Tuesday, September 24, 2024




Understood psychologically, humanity is an infinite series of levels of awareness, and the individual is what he is according to where he is in the series. In the Book of Romans Paul urges us to: “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable, the perfect will of God.” In other words, do not look at the external world and call it reality, but break its spell by transforming your thinking. But you can’t change your thinking until you change your ideas, for it is from ideas that you think. Remember, your level of awareness attracts life and is the sole cause of the phenomena you observe.

To be aware is to do the will of God whose name is I AM. Always being aware, what you are aware of is what you are. “I AM (aware of) that (which) I AM.” Think of an infinite scale of values as I AM, with your desired state just above where you now stand. God speaks to you through the language of desire. When you wish to ascend, it is because God is speaking, calling upon you to surrender yourself to the feeling of already being what you want to be. Let go of fear, limitation and doubt and subject yourself to the will of God. A mere assumption will lift you up to the level upon which your ideal is identified, and you will begin to see your world differently. This is where self-observation comes in. You do not observe the outer world, but your reactions to it.

When another displeases or offends you, look within to the “I” who heard with displeasure and is expressing it. It is difficult to believe, I know, but you alone are the cause of your displeasure. A lady I know thought her employer was a monster and impossible to please. She had formed an opinion of him and that invisible and inaudible opinion spoke to her all day long, causing her boss to do what he did and say the words to cause her displeasure. Being a gracious lady and willing to change her feeling of “I”, she heard her boss praise her and she thanked him for his praise. The moment she found herself returning to the old role of criticizing him, she stopped the thought and put on the new record of praise, thanks and congratulations. Within 24 hours, the new record externalized itself and, when she resigned a year later, her boss begged her to stay and told her that if she ever wanted to return, the door was always open to her.

Your inward conversations are the breeding ground of all your future action. Morning, noon and night you are carrying on internal arguments. When you catch yourself, break the habit by consciously creating new thoughts; thereby making a new record to externalize itself in your future.

God’s will is I AM. His will is always being done, for it is the power which resurrects and makes alive. There is no transforming power in time, only transformation of the moment. If you are having difficulty with another, look into self, for it is the “I” called you who is speaking to you as a thought. Listen carefully to what you are saying to yourself and you will discover where the difficulty lies.

Let me now define “self or “soul.” It is that which you believe, feel, think and consent to. You may consent to the belief that you have been mistreated; that you are dumb, or they, in their cruelty, are causing your displeasure. If you do, your consent forms your level of being and attracts your life, be it good, bad or indifferent. Your soul cannot be changed by joining churches, synagogues or groups. You must turn to self, the inner “I” you know so well, as it is he who attracts those who mistreat you and determines every little detail of your outer experience.

If you have a secret affection for your conflicts, you cannot be helped. But, when you consent to be otherwise, then you can change. Subject yourself to the will of God by first knowing your ideal, then yielding to it by doing in your imagination what you would do physically if your desire were realized. Once this is clearly defined, repeat the act over and over again until you feel affected by it and its fulfillment possesses your mind. When the idea is so firmly entrenched and your thoughts flow freely from it watch, for you will have a change in your external world.

Become pure in heart by purging your mind from the belief in powers outside of yourself. Then, believing that consciousness is the only reality, weave yourself into a new state of awareness. For your world is your house, your state of consciousness externalized. Clean house by observing your thoughts. When you first begin to do this, you will discover most of your thoughts are unlovely. But, as you learn to passively think of people you dislike, your thoughts will lose their unloveliness and, with a mind filled with joy and thanksgiving you will ascend Jacob’s ladder of self into the kingdom of love.

When you have carefully defined your desire, completely and utterly yield to it. Then try to remain faithful to the new idea you have entered. In the beginning you may not succeed, but don’t condemn yourself. Simply return as many times as necessary until the feeling becomes so strong, your thoughts habitually flow from the new state.

This teaching is not for the weak. It is not for those who seek escape from life or want to point their finger of blame at another. To find the Christ in you who is your hope of glory, you must be willing to test yourself. I tell you, he is your “I” who calls all men and manifestations to you. Life is easier when you can blame another but I urge you to pray, not for an easy life but to become a stronger man. The one who is bearing witness to your thoughts is the cause of your misfortune, not the other fellow. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and you will prove the good and acceptable word of God.

Would it be acceptable to you to be lifted on high? That is the will of God which will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of your mind. You are doing God’s will when you identify yourself with your desire. And, if you believe your claim, you are righteous and your world will outpicture your righteousness. But if you do not believe you will miss your mark and die in your sins.

The only escape from the life you now lead is by a radical psychological transformation of self. This is done by defining your “I” with your desire, then changing your thoughts until their effect possesses your mind and your “I” resides comfortably in the new state. Remember, your level of being attracts life, and unless the level changes your history remains the same. Let your present level die by subjecting your entire being to a level beyond it. Try it. It really is not difficult to do.

Remove the hold that past wrong emotional reactions have upon you by reviewing the experiences and changing them. This is done by rewriting the experience in your mind and saying what you should have said and doing what you should have done at the time. Let this corrected picture slip back into the subconscious as you resolve not to make the same mistake again. By repetition of this technique, you will rid yourself of all feelings of hate, resentment and other emotional disturbances which cling to your memory. And, to the degree that you release yourself from these destructive feelings, you will free yourself from their power to attract ill health and wrong results for you.

Relaxation of the body plus passivity of the mind and fixation of attention on the objective desire, equals fulfillment of the objective. Anxiety has no creative power. In this school of educative darkness, consciousness (whose origin is in eternity) provides the power for your experiences in time. So test yourself, for in this teaching there is no room for failure.




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