Saturday, October 27, 2018

Introduction to Chinese Medicine, Two

Introduction to Chinese Medicine, Two

Living in Nature

Nature has cycles, temperatures, weather, an ecology of plants, animals, and elements that depend on each other for life. When we look to Chinese medicine for direction on how to live, it points us toward Nature. Although humans have created living conditions that protect us from many of the forces of Nature, we are still part of the bigger system within which we live.

If we can live in harmony with the cycles of Nature, it is said, then we will enjoy a healthier, longer and happier life.

How Do We Bring the Wisdom of Nature into Our Healing?

What are the origins of the manifestations around us? Where did our house, our body, that tree come from? We identify these things with our five senses. Even though we know that our single body is made up of billions of invisible cells, our senses identify a single, formed, manifestation.

Taking it even further, the cells of our body are made up of molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of other miniscule particles, and on and on it goes. Today, even Western science recognizes that these atoms, these “building blocks,” are essentially energy. What appears as form, as solid, is actually “made” from energy.

From the Chinese medical perspective, we speak of the formed and the formless, the manifested and the undifferentiated energy and substance, Yang and Yin. The source of all manifestation is undifferentiated energetic Mystery. This means that all the planets, animals, bugs, and people are from this same common source. The manifestation of this Undifferentiated Source is everything that we can see, hear, touch, taste, smell, feel, name.

Meridian Massage,
Cindy Black

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