Friday, September 27, 2024




Do you have a goal in life? An aim for yourself? If you do, start now to lift yourself to its level by the act of self-remembering. Do not try to be a better man or woman, but transcend your present level of being by being better AT something. Your goal should be so important that you cannot forget it and your hunger for its externalization so intense that you cannot and will not let the thought go until it is embodied in flesh.

Scripture tells us, “Many are called, but few are chosen.” The word “chosen” means to separate; to choose; to decide.” Every day, you are offered the opportunity to choose a new idea; to enter a new state from which to think and feel. Unnumbered emotions and thoughts are yours to call forth but, because of the aim with which you desire to be identified, only a few emotions and thoughts are chosen. Begin to rise within yourself by letting go of your former beliefs and restrictions. Choose the thoughts and emotions you desire to express and enter your desire through the act of feeling.

In the 11th Chapter of Mark, two disciples were told to “Go into the village where you will find a colt tied at the crossroad upon which no one has sat. Loose him and bring him to me. If anyone says, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord has need of him.’ Then he mounted the unbridled ass and rode into the city of Jerusalem.”

Now, the animal found at every crossroad is not a colt or ass but the individual’s permanent, predominant emotion. Desiring to express a new emotion, you may find it difficult to ride. But you will always find your emotions tied at the crossroads of life. If you have never felt secure before, you may not be able to ride the animal emotion of security for more than a few seconds at a time. But the important thing is to try, for controlled imagination can ride any emotion into the city of Peace; the embodiment of the ideal state.

An emotion is right or wrong relative to a desire. If you feel uneasy as you commit yourself to your desire, you are walking in the wrong direction and will never reach it. But if the feeling is natural (right), and you persist in your assumption, it will become a fact. At times, even when your aim feels natural, you may allow doubts to creep in and move away from your goal. When this happens, don’t condemn yourself, simply get back on that emotion and ride it again, for the beast is unbridled and must be ridden until you and it become one. Acknowledge the feeling of importance, of security, or of being dignified, within yourself, for your consciousness is reality. What you are conscious of being right now, you are. If you desire to be other than what you are remember, the state desired is just as real as the one you are conscious of now. Enter the new state by becoming conscious of being it. Persist! Find the feeling of the new state and ride it into Jerusalem.

Scripture calls upon man to remember himself by associating himself with his aim and walking in its direction. Only as you discipline yourself can you embody your aim. In his 11th Chapter Mark makes this statement, “Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it and you will. And whenever you stand praying, forgive.” How do you fulfill a desire and forgive another? By finding the quality you thought to be in another and removing it from yourself. Then place the feeling you desire to express in its place. When this has been done, you have risen right into the state of your answered prayer.

Now, prayer is conditioned upon the belief that it is already answered. Desire is your springboard. Standing upon your desired state, you may discover that the board wobbles or the ground sways beneath your feet. But if you persist in being conscious of having attained your desire, even though your reason and outer senses deny it, what you are conscious of will become your reality.

Tonight, form a lovely aim for yourself and feel its fulfillment. Associate yourself with that feeling by becoming conscious of it. Do that and you will bless and be blessed by God who is your very self. Say to yourself, “I and my Father are one.” Your inner being is he who men call God. He is never so far off as even to be near, for He is your own wonderful human consciousness.

All things, when admitted into your consciousness, are made manifest by its light, but something must be admitted first. If you are conscious of being beaten, the thought will manifest itself and you will be. Do you feel insecure? If you do, and persist in that mood you will sink into its slums, for everything manifested, is consciousness externalized.

What thought dominates your mind right now? Regardless of what it is, you have consented to it, but you need not perpetuate it. The thought which enters the mind does not defile you. You may consent to any thought, be it one that defiles or blesses you when it goes forth. But every thought will be made manifest. The state where you presently reside was only a thought before you entered it, just as is the state you now desire, and it can just as easily be realized. Take the challenge. Formulate your aim and rise, in consciousness to its fulfillment. Think it is real and it is, for everything is possible to a thought.

Self-remembering is remembering your aim so, in the course of a day you should ask yourself where you are psychologically. Your reality lives in a psychological country where you can walk in the mire, the valley, or the mountain tops. Choose this day the state you desire to enter. Feel its mood and acknowledge its fulfillment. Walk faithful to that assumption and, although your reason and your senses deny it, your persistence will cause it to become a fact.

You, all imagination, are the sum total of your reactions to life. This is the only cause and explanation of the events you encounter. If you do not like your world, change your reaction to it. Life will become easier when you are brutally frank with yourself and acknowledge your reactions to that which was created by you and is being reflected to you. Resolve to react only in a positive manner. Positive thoughts produce positive effects. As you see your world differently, your consciousness changes, thereby changing future events.

Your desire is always ready for incarnation. But as a desire alone it is incapable of birth. It must have human parentage. You are the human imagination scripture calls “Mary,” as you are capable of conceiving an idea and giving it birth without the aid of any man. “Man” is called “the mold of God.” Your I AMness is God the Father, and you, as Mary, conceive a desire of God. Locking your secret within yourself, walk faithful to your concept and you will bring forth its fruit.

Everyone is the Mary of the Bible. Her names means “water; the psychological truths of the mysteries.” Washing all literal concepts of the Bible from your mind, you are baptized and are born of water. Then, as you live faithful to your desire, you are the blessed Virgin, bearing that which is conceived by the Holy Ghost the holy desire.



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