is, her animus can turn into an invaluable inner companion who endows her with the masculine qualities of initiative, courage, objectivity, and spiritual wisdom.

“The animus, just like the anima, exhibits four stages of development. He first appears as a personification of mere physical power, for instance, as an athletic champion or “muscle man.” In the next stage he possesses initiative and the capacity for planned action. In the third phase, the animus becomes the “word”, often appearing as a professor or clergyman. Finally, in his fourth manifestation, the animus is the incarnation of meaning. On this highest level he becomes (like the anima) a mediator of the religious experience whereby life acquires new meaning.”

Man and His Symbols. Part III. The Animus: The Man Within – M.L. von Franz

Anima and Animus: Path towards Individuation

The dance between anima and animus is indispensable for individuation. Just as Jung describes the anima as the archetype of life, he calls the animus the archetype of meaning. Jung makes reference to the idea of the syzygy, the divine couple united by a sacred marriage, as a motif as universal as the existence of men and women – such as the unions celebrated by Shiva and Shakti, or Zeus and Hera.

The anima gives birth to the images of the psyche, it brings them to life from the unconscious, while the animus gives them meaning in consciousness, in the outer world.

The confrontation with the unconscious can be seen as an active act of meditation, which has its Latin roots in meditatio, to reflect upon, which has a healing effect. The dictionary of alchemy written in the 17th century describes it as:

“An Internal Talk of one person with another who is invisible, as in the invocation of a Deity, communion with one’s self, or with one’s good angel.”

Martin Rulandus the Elder, A Lexicon of Alchemy

By understanding, writing, and drawing dreams, we incorporate the images of the unconscious. The most important dreams are the so called “archetypal dreams” which come from the collective unconscious.

There are two important practices for Jung in relation to dreams: amplification and active imagination.

Amplification is the use of mythological, historical and cultural parallels in order to amplify or “turn up the volume” on the dream material, Jung calls this the “psychological tissue” in which the image is embedded. He wanted to avoid the process to be “entirely subjective”. During his life, Jung interpreted around 80.000 dreams and discovered that they seem to follow a clear pattern, demonstrating the validity of his concept of the collective unconscious.

With active imagination, one visualises and contemplates on any one fragment of fantasy that seems significant and elaborates on it by adding further unconscious material in a natural manner. The goal is to bring the unconscious material into the already existing conscious material of the written dream. It is common for intense and frequent dreams to become weaker and less frequent the more they are made conscious. In other words, dreams contain fantasies which “want” to become conscious.

When confronting the figures of the unconscious, one shouldn’t ask questions about the ego or outer world, but of one’s inner reality. The dreamworld of symbols does not mean that it is mere “fantasy”. In fact, imagination seeks to “magnify”, that is, to expand consciousness. In other words, active imagination is actively expanding consciousness.

The goal of individuation is to become more and more who we really are, distinct from others and yet in relationship to others. This process is a series of confrontational dialogues between us and the world, the human beings to whom we are related and bound and the inner world of the archetypes. An essential part of this process is that a man becomes conscious of his anima, and a woman of her animus, in order to differentiate him or herself from it, and not be dominated by it.

The inner living figures expect complete neglect from us. And they aren’t happy about that, because they are real.

“We find that thoughts, feelings, and affects are alive in us which we would never have believed possible. Naturally, possibilities of this sort seem utterly fantastic to anyone who has not experienced them himself, for a normal person “knows what he thinks.” Such a childish attitude on the part of the “normal person” is simply the rule, so that no one without experience in this field can be expected to understand the real nature of anima and animus. With these reflections one gets into an entirely new world of psychological experience, provided of course that one succeeds in realising it in practice. Those who do succeed can hardly fail to be impressed by all that the ego does not know and never has known. This increase in self-knowledge is still very rare nowadays and is usually paid for in advance with a neurosis, if not with something worse.”

Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus

Anima and Animus – Eternal Partners from the Unconscious

The anima and animus are two contrasexual archetypes crucial for individuation and to progress towards the Self in Carl Jung’s analytical psychology.

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Astrology...Waxing and Waning Crescent Phases - Heralds of the Future

Waxing and Waning Crescent Phases - Heralds of the Future

I first encountered the late, great mundane astrologer Charles Harvey when he gave a lecture in Glasgow in the early 1980s. At that point I was grappling with the intricacies of chart calculation (yes, folks, there was an era when we had no option but to do that manually!) and learning the basics of interpretation. I was then only dimly aware of the profound significance of planetary cycles and their bearing on our collective and personal lives.

Planetary Cycles

One hour in that lecture theatre with Charles, quite simply, threw open a door for me to hitherto unknown, compelling territory where – to quote Charles quoting Plato (something he was very fond of doing) – ‘Time is the flowing image of Eternity’with the planets in their never-ending cycles being the instruments of Time. I have never forgotten that first introduction; fascination for the timing and wisdom planetary cycles have to offer has deepened as my personal time has unfolded.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”.(i) Whether the cycle is huge, like the 500 year Neptune/Pluto one, or small, like the monthly Sun/Moon one, the same basic stages apply: seeding, germinating, sprouting, flowering, ripening, harvesting, dying back in preparation for the new.

In considering the unfolding of any cycle, we can’t do better than to use the symbolic template of the monthly 29.5 days Sun/Moon cycle – easily observable in the night sky above us – to guide us in our reflections, actions, and choices.

The crescent moon, first indication that the energies of a New Moon are beginning to take form in the world, does not appear until two or three days into the cycle. As a rule of thumb, that is around one twelfth of the whole 29.5 day period.

From that first encounter with Charles’ inspiring perspective, over the years of continuing to work with clients’ and students’ horoscopes as well as my own, I became increasingly fascinated with the developmental significance of the first and final twelfths of any cycle (equivalent to the waxing and waning crescents): not least because of the enduring fascination over millennia and all cultures, and its significance in mathematics, of the number twelve.(ii)

(I should perhaps declare the possibility of some personal bias here, though: as well as having far too many planets in the twelfth house, I was born in number twelve of the street in which my parents lived at the time!)

I slowly began to notice that the ending/balsamic/twelfth house phase of an old cycle seemed to carry clues – seeds – in an individual’s horoscope regarding what the major themes arising in the new one might be. Recently, it has occurred to me that one can apply this principle to the very much larger cycles of collective life too, something about which I am currently writing at some length.

Focusing for the moment on the opening twelfth of personal cycles, the one which ‘delivers’ most clearly is the 29/30 year Saturn cycle. I’ve seen innumerable examples over the years, of how the most significant changes which were decisively to shape someone’s life thereafter, appeared more clearly in the two or three years post Saturn Return, than in the year of the Return itself.(iii)

In my own case, I changed career, becoming an unqualified social worker on my Saturn Return. In the subsequent two to three years I qualified in my new profession, met my future husband – and began seriously to investigate astrology.

I had a bafflingly accurate horoscope reading in my late twenties following a chance encounter in a launderette in Bath, Somerset during the twelfth house phase of my first Saturn cycle: this shook my scepticism (based on the usual ignorance) to the core, sowing seeds of which I was then completely unaware which would later grow into a career of nearly forty years’ duration.

My previous column mused on the conundrum in which we are currently held this year, metaphorically speaking: the new Saturn/Pluto cycle which will force us to re-define how we live as a human collective has only just begun.

But two Jupiter/Saturn cycles – one of twenty years, the other of over two hundred years concluding the Jupiter/Saturn series through the Earth Element since 1803 – have yet to end, with a dramatic flourish at the winter solstice of 2020.

The 2000 to 2020 final Jupiter/Saturn cycle in Earth can be seen as the twelfth house phase of the long cyclic journey which began in 1803, as the Industrial Revolution started gaining the momentum which has totally transformed how we live on Planet Earth.

The first significant event of that 2000/2020 cycle, which took place at the ‘crescent moon’ stage, can be seen as 9/11, the terrorist attack taking down New York’s Twin Towers on 11 September 2001 which has resulted in a hugely disruptive re-ordering of geo-political structures right across the globe.

The other major world-changer which began to accelerate from 2000 has been the massive rise of a computer and smartphone-expedited inter-connected world.

Ever since Saturn moved into Aquarius in late March 2020, and lockdown has spread to varying degrees across the map in our collective struggle to contain the covid 19 epidemic, we have seen the seeds of a new world order emerge with the massive rise and spread of internet platforms such as Zoom.

It’s a very difficult time to be a human –  and the best break the planet has ever had from our increasingly destructive activities. 

I’m finding it useful to regard the first twenty year Jupiter/Saturn cycle in Air from Winter Solstice 2020 to Hallowe’en 2040 ( WHO chose those dates?!) as the emerging ‘crescent moon’ phase of a very long cycling of Jupiter/Saturn through the Air element.

This suggests the need for us as a human community to learn patience and humility in the face of the regulating planetary cycles which have been symbolically pointing out two very significant things to which we should be paying close attention.

One, we have come to the end of a whole way of living on Planet Earth which has become increasingly unsustainable by any of the creatures inhabiting it. Two, it is going to take us at least the next twenty years, realistically, to re-shape our world into a new order which hopefully will be an improvement.

This will be led by an emerging generation of young folks whose ideals, on the whole, seem to be more collective and environmentally responsible than the materialistic baby-boomers of my generation whose race is almost run…


i) The Bible: Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verse 1 King James Version (KJV)


iii) For an in-depth article related to this topic, see “Shadow Transits – A Hidden Forecasting Tool” by Frank Clifford:

(This post is a slightly edited version of my 29th Not the Astrology Column featured in the July/August 2020 Issue of the UK’s Astrological Journal, edited by Victor Olliver.)



Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Astrology, Harmonics, Astrology Lessons Online Chapter 32.1 by Bob Marks

Or you can let a computer do it at the click of a mouse. The choice is yours. However, if you choose the first method, be sure to check your medical insurance first to see if it covers mental breakdowns.

There are as many harmonics as there are numbers. Fortunately, only a few are needed to give us insight into the horoscope. Most of them are covered in David Hamblin's book Harmonic Charts, (The Aquarian Press, Eng.), which is unfortunately out of print. Still, if you can find a used copy somewhere, it is well worth it.

Some VERY IMPORTANT words of caution:

1) DON'T EVER try to do aspects between harmonics of different numbers. They are totally different animals.

2) There are no signs or houses in harmonic charts. Remember that everything has been rearranged, so please don't do sign or house interpretations because they are no longer there. The purpose of harmonics is to get more information about aspects and aspect patterns.

Now, let's take a look at some actual harmonics and how they can add depth to horoscope interpretation.

The Fourth Harmonic: The 4th harmonic shows how we deal with stress, strain, and struggle. When you construct a 4th harmonic chart, all of the conjunction, square, and opposition aspects in the original horoscope appear as conjunctions and this makes them easier to see. Of course, these aspects are pretty easy to see in the original horoscope as well, so what's the point? The point is that the minor aspects, the semi-square (45 degrees) and sequa-square (135 degrees), which are difficult to spot by a quick visual inspection, now appear as oppositions, and can be seen at a glance. Not only that, but other minor stress aspects (22 ½ degrees, 67 ½ degrees, 157 ½ degrees), which can take a very long time to locate, now become squares. In the 4th harmonic, whole patterns of stress aspects can be spotted, and this gives you a big edge for interpretation.

The horoscope of Francisco Assis, the Brazilian serial killer who killed at least nine women, doesn't seem, at first, to be excessively violent. But when you look at Francisco's 4th Harmonic Chart, you see another story. The Sun is opposite Venus, which can give feelings of being unloved. Yes, but lots of people have that and they don't become serial killers. What they don't have is Uranus making square aspects in the 4th harmonic to both the Sun and Venus. Uranus can make one prone to sudden, hysterical outbursts. Still, everyone born that day had the same thing. What else is there here to drive him over the edge? The Ascendant also makes stress aspects. It opposes Uranus and squares both the Sun and Venus. This makes a Grand Cross, a rare and highly stressful pattern. The Ascendant is very sensitive to changes in the time of birth. In the 4th harmonic chart, this Grand Cross could only have formed in a time interval of about 20 minutes!

But there's more to come. Mercury (the mind) Mars (violence) and Saturn (depression) make a T-Cross formation (another stressful configuration) in the 4th harmonic as well. Once again though, everyone born that day had the same thing. Why is this case different? Take another look at the birth chart. There is a close semi-square between Mars and the cusp (beginning) of the 8th house (death). 
Not only that, but Mars rules the sign of Aries, which happens to be the sign on the cusp of the 12th house (psychological problems) as well. This is the classic 8th house-12th house connection frequently found in the charts of serial killers. Where does the 8th house cusp land in the 4th harmonic chart? Opposite Mars, with square aspects to both Mercury and Saturn. It forms another Grand Cross. And this too, could only have been formed in an interval of about 20 minutes. It could take hours to see this in a birth chart. In the 4th harmonic chart, the conclusion leaps out at you.

What happens though, if you have harmonious aspects (sextiles and trines) in a 4th harmonic chart? The best example of that comes from Hamblin's "Harmonic Charts." It is the horoscope of a little known French Marshal from World War I, Franchet d'Esperey. Hamblin claims that sextiles and trines in a 4th harmonic chart show "effort towards pleasure, or pleasure in effort." In other words, someone who likes stress, strain, and struggle. Hamblin quotes Gauquelin's description of him:

"...he drove cars at maniacal speed and shot windows when there was nothing better to shoot."

In d'Esperey's 4th Harmonic Chart, there is a Grand Trine between the Sun, Mars, and Pluto, a perfect aspect pattern for a soldier. A Moon/Venus conjunction sextiles the Sun and Pluto and opposes Mars, making for a Kite formation. Here is someone who had an emotional need (the Moon) for action and violence (Moon/Mars) and got a lot of pleasure from it (Moon/Venus).

Muhammad Ali's 4th Harmonic Chart also has a lot of harmonious aspects, especially to the Mid-Heaven. The Sun makes a sextile and the Moon a conjunction, and both aspects are within one degree of being exact. This means that stress, strain, and struggle are more likely to bring him before the public. The Mid-Heaven also has a trine from Jupiter and a sextile from Uranus. In Ali's Birth Chart, Jupiter rules the 5th house (sports and games) and Uranus rules his 7th house (open enemies), a perfect setup for someone to become famous through competitive sports.

Robert Blake, the actor arrested for his wife's murder, has a 4th Harmonic Chart with a highly stressful T-Cross formation. There is a conjunction of the Moon (feelings, emotions) and Neptune (imagination, film), which helped him in his film career, but it is opposite Pluto (extremes) and all three of these planets make a square to Jupiter (expansion and over optimism). There is hostility towards women here, and when his emotions go, they can really go (Moon, Jupiter, Pluto T-Cross), especially if he happens to be under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants (Neptune).

The Fifth Harmonic: The 5th harmonic chart indicates talent, if any. In the 5th harmonic chart, all of the quintiles and bi-quintiles come together as conjunctions, making them very easy to spot. The semi-quintiles and sesqua-quintiles become oppositions. Quintiles are one fifth of a circle (72 degrees) and they give talent and power, and show our ability to put things together (pattern recognition). It also has to do with creative play, the joy of making up games of finding patterns (like looking for "patterns" of cracks in the ceiling, or always stepping on cracks in the sidewalk, or always avoiding the cracks). People with strong 5th harmonics do things like that all the time. Of course, taken to the extreme, this is a mental disorder, but those with a strong 5th harmonic usually manage to keep it under control, and then it becomes the basis for creative talent. You don't need a strong 5th harmonic to succeed as an artist, designer, scientist, or engineer, but it really helps.

Let's start with a negative example, a very negative example: Adolph Hitler's 5th Harmonic. Mercury, planet of communications, is opposite the Moon, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter. This gives a talent for communicating and power to his words. Chiron makes a conjunction to Mercury, as well as oppositions to the Moon, Neptune, and Saturn. Remember that Chiron is a "bridge" between the inner planets (which rule "normal," everyday functions) and the outer planets, which rule forces that are out of the ordinary. Chiron also has to do with a feeling of being wounded. Hitler was able to deal with his psychological problems (Mercury rules the 12th house in his birth chart) by communications. Now everyone born that day had similar configurations in their charts. Why was Hitler different? Well for one thing, the Moon was part of the configuration, and the Moon was in place for only a few hours. But his Mid-Heaven closely aspects his Moon, Neptune, and Chiron, and also his Sun providing a link between that powerful communication configuration and his personality. The Mid-Heaven is, of course, the career and the public image, showing that Hitler's whole personality was involved when he communicated in public. The fact that the German public also felt "wounded" after the defeat in World War I tied right in with Hitler's Mercury/Chiron quintile. Unfortunately, he dealt with these wounds by making more wounds.

A more positive example of a strong 5th harmonic chart is Mozart. In his birth chart, Venus (art) is powerful because it is his only planet in a Cadent House. This means that it is a singleton by house, and can draw all of the horoscope's energy to the 6th house (work). But the only apparent aspect seems to be a trine to Mars, and while this does add activity, it seems to leave poor Venus without connection to the rest of his life. Let's take a look at his 5th Harmonic Chart. Venus now has conjunctions with Pluto (extremes, obsession, intensity) and the Moon (which rules both one's own emotions and the ability to appeal to the public). In fact, there are eight conjunctions in his 5th harmonic, and each one represents a quintile or a bi-quintile in his birth chart. Talent on top of talent. The Sun and Mercury in that 5th harmonic chart make trines to the Mid-Heaven, making it easier for that talent to come before the public. Most of Mozart's first drafts were the same as his final drafts. He would hear the music in his head and write it down with few, if any revisions.

The Seventh Harmonic:

According to Hamblin in his book, "Harmonic Charts," the seventh harmonic has to do with

"…man's highest flights of creative imagination, and his lowest depths of destructive illusion. It is a number not of permanence, but of transience; not of unchanging truth, but of sudden flashes of light and darkness; not of objective reality, but of subjective impressions and the emotional experience which man derives from those impressions; not of knowledge, but of fantasy. It is, in short, a romantic number."(Pg. 65).

In other words, the 7th harmonic has to do with inspiration, with what inspires us and how we can inspire others. This is an important ingredient of creativity.

In the 7th harmonic, the septiles, biseptiles, and tri-septiles appear as conjunctions. A septile is one-seventh of a circle, or 51.42857 degrees. Try finding that aspect by visual inspection of a birth chart!

Woody Allen's 7th Harmonic has Venus (artistic ability) opposite Chiron (our "wounds" and recurring problems). Since Venus is also our ability to experience happiness, a Venus/Chiron stress aspect can show problems with enjoyment. But Chiron is also a teacher. Woody has taken his neuroses and turned them into entertainment. Of course, there is more than just those two involved. For real creative ability, you need to have several planets linked in an overall complex of aspects. That Venus/Chiron combination has aspects to Jupiter (ability to see the big picture) and Pluto (depth, psychological insight). Jupiter has a conjunction to Pallas (pattern recognition ability). On top of that, Uranus (ability to see things in strange and startling ways) aspects Venus, Pluto, and the Moon. That's six planets making up one pattern. The real key, though, is the Mid-Heaven. Why? Because without that, no one would ever see his creativity. The Mid-Heaven is the career, and, even more importantly, the public image. Aspect patterns involving planets sometimes last for more than a day. Everyone born that day has them. Aspects involving the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven, however, will show up in the harmonic charts for about 20 minutes, and this can make all the difference.

Tennessee William's 7th Harmonic also has a series of aspects linked together in one complex pattern. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto form a Grand Trine in his 7th harmonic. Mars give the energy and desire to do things, Jupiter gives optimism that they can be done, Saturn gives the discipline and determination to do them, and Pluto adds the desire to see hidden secrets. His birth chart does have a Scorpio Mid-Heaven, and his plays are famous for characters that are tragically flawed. Jupiter in conjunction with the Mid-Heaven, however, does add a note of optimism, and many times the plays end with some sort of rebirth (Pluto again) of the main protagonist.

The Mid-Heaven is also connected to that Grand Trine, since it has a conjunction to Jupiter and a trine to Saturn. Jupiter is the storyteller, but Saturn gives the discipline to work and produce Tennessee William's 7th Harmonic Mid-Heaven also makes a sextile to Mercury (writing) and a trine to Neptune (imagination) making it easier for his inspiration and imagination to be communicated to the public.

Andrew Lloyd Webber also has a strongly aspected Mid-Heaven in his 7th Harmonic Chart. There is a sextile to the Moon, and that doesn't hurt if you want your inspiration to be noticed in public. But his 7th harmonic Mid-Heaven also has an opposition to Mercury (communication) and a square to Neptune (imagination). While this does mean that his imaginative communications can come before the public, the stressful nature of the aspects does indicate that this will be a struggle for him. Saturn aspects the 7th harmonic Mid-Heaven as well, giving the determination and discipline to pound his inspiration into a completed and polished work.

The Ninth Harmonic: According to Hamblin, the 9th harmonic chart shows "…a person's capacity for joy and happiness," and it also "…shows the person's capacity to spread joy and happiness to those around (them)." While the 4th harmonic shows how we can deal with stress, strain, and struggle, the 9th harmonic, by contrast, shows how we can be at peace.

But that means it can also show blockages to being at peace. The 9th Harmonic of David Berkowitz, the infamous "Son of Sam" serial killer, has a Grand Cross formation involving Pluto (death) opposing a conjunction of 4 planets: Mercury (the mind, and, in this case, his Sun-sign ruler), Saturn (depression), Neptune (dreams and illusions), and Mars (action, aggression, violence). The Sun makes square aspects with all of them. The aspects to Mars are wide, but we can use a wider orb here because Mars is part of an over-all pattern.

This pattern would occur in the 9th harmonic charts of everyone born that day. What sets  David Berkowitz 9th Harmonic  chart apart is the presence of the Ascendant in this pattern, and it completes the Grand Cross formation (which can be highly stressful). In David Berkowitz's Natal Chart, Venus is the ruler of both the 8th house (death) and the 12th house (psychological problems), and in his 9th harmonic chart, Venus and Uranus (sudden change) both oppose the Mid-Heaven (the public image) bringing his "work" before the public. Again, we have to remember that the Ascendant and Mid-Heaven were only part of these configurations for a few minutes for the time and place of his birth.

Mozart's Ninth Harmonic Chart has a T-Cross formation involving the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto, and the Mid-Heaven. Since the Mid-Heaven is involved, appearing before the public is part of what made him happy. But it could also mean that when he does whatever made him happy, it would help him come before the public. What do those stressful aspects tell us? They show either that it was a struggle for Mozart to experience joy, or that it was the struggle itself that made him happy.

Michelle Pfeiffer's Ninth Harmonic Chart has a Kite formation, and once again the Mid-Heaven is involved. The Sun and Mars make a Grand Trine with Saturn showing happiness with action, but only if it is disciplined and focused action. A triple conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter, and the Mid-Heaven is opposite Saturn and sextiles both the Sun and Mars, and this completes the Kite. With the Mid-Heaven involved, success in career is difficult to avoid. But Saturn is opposite Jupiter and the Mid-Heaven. Jupiter expands. Saturn contracts. Jupiter is optimism. Saturn is pessimism. Jupiter is up. Saturn is down. Jupiter gives her the luck and optimism to succeed. Saturn gives the ambition and discipline. But she will tend to be of two minds about her success, sometimes loving and sometimes hating it. Periodically, she has to get away from it all (Saturn), but then she gets bored (Jupiter) and has to get back into action.

The Eleventh Harmonic: This one shows pure imagination, fantasy. Sometimes this stays inside in our own private little world. Every now and then, we let it out. The results vary. We can get a beautiful dream made real, or a nightmare of horror.

Ian Stuart Brady's 11th Harmonic is an example of the nightmare come to life. Brady, the "Monster of the Moors," and his girlfriend, Myra Hyndley, were a serial killer team. In Brady's 11th Harmonic chart, the Moon (emotions) is opposite Mercury (the mind) and Mars (anger) showing an imagination that tended to violence. That configuration was in effect for a few hours on the day Brady was born. As always, it is the placement of the Ascendant and the Mid-Heaven that make the difference. Aspects involving those two only last for about five minutes in an 11th harmonic chart. Brady's 11th Harmonic Mid-Heaven makes a T-Cross formation with Saturn (depression) and Neptune (imagination). The depression can sometimes be displaced into fantasies of controlling and harming others, which is what happened here. The stress aspects to the Mid-Heaven showed that these fantasies would one day come before the public. The 11th harmonic Ascendant makes a square to Pluto (death) that is only one minute of arc from exact. This is the key aspect here, the one that pushed his fantasies to become obsessions, and the obsessions to into reality.

George Gershwin's 11 Harmonic shows the positive side, the beautiful dream come to life. Venus (art) and Jupiter (optimism, "luck," expansion) are opposite the 11th harmonic Ascendant, while the Moon opposite the 11th harmonic Mid-Heaven makes it easier for his dreams to come before the public. Uranus (innovation) makes trine aspects to Venus and Jupiter, making it easier for Gershwin to innovate. The strong 11th harmonic adds to the creativity of Gershwin's Birth Chart, which has Neptune (imagination) making a square aspect and Venus (art) making a sextile to the Mid-Heaven.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has Sagittarius (sign of the archer) on the cusp (beginning) of his 8th house (death). Jupiter, the ruler, is in his 12th house (hidden enemies). He was shot by a sniper who was concealed at a distance. Dr. King was most famous for his "I have a Dream" speech, so it is only natural to check Dr. King's 11th Harmonic. To see if his dream came before the public, we have to look at the Mid-Heaven. Remember that aspects to the Mid-Heaven are in effect for only a few minutes, so the chances are very small that other people would have them unless they happened to be born at the same place and time. Jupiter and Pluto make sextiles, Saturn and Uranus make conjunctions, and Neptune makes an opposition to his Mid-Heaven. That's five planets, or half of all the planets in the chart! Do you notice something else? They are all Outer Planets, the ones that rule the large-scale events in our lives.

There is more here, much more. Saturn and Neptune are in opposition and both aspect the Mid-Heaven. But didn't Ian Brady have something similar in his 11th harmonic? Yes, however we must remember that there is always a positive and a negative way for things to work out. Similar aspect patterns are common to the horoscopes of murderers and murder victims, an ironic fact that was first noted by Darling and Oliver in their book Astro Psychiatry (CSA Press, 1972).

With Ian Brady, his imagination added to his murderous urges. In the case of Dr. King, it was a setup for martyrdom. Uranus is there as well, making a conjunction to Saturn and an opposition to Neptune. Uranus is the planet of sudden, shocking events. Of course, this makes us think of his assassination, but his whole life was a struggle and involved demonstrations which (at the time) were considered shocking. The trine between Jupiter (ruler of the house of death in his birth chart) and Pluto (the "natural" ruler of death) is also significant, very significant.

They both aspect his 11th harmonic Mid-Heaven, but, on top of that, the Mid-Heaven sits on their Midpoint! Yes, the connection with his death seems obvious here, but so is the connection with his life. The 8th house rules more than death. It also shows the values of the groups to which we belong, all the groups, including the society that we live in. The effect the group values have on us is an 8th house matter, but so is the impact we can have on the values of the group. With his 11th harmonic Mid-Heaven on the midpoint of Jupiter and Pluto, King's dream had an immense impact on an entire nation, during his life and even in death.

The Thirteenth Harmonic: The 13th harmonic seems to have a similar effect to the sign of Scorpio. They both relate to death and rebirth, transformation, as well as group resources and values.

The birth chart of Dr. Jonas Salk, inventor of the first effective anti-polio vaccine, does not (at first glance) seem too special. The Sun rules them Mid-Heaven (career) and sits in the 12th house in Scorpio. That's a good placement for doing research behind the scenes, and the Leo Mid-Heaven can give the chance of eventual fame. Pluto, the ruler of the Sun-sign, has a conjunction with Saturn (ambition, discipline) and they both make out-of-sign sextile aspects with the Mid-Heaven, as well as square aspects (challenges) to his Sun. But when we look at Jonas Salk's 13th Harmonic Chart, the picture becomes far more clear. Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, and Saturn all make conjunction aspects to his Mid-Heaven, while the Moon and the North Lunar Node make square aspects, and the Sun makes a quincunx (the 150 degree aspect). Six out of ten planets aspect his Mid-Heaven (career and public image) and that configuration only held for a few minutes on that day and location. Salk's vaccine ended a yearly epidemic of polio and (long after Salk's death) is still saving thousands of lives a year.

Bill Gate's 13th Harmonic Chart has the Mid-Heaven (career) sextile Jupiter and Pluto, which are located in the 2nd house (money) of his Birth Chart. Uranus, which rules his natal 8th house (other people's money and resources) makes a square aspect here in the 13th harmonic. His big break came when he bought the DOS operating system from another company (other people's resources) and then made a deal with IBM 

Harmonic charts can provide greater depth to most horoscope interpretations. Just be sure to remember that they are used for aspect patterns only, and not for sign or house interpretation. You can use them for chart comparison as well, but please don't compare harmonics of different numbers (that's like comparing apples and oranges).

