Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Homeopathy: The Interrelationship between Tissue Salts and the Qualities of Tibb...Part Two

Homeopathy: The Interrelationship between Tissue Salts and the Qualities of Tibb...Part Two

Dr Linda Mayer, Dr Joy Saville and Prof R. Bhikha


8. The Twelve Tissue Salts

Tissue salt no. 1 – Calcium Fluoratum – a tissue elasticity restorer

Calcfluor is also known as Calcium Fluoride, or Fluoride of Lime. It is responsible for the maintenance and restoration of elasticity in the tissues, toning, flexibility and strengthening, as well as for protection of the exterior of the body. Calcfluor needs no. 10 (Nat phos).

Lime salt unites with albumin to form elastic fibres.20This is found in tooth enamel and the superficial layers of bone, the elastic fibres in the skin, connective tissue and the walls of the vessels.12

Causes of this deficiency are the result of extreme variations in temperature, especially in the cold season, seasonally or at work (bakery, butchery, etc.). In cold conditions the muscles contract, resulting in stiffness and pain, such as lumbago; as well as dry, hard, skin and brittle nails; and to expand in the warmth, causing the skin to stretch, resulting in stretch marks.13 Loss of the ability to unite with organic matter causes a continued dilation or relaxed condition of the fibres, resulting in conditions such as: varicose veins, prolapses and haemorrhoidal tumours and haemorrhages.20

When the elastic fibres relax in the blood vessels the lymphatic system and connective tissue is unable to absorb the discharges. This results in hardened glands, lumpy discharges on bone surfaces and other hard swellings.21

The face has a brownish-blackish discolouration around the eyes, with furrows if severe. The more intense the colour, the greater the deficiency. There is increased tension in the body in the effort to overcome feelings of not being good enough and trying to make a good impression. This strain in having to keep up a good appearance causes tiredness; hence the dark rings under the eyes, which greatly depletes Calc flour. There may be bluish lips, because the strength of the muscles and the arteries has been compromised, and the heart is forced to work harder to supply blood; cracked lips, especially in cold weather; criss-cross wrinkles, flabby skin; transparent teeth tips, lack of enamel, and dental caries. There may be a reflective shine on the face from a fine layer of keratin on the skin which reflects light.21

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of cold either with an excess of dryness and to a lesser extent an excess of moistness.

Conditions linked to coldness with dryness includes: stiffness, dry, flaking, cracked and hard skin, warts, calluses and brittle nails, as well as back pain and disc complaints, hard tendons, hard swellings, and dental caries.

Conditions linked to coldness with moistness includes: flaccid joints and muscles, flabby skin, stretch marks, flat or fallen arches, prolapse of organs, swollen legs; as well as dilated blood vessels as in varicose veins and haemorrhoids (which may also bleed), loose teeth and gum recession. There may also be a loss of libido.

The possible underlying emotions of fear of not being good enough can trigger an increased production of coldness and moistness. Fear is linked to the kidneys and bladder and excessive fear will result in diseases to these organs, as well as weakening the adrenal and posterior pituitary glands. Fear causes the blood circulation to suddenly move inwards, causing the skin to become pale and cold, which is also evident in the appearance of a bluish tinge to the lips, with cracks. Long-lasting fear results in excessive coldness in the body, and this uses up a lot of Calcium Fluoratum. Fear also causes shallow breathing, and diaphragmatic insufficiency may occur as a result of an excess of coldness and moistness, amongst other conditions.

Signs and symptoms of this deficiency are aggravated by qualities of cold as in cold weather, and a lack of movement.

Relieving factors are associated with qualities of heat as in warm weather and physical exercise.

As this tissue salt targets conditions with cold qualities either linked to dryness and to a lesser extent moistness, the temperament of this Calcfluor is towards heat.

Tissue salt no. 2 – Calcium Phosphoricum – a cell restorer and cell builder

Calcphos is also known as Phosphate of Lime or Calcium Phosphate. It is responsible for restoring and building cells and it regulates voluntary muscles.

It is an important constituent of the skeletal system and bones, the skin and the gall bladder. It is especially beneficial for elderly people as it not only provides calcium, it also improves gastric digestive functioning, which enhances the assimilation of all minerals and vitamins.36

Albumen is the base of all organic matter, but especially with lime salt; it chemically unites with protein, giving it the cement-like consistency to build bone tissue. It is one of the most abundant tissue salts in the body, making up 57% of the bones, the remainder consisting of gelatine, an albuminous, gluey substance, and carbonate of soda, magnesium phosphate and sodium chloride. Without lime phosphate, no bone would be made.12

Calcphos is found in gastric juice, and a deficiency will cause indigestion. A proper balance is needed to prevent acid conditions, such as rheumatism. Calcphos is an auxiliary to the therapeutic effects of Mag phos, as it more nearly resembles that salt than any other. When Mag phos does not restore the normal condition, Calcphos can be given.20

Cravings include mustard, bacon, ham, smoked meat, tomato sauce and milk. A chalky, sandy taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Calcphos.13

The Face: There is a creamy-whitish appearance (yogurt look), a waxy-like skin on the on areas with cartilage, such as the nose and ears. The more surface area of waxy-like colour, the greater the deficiency. There is an appearance of a so-called ʻhard lifeʼ with hard-bitten look and small lips. There may be transparent teeth tips and white spots on the teeth and nails.21The white spots are evident of a protein like substance and may indicate protein allergies. In Tibb, protein has an overall quality of dryness, with degrees of coldness and heat.

Conditions/symptoms linked to coldness and dryness such as muscle tension, cold hands and feet, feeling cold, calf cramps, neck and shoulder tension, sciatica and insomnia, numbness or tingling of the hands and feet, osteoporosis, and tension headaches which are aggravated by cold weather.

The underlying emotions may be fears of being ignored; causing the person to become frightened, worried, introverted and shy.35 There may be tension and pain, perpetual muscle strain and overtaxing of the spinal column in the body, which is linked with the qualities of coldness and dryness. This results in the inhibition of bone growth and albumin development, causing osteoporosis.

These signs and symptoms are relieved with relaxation and warmth which increases moistness and heat in the body, such as massages or a steam bath.

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with coldness and dryness, the temperament of the Calcphos is towards heat and moisture.

Tissue salt no. 3 – Calcium Sulphuricum – a purulent and blood purifyingagent

Calcsulph is also known as Sulphate of Lime or Calcium Sulphate. It is responsible for clearing pus, purifying blood and breaking down protein. It is needed for conditions which include mucous congestion, such as bronchitis and other lung conditions.

It is an important constituent of connective tissue, being the main builder of epithelial tissue. It is responsible for the formation of a protective coating of the colon, large intestine, sex organs and the prostate gland. If the protective coating of the sex organs is lost, the eggs and the sperm will be unable to fulfil their functions, resulting in impotence. It also provides a protective coating to all the eliminative channels and outlets.36

Calcsulph sustains no. 5 (Kali mur) due to the building of fibrin. Lime sulphate, together with albuminoids, assists KaliumMuriaticum to form epithelial cells, which holds it intact by its cohesive quality.1 Calcsulph needs noʼs 7 (Kali sulph) and 11 (Nat sulph) to achieve efficient elimination. Calcium Sulphuricum corresponds to silica, tissue salt no. 12: silica ripens abscesses, while Calcium sulfuricum heals the suppurative wounds.12A deficiency of this salt causes the epithelial tissue to break down and disintegrate; the fluids from the blood (serum) take up the waste and discharge it out of the body.20

It is the main builder of epithelial tissue as well as clearing out any foreign tissue as a result of suppurative exudations, by facilitating the discharge of pus from the body. It helps the liver to remove waste products from the blood stream.

A deficiency is as a result of excessive dryness in the body, which causes the disintegration and fermentation of the epithelial cells, causing suppuration in any part of the body, such as: purulent conditions, as in acne, boils, ulcers and abscesses.

Cravings include fruit, tea and Bordeaux wine.35

The Face: There is a white appearance, with possible pimples, boils or abscesses; age spots, large pores, and a dirty appearance, due to a yellow discharge, as in acne.21Analabaster, marble-white discoloration appears on the face.13

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of dryness either with an excess of heat and to a lesser extent an excess of coldness.

Conditions linked to qualities of dryness with heat such as hyperacidity, causing gastric discomfort, rashes, boils, abscesses, acne, carbuncles with pus, and bronchitis.

The underlying emotions may be shock, such as a break-up in a relationship, or a fear of not being seen. During a shock reaction Physis diverts the blood circulation inwards, in an effort to enhance the blood supply to the important organs of the heart, the brain and the liver. As a result, the extremities of the skin have less blood, causing coldness in the extremities. Over time, the internalisation of many incidences of shocks, break-ups, etc., causes the person to withdraw from society, and becoming lonely and dependent on others for acceptance. Social isolation and loneliness are common features of the melancholic temperament with qualities associated with coldness and dryness.

Aggravating factors contributing towards the deficiency of this tissue salt include shock, which increases coldness& dryness, and may worsen symptoms due to an increase in the gastric acid from an excess of dryness in the body. This is relieved by alkaline nutrition which has a moistening effect, thereby counteracting the dryness.

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with dryness, either linked to an excess of heat or to a lesser extent an excess of coldness the temperament of the Calcsulph is towards moistness.

Tissue salt no. 4 –Ferrum Phosphoricum – an anti-inflammatory agent

Ferrumphos is also known as phosphate of iron, which is an essential constituent of haemoglobin; its main function being the transportation of oxygen to the tissues and cellular oxidation.22It is the only metal common to all 12 salts, and as such, it is essential for the effective functioning of all the other tissue salts.36

It is responsible for reducing inflammation and for improving the immune system. When oxygen is deficient, the circulation is increased in an effort to increase the blood and oxygen supply to the extremities, with low iron content; 1 while blood is also drawn inward from the surface of the body, in order to preserve the vital organs of the body, namely the heart, liver, brain and lungs. However, a lack of blood in the minute blood vessels of the skin causes the pores of the skin to close, which results in the discharge of waste matter to the inner organs, causing exudations, mucous congestion and inflammation of the lungs.21

The increase in the rate of motion of the blood is changed to heat, caused by friction – also known as the ʻconservation of energy.ʼ This heat, or increase in temperature of the blood, resulting in fever – a Latin word, meaning, ʻto boil outʼ1

It is the principal biochemical first aid remedy. It should be used at the onset (first stage) of inflammatory conditions.12

When the molecules of iron are disturbed, the fibres relax, causing dilatation of the blood vessels, with an accumulation of blood in the veins, with high blood pressure, and a possibility of rupture of the blood vessel. This disturbance can also cause irritability of the muscular fibres in the intestinal villi, resulting in either diarrhoea, or weakness of the villi, causing constipation.12 The discharge may be visible as haemorrhages of blood from inflammatory conditions anywhere in the body.21 Any discharge of blood should be considered a serious condition, which must get attention from a doctor.

Cravings include liver and liver spread.35

The Face: Redness in general is a sign of Ferrumphos deficiency. - red ears and a warm, reddish flushed face, with a fever, as well as inflamed skin spots, and inflamed eyes, which may be red and burning. This is the result of an excess of heat and dryness in the body. If the back of the hand is hot, it is a sign of Ferrumphos deficiency. There may be a bluish-blackish shadow, or a colourless furrow at the bridge of the nose, and dark (bluish-blackish for No4 deficiency; brownish-blackish for No1 deficiency) circles under the eyes; a ʻhung-overʼ appearance. A red, hot face after the consumption of alcohol may be a sign of this deficiency.13

Conditions/symptoms linked to heat and dryness such as sun intolerance, headache behind the eyes, bleeding haemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, menorrhagia, and bronchitis which exacerbate in warm nights and movement which increases heat. The aggravating factors which worsen this deficiency include coffee, black tea and cocoa.

These signs and symptoms are relieved by keeping cool and resting.

The associated emotions are: friction, conflict and temper. These are features of the Bilious temperament with associated qualities of heat and dryness. The result of these emotions is exhaustion and a lack of vitality, weak concentration, shortness of breath and a low resistance to colds and flu, because of a lack of oxygen in the blood. 

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with heat and dryness, the temperament of Ferrumphosis towards coldness and moistness.

Tissue salt no. 5 –KaliumMuriaticum – a detoxification agent.

Kali mur is also known as Potassium chloride, or Chloride of potash. It is responsible for detoxification and functioning of the glands. It is important for the formation of most cells of the body, except bone cells, and it helps cells retain their shape.36

Caution must be taken with a person who is on warfarin, due to thinning of the blood, as Kalimur is responsible for making fibrin in the body, and fibrin cannot be held in proper solution in the blood without the proper balance of Kali mur. Thinning of the blood from warfarin will affect the consistency of fibrinogen.

Fibrin is produced by the action of Kali mur and oxygen on certain albuminoids. This is very effective for burns as fibrin in the tissue first succumbs to the effects of heat of the burn, and the chloride of potash, by its union with albuminous substances, produces new fibrin and supplies the deficiency. A deficiency of this salt nearly always is as a result of an iron deficiency.20

A disturbance in the molecular motion of this salt can cause a fibrinous exudation – any cutaneous eruptions, such as inflammations of the skin. A fibrinous exudation in the interstitial connective tissue will result in mastitis, for example.12In any inflammatory exudations there is fibrin in the serous cavities, which thickens, such as the pleura, causing pleurisy or pneumonia, and on the mucous membrane, as in croup, catarrh etc. In all inflammatory conditions, Ferrumphos should be given in alteration with Kalimur, as iron molecules carry oxygen, which becomes deficient due to the fibrinous exudations.20

When the lumps of fibrin blocks up the auricles and ventricles of the heart, as in an embolus, there is heart failure. However, the cause of an embolus and fibrinous exudations are not the result of an excess of fibrin, but rather from a deficiency in the potash molecules that work with fibrin, diffuse it throughout the body and build it into the tissue.1

Kalimuris the remedy of the glands, and an essential building block of the mucous membranes, situated in the sense organs. It is the biochemical remedy for catarrhal conditions accompanied by discharge of thick, white mucous or phlegm from the skin or mucous membranes. This deficiency may present as allergies, hay fever, sinusitis, snoring or nausea.

Cravings include marzipan. A perfumed taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Kali mur.35

The Face: There may be spider veins or red blood vessels on the eyes; bluish eyeballs, and a milky-bluish-pinkish-purple discoloration around the eyes, mouth or entire face. Grutum (milium), or hard white spots, may also appear on the face. There may be a white or grey coating on the tongue, mucous lining or the tonsils, because the fibrin has become non-functional because of the deficiency in Kali mur and oxygen. This is also evident as a thick white slime, or phlegm from the mucous membranes.21 In Tibb this is the result of an excess of the Phlegmatic Humour.

Conditions/symptoms linked to coldness such as mucous congestion are aggravated by dairy products like milk. Symptoms are relieved by increasing heat which will dry up the mucous.

The associated emotions are: over emotional responses which are linked to the qualities of coldness. This salt is linked to feelings and quality of engagement. Repressed feelings can lead to heart attacks or strokes (more in men). Suppressed feelings in women lead to coldness, frigidity and osteoporosis. The spine (backbone) is the ʻmirrorʼ of the personality, where courage for emotional involvement is lacking. Therefore the body ʻsupports the weak spineʼ with chronically tensed muscles and stressed vertebral discs, causing sciatica, amongst other chronic conditions.37

As this tissue salt targets conditions with coldness either linked to an excess of moistness or linked to an excess of dryness, the temperament of Kalimur is towards heat.

Tissue salt no. 6 – KaliumPhosphoricum – a nerve and brain cell agent.

Kali phos is also known as Potassium Phosphate, or Phosphate of potash. It is responsible for the treatment of all nerve and brain disorders.

Kali phos unites with albumin, and by the addition of oxygen, creates nerve fluid, and the grey matter of the brain.20 This is a constituent of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood-corpuscles. This salt is the restorative remedy after acute conditions.12

Cravings include nuts and milk chocolate. A musty or mouldy taste indicates a deficiency of Kali phos.35

The Face: There may be an ash grey appearance, often seen on the chin, or temples, lower eyelids and outer corner of the eyes. The temples may be sunken; there may be loss of lustre in the eyes, and bad breath.21

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of dryness either with an excess of heat and to a lesser extent an excess of coldness.

Conditions/symptoms linked to dryness with heat include anxiety, irritability, gastritis, enteritis and stomach ulcers.

These signs and symptoms are relieved with gentle motion, and eating.

The associated emotions are excessive demands, by expecting too much of oneself and other people. These features are typically associated with Melancholic or Bilious temperaments which both have qualities of dryness associated with them. The intensity of inner conflict and perfectionism depletes energy resources, resulting in depression, self-doubt, despondency and demotivation. There may be grinding of the teeth in an effort to control expectations.37

As this tissue salt targets conditions with dryness, either linked to heat or to a lesser extent coldness, the temperament of Kaliphos is towards moistness which is necessary to restore nerves and brain cells.

Tissue salt no. 7 – Kalium Sulphuricum – a metabolic and pancreas conditioner

Kali sulph is also known as Potassium sulphate. It is responsible for metabolism and it is a conditioner of the pancreas. It is the remedy of the epidermis and of the epithelium.12It maintains healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes, and is an oxygen carrier. Kali sulph is given for chronic diseases, such as psoriasis and chronic asthma. It is also suitable for conditions which require the purification of the blood, such as conjunctivitis and exudative tonsillitis. This is due to its oxygen carrying capacity which assists in the elimination of wastes and toxins, as well as its support for cell renewal.

It improves the ability of the body to take up nutrition effectively, especially to make and distribute oils. Ageing causes the natural lubrication to dry up, resulting in dry skin and hair, eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, and any diseases arising from rashes or scaling of the skin.36

The oxygen in the lungs is taken up by the iron in the blood and carried to the cells by the reciprocal action of Kali sulph and Ferrumphos.21

When there is a deficiency of Kali sulph there is a ʻsuffocating feelingʼ and a ʻdesire for cool air,ʼ most notably in the afternoon, when there is a rise in temperature, which only subsides around midnight. This is because there is an increase in the supply of oxygen during sleep, but a deficiency in this salt causes a reduced oxygen supply, causing exhaustion; the person falls asleep around midnight, breaths deeply and restores oxygen to the blood and tissues, and opens up the pores; the circulation is immediately diminished allowing the heat to escape from the body, reducing the temperature. It takes some time again after the person awakes to resume poor breathing from the deficiency, increasing the circulation again, which produces heat, and the same scenario occurs.20

Kali sulph is the maker and distributor of oil, which is formed by the union of Kali sulph with albuminoids. A deficiency causes the oil to become non-functional, which becomes too thick and blocks up the pores. This results in a discharge of a yellowish, thin, oily, slimy matter falling off the hair. This yellow exudation can arise from any orifice of the body, such as in glandular swellings, abscesses and cancers.1 The lack of oxygen in the skin and epithelial cells causes symptoms of chilliness, heaviness, weariness, and palpitations of the heart, anxiety, sadness, headaches and limb pains.21

The discharge is a yellow-green colour with a slimy consistency. A yellow or green discharge indicates signs of infection.21 Cravings /refusals include fresh air, oxygen, and bitter foods and drinks. A bitter taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Nat sulph.

The Face: There may be a brownish-yellow discoloration, pigmentation, freckles and ageing spots.

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of heat either with an excess of dryness and to a lesser extent an excess of moistness.

Conditions/symptoms linked to heat with dryness such as gonorrhoea, bronchitis and conjunctivitis, palpitations, anxiety, headaches and limb pains.21 which are aggravated in a warm room and in the late afternoon.

The associated emotions are self-denial and fulfilling the expectations of other people, thereby creating a protective wall to block out the loneliness. This inner contradiction creates stress on the pancreas, resulting in diabetes. Breathing may be inhibited, resulting in gasping for breath, and the need for fresh air.37 Diabetes is associated with the qualities of heat and moistness.

These signs and symptoms are relieved with cool, fresh air, which is aimed at reducing the heat.

As this tissue salt targets conditions with heat, either linked to dryness and to a lesser extent moistness, the temperament of Kalisulph is towards coldness.

Tissue salt no. 8 – Magnesium Phosphoricum - a pain and cramp killer

Mag Phos is also known as Magnesium phosphate. It is responsible for regulating the autonomic nervous system, by regulating involuntary muscles. It is a pain and cramp killer. If it is unable to resolve the condition, no. 2 (Calcphos), can be given. Severe pain is often associated with a disturbance of the nerves, thus no. 6 (Kali phos) may be a good accompaniment.

Mag phos unites with albumin, together with oxygen. It is found in the white fibres of the nerves and muscles. Calcphos is an auxiliary to the therapeutic effects of Mag phos, as it more nearly resembles this salt than any other. When Mag phos does not restore the normal condition, Calcphos can be given.20

A deficiency causes these fibres to contract, resulting in pain, spasms and cramps; and depending on where the fibres contract, produce pain in the respective areas of the body. For example, when the deficiency occurs in the muscular tissue of the walls of the stomach, the white fibres draw up, contract and reduce the cavity of the stomach. The body compensates by producing gas, in an effort to expand the stomach cavity, producing a counter-force, thereby preventing a collapse.20Tibb refers to this innate ability to restore health as Physis.

Mag phos is a muscle and nervous system relaxant.

Iron and magnesium are antagonistic with respect to their actions: iron disturbance causes relaxation of muscles; while magnesium disturbance causes muscle contraction.12 Cravings/refusals include dark chocolate.35

The discharge is a white and thin mucous of the nose, and dark and stringy discharge of the vagina.21 The Face: There may be pinkish to crimson spots beside the nasal wings, neck, cheeks or upper chest in times of stress. The face may appear flushed and hot, especially after a meal which can signify colon weakness.21

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of dryness either with an excess of cold and to a lesser extent an excess of heat.

Conditions/symptoms linked to cold and dry qualities such as flatulence, nervous tension, hunger pains and muscle cramps, spasmodic pains, hiccups, spasmodic palpitations, cramping menstrual pain and headaches, especially if accompanied by shooting or stabbing pains, sciatica, tensed muscles, neck pain, and constipation. Stress may further aggravate a deficiency of Magphos.

The associated emotions are high tension, which is associated with qualities of heat and dryness, due to fear of disgrace or inferiority, from trying to cope with expectations and demands from others and the world in general. This person is intense, and hides deficiencies due to a fear that someone would discover the shortcomings. There is a fear of failure, and, in an attempt to hide embarrassment/inferiority, the person blushes, with hot flushes.37

Signs and symptoms are relieved by warmth and relaxation as well as the antispasmodic action of Magphos which reduces pain.

As this tissue salt targets conditions with dryness, either linked to coldness and to a lesser extent heat, the temperament of Magphos is towards moistness.

Tissue salt no. 9 – NatriumMuriaticum - water balancing

Nat mur is also known as common salt, or sodium chloride, and it is the constituent of all fluids and solids of the body. It is responsible for balancing the water content in the body. Noʼs 10 (Nat phos) and 11 (Nat sulph) can be given together with this salt. Caution must be taken for people who have high blood pressure.

Nat Mur and Calcphos are the two most abundant tissue salts in the body; Calcphos makes up 57 % of bone, and as water makes up 70 % in the body, Nat mur has a major role in regulating the balance of water in the body. It is one of the most important salts as it controls the moisture in tissues; it regulates body temperature by the action of sweat, and it aids in the process of detoxification.

A disturbance in the molecules of this salt results in the change in the degree of aqueousness of the fluid or solid part of the body.12 There may be either an excess in moisture or an excess in dryness. An excess in moisture causes puffiness, swelling of any area of the body and oedema. An excess of dryness results in a decrease of secretions of the mucous membrane, causing dehydration.

In sun stroke, a deficiency of Nat mur results in moisture to be drawn from other parts of the body, especially the nape of the neck. This causes pressure against the base of the brain (cerebellum), preventing the magnetic vibrations from the upper brain (cerebrum) from passing to the central/abdominal brain (solar plexus). In delirium tremens (alcohol withdrawal), there is a deficiency of Nat mur molecules, resulting in a disturbance of the water content in the body, which gives rise to its signs and symptoms.20

Cravings/refusals include salt and spicy food.35 A metallic or salty taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Nat mur, as well as tissue salts noʼs 20 (Kalium Aluminium sulphuricum) and 21 (Zincummuriaticum).

The Face: There may be a gelatine shine on the upper and lower eye lids (like a snail track), with a possible inflamed eyelid border; the eyes are dull; the pores are large and the skin has a spongy appearance or bloated appearance. The pores try to hold the moisture in the skin, resulting in swelling of the face.

The discharge is a clear, thin and watery mucous.21 which is indicative of an excess of coldness and moisture. The body may show also dandruff, dry skin and cold hands and feet, from an excess of coldness and dryness, as well as symptoms of allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and mucous membrane complaints. There may be a burning pharynx, excessive or no thirst, and a craving for salty food. The blood pressure may be high or low.13

This salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of Cold either with an excess of dryness or an excess of moistness.

Conditions/symptoms linked to qualities of dryness with coldness includes: constipation, dehydration, decreased sweating, excessive thirst or no thirst, dry, cracked skin, dandruff, cold hands, feet and back, disc and joint problems, cracking joints, as well as allergic rhinitis.

The associated emotions are inflexibility, rigidity and stubbornness. Everything is the fault of others. If a child is constantly rebuked, he adapts to please others, forgetting his own needs. He tries to please others and distances himself.37 This results in physical inflexibility, which translates into conditions such as cracking joints, immobility, in rheumatism and gout and arthritis, which is associated with the qualities of coldness and dryness.

Conditions/symptoms linked to qualities of moistness with coldness includes: watery colds (watery eyes or nose), sneezing, oedema (any swellings), shingles and anaemia with exhaustion, as well as mucous congestion, increase in sweating, and sinusitis.

The aggravating factors contributing towards the deficiency of this tissue salt include high consumption of salt, drinking too much water and fluids that have a dehydrating effect on the body such as coffee, soft drinks, beer and wine.

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with qualities of dryness with coldness and moistness with coldness, the temperament of Natmur is towards heat.

Tissue salt no. 10- NatriumPhosphoricum - an acid neutralising agent

Nat phos is also known as Sodium phosphate, or Phosphate of soda. It is responsible for neutralising the acidity of the body, as well as lipid metabolism. No. 1 (Calcfluor) needs this salt, and Nat phos can be given with tissue salts noʼs 9 (Nat mur), and 10 (Nat phos).

As Nat phos regulates the acid content in the body, it must be balanced with alkaline so that Nat phos can work with albumin to distribute it and incorporate it into bone and tissues.

Organic matter has no creative power, and because acid is organic, like albumin (protein), there are always sufficient amounts of it in the body, provided that nutrition is properly balanced. Inorganic mineral salts have the power to create, when furnished with the proper material. An ʻexcess of acid is really a deficiency in Nat phos.ʼ

A deficiency causes a fermentation of the gastric juice, retarding digestion, and altering the pH balance of the lining of the stomach. If acid causes pain, the pain is a ʻcry for helpʼ from the body in an effort to call for sufficient amounts of alkaline salts to counteract the acidity.20

This salt enables lactic acid to be decomposed into carbonic acid and water. The use of this salt is the remedy for any disorders which have an excess of lactic acid such as heartburn and acid indigestion, gout, cholesterol problems, smelly feet, or body odour, constipation and any yellow coloured body discharge.12

Life is considered to be serious, not playful. When a child id not allowed to argue or defend himself, or to behave in an adult way, he feels threatened. These compulsions and constraints cause frustration pressure and tension, all of which increase acidity. The body is unable to manage fat metabolism, therefore fat is stored, resulting in obesity, which is a ʻprotective armourʼ

Cravings/refusals include sugar, sweets, cakes, white bread and pasta.35

The Face: There is a yellowish discoloration, with a sunken and swollen face. Yellow points in the corners of the eyes signify high cholesterol, and an inability to metabolise fat; yellow points in the corners of the mouth signify liver involvement. There may be blackheads and pimples, greasy skin and weak hair, as well as acid wrinkles and acid spots. The chin may be reddish and a double chin may be present. There may be a red nose, with red spots, and a red face after eating, because of poor digestion.21An acid, fishy or oily taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Nat phos.

The discharge is a sour, creamy or honey-coloured, thin consistency (Card, 2004), which is purulent and acidic, with excess qualities of dryness and heat. The body may show heartburn, swollen lymphʼs, craving for sweets, and tiredness.13

Conditions/symptoms linked to dryness and heat includes hyperacidity, gastritis, indigestion, and heartburn.

The associated emotions are anxiety and tension, which is associated with qualities of dryness and heat. This person is known as ʻthe acid oneʼ, with an acerbic character. The acid tries to escape via the skin, which results in pimples, blackheads and acne.37

The aggravating factors contributing towards the deficiency of this tissue salt include inadequate nutrition like sugary foods, cakes and soft drinks

These signs and symptoms are relieved with alkaline nutrition, which has a cooling and moistening effect.

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with dryness and heat, the temperament of Natphos is towards moistness and coldness.

Tissue salt no. 11 – NatriumSulphuricum - Liver cleanser and detoxification agent

Nat sulph is also known as Sodium sulphate or sulphate of soda. It is responsible for cleansing the liver, detoxification, building bile, and it is an antioxidant. No. 7 (Kali sulph) needs Nat sulph. It can be given with noʼs 9 (Nat mur) and 10 (Nat phos). Nat sulph must be given in higher quantities than no. 7 (Kali suph).

It is found in the intercellular fluids and it transforms waste products into excretory products. It is responsible for the elimination of toxins from the intercellular fluids and is needed for the healthy functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is indicated for all illness conditions affecting the liver.35When chills and fever, or cholera and malaria occur, there is an excess of toxins in the blood and intercellular fluids. There is an inability of the process of digestion and assimilation to supply the body with sufficient amounts of Nat sulph to excrete this excess of waste matter, which is breathed in by the lungs via the blood. The body reacts by causing a spasm of the vascular, nervous and muscular systems, in an effort to get rid of the excess toxins. The Physis response results in profuse perspiration. However if the body is not replenished with Nat sulph, the chill will recur within forty eight hours, as it will take this length of time to again overcharge the blood with water.20

Cravings include bitter foods and drinks.35A bitter taste in the mouth indicates a deficiency of Nat sulph.

The Face: This may show an olive-green discoloration, with greenish eyeballs, reddish-purple nose (from alcohol) and swollen lachrymal sacs, with puffy eyes.21

The discharge is a watery, yellow-green mucous, which is indicative of an infection.21 and which is associated with dryness and heat. The body may show swollen hands and feet, because of water retention, itchy skin, warts, herpes, solar eczema, as well as liver problems and smelly gas.13

Conditions/symptoms linked to heat and dryness such as biliousness, diarrhoea, itching, foul smelling flatulence, red burning tongue with blisters on the tip, inflammation of the eyes, liver and gallbladder complaints, and profuse menstruation.13

A deficiency may result in feelings of irritability, disgruntlement and discontentment which are features of the Bilious temperament according to the Tibb philosophy. The associated emotions are anger and rage, which are controlled by the liver and gall bladder. These emotions are associated with qualities of heat and dryness as heat is directed outwardly to the skin in order to protect the vital organs. If the liver is overloaded with waste and unable to break it down, the body will retain the waste in a watery solution. The body becomes bloated, with swollen hands and feet. The person feels as if life is being dictated by others, and he refuses to take responsibility for his own life. He feels like the victim, and suppresses emotions. This inner anger and tension causes blockages, with difficulty in breathing and muscle tension.37 Liver disease may manifest as a result of unlived hate.

The aggravating factors contributing towards the deficiency of this tissue salt include abuse of alcohol, nicotine and coffee.

As this tissue salt targets conditions with heat and dryness, the temperament of the medication is towards coldness and moistness.

Tissue salt no. 12 – Silicea or Silica - a connective tissue cleanser and conditioner

Silica is a constituent of the connective tissue, skin, hair, nails, and the periosteum. It is responsible for cleansing, conditioning and strengthening the connective tissue.

Silicea is considered the biochemical beauty remedy as it has nourishing, organizing, protecting and healing properties for all cells, especially the skin, eyes, hair, teeth and nails.37

Silica corresponds to the suppurative process like Calcium Sulfuricum (no 3), the differences being that silica ripens abscesses, while Calcium sulfuricum heals the suppurative wounds, as it restrains the process of the formation of pus.12 It does this by removing degenerative matter from the body, expelling abscesses, sties, boils and pimples.

Microscopically the particles of silica have sharp corners, like quartz, which is natureʼs way (Physis) of assisting the body to expel any suppurative discharges.1

Cravings include movement, millet and sweets.35

The Face: This may show laughter lines and compacted wrinkles, due to a loss of connective tissue; a shiny gloss on the tip of the nose (like a mirror), and with no visible pores. When this deficiency is extreme, the eyes appear deeply sunken into the sockets.

The discharge is thick and yellow and offensive smelling, from boils and infections and sweating. This is indicative of an infection.21It has a purulent secretion, which is associated with the qualities of dryness and heat, as well as smelly and sweaty hand and feet. The body shows vertical lines on the nails, bruises easily, sweaty hands and feet, sciatic pain, which have qualities of coldness and dryness. The person is hypersensitive to noise and light.13

This tissue salt is ideal for conditions where symptoms are associated with qualities of dryness either with heat or to a lesser extent with coldness.

Conditions/symptoms linked to dryness with heat includes: hyperacidity and stress boils, carbuncles, abscesses, migraine, heat rashes, profuse menstruation, itching which is worse in the daytime, inflammation of the eyes, ears, throat, photophobia and profuse sweating.

Conditions linked to dryness with coldness includes: gout, weak joints, shoulder pain, and scoliosis.

The associated emotions are oversensitivity and a poor self-worth. This person is friendly with everyone, and lives for others, making other people happy, at the expense of his own happiness. There are feelings of guilt and a sense of having to be responsible for everything, and oversensitivity. As a child, the parents displayed high expectations upon him, with punishment, should he not fulfil these expectations. As a coping mechanism, the child tries to satisfy everyone, and avoiding conflict, resulting in self-doubt and poor self-worth.37

This is relieved with alkaline nutrition which has cold and moist qualities, and sunglasses will help for the sensitivity to light.

As this tissue salt targets conditions associated with dryness, either linked with an excess of heat, and to a lesser extent an excess of cold, the temperament of silicea is towards moistness, due to the process which is necessary for the expulsion of potentially harmful and toxic substances in the body.

9. Conclusion

The biochemistry of tissue salts plays a fundamental role in the physiological and psychological framework of the human being; without which would result in changes to the ideal humoral composition of the ideal Temperament of a particular individual.

These changes would result in an alteration to the quality and quantity of heat, moisture, coldness and dryness in the body, which will consequently cause deficiencies in the essential tissue salts in the respective parts of the body.

A disturbance in the molecular structure and motion of the tissue salts causes changes in the mineral composition, resulting in disease. This can be rectified by reestablishing the correct balance of tissue salts in the body. This can be achieved by administering the same mineral salt that is deficient in the body in small quantities.

Health is dependent on the correct balance of tissue salts, together with healthy lifestyle choices; these include: environmental air and breathing; food and drink; movement and rest; sleep and wakefulness; emotions, and elimination and retention.

There is a symbiosis between the relationship of the biochemistry of tissue salts and the law of supplying deficiencies, with that of Tibb. Tibb recognises that each tissue salt has an affinity to heat, moisture, coldness and dryness, as do tissue salts; and deficiencies are corrected by supplying the tissue salt to the body which reflects its humoral composition.

Both philosophies search for the underlying causes for any humoral changes and imbalances, and restore this by correcting the quality and quantity of heat, moisture, coldness and dryness in the body, associated with the respective tissue salts.


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