Monday, January 29, 2018

“Ye are Gods”

“Ye are Gods”

The physics of God has enormous significance for us as individuals.

We inhabit simultaneously our local three-dimensional physical bodies and our interpenetrating, two-dimensional energy bodies. When we feel our life force, our vitality, we are feeling the subtle energies of our interpenetrating, nonlocal two-dimensional energy bodies.

Most of what we are exists beyond the physical universe

Our local, three-dimensional physical bodies are the holographic projections of our nonlocal, two-dimensional holographic energy bodies. Our two-dimensional energy bodies are the source of most of what we experience as ourselves – our awareness, feelings, motivations, memories, and life-energy.

We cannot truly die

Our three-dimensional physical body allows us to exist in the three-dimensional physical world of space, time, and matter – like a deep-sea diver wearing a suit that allows him to survive deep underwater. When we die, our space, time, and matter suit ceases to function, and we are no longer able to operate in space, time, matter. When we die our awareness shifts to our nonlocal, two-dimensional energy body in the energy-verse.

What we think – we become.

Our nonlocal, intelligent consciousness shapes our nonlocal, two-dimensional holographic energy template. Our nonlocal, two-dimensional holographic energy template in turn, shapes our physical body. Our local, three-dimensional physical body is continuously sustained and controlled by our nonlocal, shaped-by-thought two-dimensional energy body via the bridge of quantum entanglement.

Our deeply held thoughts are powerful.

We see this power in the placebo effect; it is even more dramatically demonstrated in the nearly instantaneous physiological changes of MPD sufferers. Every moment of every day, the holographic projection we experience as our physical bodies manifests exactly what our deeply held thoughts dictate. The moment we change such deeply held thoughts is the moment our physical body changes.

We are even more amazing: We make the world.

Without intelligent observers – us – the cosmic movie, the light-show illusion of matter, will not play. The intelligent-observer effect has been has been painstakingly and exactly measured, and confirmed, in thousands of double-slit experiments. One might be tempted to dismiss the double-slit experiments as parlor tricks that affect only a few miniscule photons or atoms, but the implication of the intelligent-observer effect is profound: without intelligent observers, there can be no world.

The universe and the observer exist as a pair…
Andrei Linde, Stanford University physicst
This is a participatory universe…
John Archibald Wheeler, prize-winning physicst

There is no object in space-time without a conscious subject looking at it,,,
Amit Goswami, quantum physicst

We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world…

The Physics of God
Joseph Selbie

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