Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Excerpts from 'How to Use the Laws of Mind

Excerpts from 'How to Use the Laws of Mind


God indwells you, and all the powers, attributes and qualities of God indwell each one of us. All of us live, move and have our being in that Infinite Being which created all things and is the very life of us. "There is," says Emerson, "guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right words."...

Begin every day with your thought of God and His love for you. Remember also a simple truth: The beginning of all manifestation or phenomena in this material universe is a thought or a word; and a word is a thought expressed. Your thought is first cause. God is the Creative Power in you, and the only immaterial power you know is your thought. Your thought is creative, and you are what you think all day long...

All of us were born without any religious beliefs, prejudices or racial bias. When we were children we were highly impressionable and malleable and subject to the teachings and beliefs of all those who had any control over our lives. Children grow up in the image and likeness of the dominant mental and emotional climate of the home. The first language you spoke came from your parents.

Your subconscious mind is a book of the law, and the dominant impressions and convictions of the mind become the ruling and governing forces of your life. In talking with and counseling many people through the years, I have found that the main reason many do not advance in life and remain healthy and prosperous is that they when they were very young they had impressed on their deeper mind (the subconscious) feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness and inferiority, which governed their choices in life and their reactions, preventing them from succeeding and prospering in life. 

Sigmund Freud, the great psychopathologist, pointed out that all of us are governed by subconscious impulses which are mostly irrational, which means that most of the religious beliefs, taboos, and strictures which were given to us when very young are illogical, unreasonable, unscientific, and completely contrary to basic common sense...

There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so, and that there is nothing evil in the universe, for good and evil are the movements of his own mind relative to the One Being - God - the Living Spirit, which is whole, pure, and perfect. Use determines whether a thing is good or evil. How do you use the Power? If you use the One Power constructively, you call it God, Allah, Brahma, peace, harmony, and prosperity. If you use the One Power negatively, ignorantly, or maliciously, you can experience lack, limitation, sickness and disease. The world calls it, satan, devil, hell, etc, all of which are states of mind. The word satan means to err, to slip, to deviate from the truth.

As you continue to read this chapter, the truth will be revealed to you about the Book of Life. Remember, when a person is fearful, suspicious or angry, he acts and reacts in an abnormal way even when there are no circumstances or conditions warranting such actions. What is written in his Book of Life (his subconscious) becomes a law governing his experiences and relationships with others...


How to Use the Laws of Mind,

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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