Thursday, September 26, 2024




When you possess the mind of Christ, you are in possession of the p an of great price! That pearl is imminent. It is nearer than near and sooner than now, for the pearl of great price is your own wonderful human imagination. You have always possessed this mind but, like every possession, unless you know it is yours and are willing to use it, it is non-existent to you. Believe me, everything in your world was first conceived in your imagination. The house you live in, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, as well as your friends, your loved ones, your enemies and the strangers on the street were imagined before externalized. Now it is time to control your human imagination and govern it by love. I urge you to awaken to the discovery that everything you seek in time is contained within you.

There is only one mind with unnumbered levels of awareness. Your level determines where you are and what you are, for what you think, you are. This mind is not something detached from you but your own lovely imagination, the body of the Father and the only redemptive power in the universe. It can save you from your present state or bind you to it.

Christ is defined in scripture as the power of God and the wisdom of n you as your hope of glory. All things are made by this power without it is not anything made that is made, for Christ, who is your own wonderful human imagination, is yourself! Looking with the human eye, you see a world outside and seemingly independent of your perception. But when you view the world through the “I” of imagination, you understand its meaning. Turn within and test yourself and you will discover that you are your own savior. Then you will begin to assert the supremacy of your human imagination. You will cease to bow before the dictates of the world without and start to put your dreams into effect.

A tamed man is one who is self-disciplined. Tame yourself by observing yourself Are you wasting your strength in negative emotions? If so, then discipline yourself out of the muck and mire you have been living in and rise, with your disciples, into a state of joy and the body of love. Do this, and you will have found the pearl of great price.

In this world, you appear to be a man (or woman) of flesh and blood. Your father, mother, sisters and brothers are known. But I tell you, you are far greater than the greatest man on earth, for you are Jesus Christ.

Imaginative love is sleeping in your body of flesh. Awaken the love that you are by claiming that your mind is Christ. Claim your pearl of great price, for it is the key that will unlock the treasure house of heaven. With your mind as Christ, you will discover that you are no longer capable of thinking unlovely, negative thoughts and will have no desire to retaliate.

The Bible is your biography, for you are Jesus, the great Jehovah of the Old Testament who finds fulfillment in the New. Using the mind of man, you are asleep. It is time to awaken, to cast off the mind of man who says, “I can,” “I was,” or “I will be,” and assert your divine inheritance which is the mind of God who says, “I AM.” Nothing is impossible to God, and nothing is impossible to you when you claim to be the mind of God.

This world is like a machine where its actions and reactions are automatic. Separate yourself from this machine-like mind and use your wonderful human imagination to rise to higher and higher levels of your own being. If you do not like the events of your life, change them by controlling your imagination. When you know what you want, ask yourself where you would sleep if you had it. What would your world look like? Would a friend be happy for you? With the answers to your questions filling your mind, fall asleep in your desired place. View the world from that vantage point and hear your friend rejoice now that your desire is a physical fact. Then believe in Christ — the power to put all things under your subjection- and it will be done unto you.

Remember, there is no such thing as a powerful fate to which you must bow, nor do you have to accept life on the basis of the world without. Turn to self. Claim your pearl of great price and remember:

“What seems to be, is to those to whom It seems to be, and is productive of the most dreadful Consequences to those to whom it seems to be; Even of Torments, Despair and Eternal Death.”

for William Blake, in his poem Jerusalem, makes this promise:

“.. .but Divine Mercy

Steps beyond and redeems Man in the Body of Jesus.”



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