Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Points to remember

Points to remember

You are an immortal being. You may have come to believe that you are a physical body; however, this is an illusion. This is the result of the birth process. Each lifetime you need to train your mind to see beyond the illusion of being only physical.

Your physical body is mortal. Remember to take good care of your body. You are immortal, but your physical body is not. If you damage your body beyond repair, you just have come back and do it all over again.

Your thoughts create your reality. This pretty much sums it up. Reality is relative, though. Be aware that one person’s perception of reality may be different from your own.

If you don’t like your reality, change your thoughts. Please be aware that changing your thoughts may take significant effort. It is not that creating is difficult. It is more based on whether or not you have developed a belief that it is.

If you don’t know how you created a situation, look at it from a new perspective. Please note, plans or agreements may have been made at a higher level of consciousness than you are currently experiencing. If this is the case, raise your consciousness.

No matter how bad a situation seems, relax. Remember that you and all those whom you care for are immortal beings. In the end, this physical life experience will pass quickly and you will soon be on to new adventures.

Owners Manual for the Mind
Patrick Andries

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