Saturday, March 26, 2022

10. THE TEMPLE COMPLETED...Wheels of Truth

10. THE TEMPLE COMPLETED...Wheels of Truth


The Scripture says, Hiram of Tyre was a widow’s son. This means one who is anointed with the wisdom of God, one who has the “know how” or understanding to apply universal principles. “Hiram Abiff,” means “Our Father Hiram.” Hiram really means I AM or our consciousness which is the Father of all. Everything in our world is an out picturing of a state of consciousness within ourselves. When we change our consciousness the outer picture must change too. It takes seven years to complete the temple; this means you must die daily to present precepts and keep on forever expanding your consciousness. Every thought of negation must die within you and you must live only in the Christ truth or wisdom of God. The power to succeed is latent within every one.

There is a rest after every creative process (this is referred to as the seven years) and as we continue creating and generating greater values in life, we go from glory to glory.

“And there was neither hammer nor ax, nor any tool of iron heard in the house while it was in building.” (I Kings 6:7) We create only in the silence. We must learn the effortless way of life which is to “Be still and know that I Am God.” If we accept all our desires in consciousness by actually feeling the reality of the wish fulfilled, the objective manifestation of each desire will appear on the screen of space without our devising ways and means. Universal principles always set in motion methods of attainment. As we continue conditioning ourselves by daily rejecting all false race beliefs, such as the necessity to work for a living, the time will ultimately come when the man of tomorrow will only think and the thought will be precipitated before the eyes. This will include food, home, real castles in the air, money and everything tangible or concrete.

This world should be the playground for man, as well as a school of learning wherein he paints the glories of God in statues, in stone, on canvas, in flesh, in speech, in writing, in music. His first real work here is to meditate on the mysteries of life. These are the everlasting values. To the degree that we understand life, to that degree can the universe be the playground in which we truly enjoy life. We are meant to be happy. All wish for perfect peace and happiness. “We cannot hope for more, nor need we pray for less.” Our happiness depends on ourselves and not on others.

We must learn to condition the weather at will and have any season of the year at any time. All these things must be done “without sound of hammer or voice of workmen.” King Solomon’s temple means that each man is the King in his own right; Solomon is consciousness or Father, Son and Holy Ghost; consciousness, idea and the feeling of being it. Therefore each man is King or master of his ideas, feelings and actions and he can build the house not made with hands only in the Silence, forever tuning in with the Infinite.

Three men supervise the building of this temple; they are Solomon, (God or consciousness), Hiram of Tyre (conscious mind, Godlike ideas, and concepts) and Hiram Abiff (subconscious mind). There is no mystery about this; the simplest way of stating it is The Father or unconditioned consciousness generates the seed or idea, the feeling nature of man or the receptive attitude of mind receives the idea through feeling. What is impressed must be expressed. The thousands of workmen employed in the building are ideas, moods, beliefs and opinions about people and things. The masters over the workmen are the predominant moods in which we dwell. Moods are creative, consequently, we must watch our moods wisely for they may become enemies within our household. Every man is the reflection of the mood he entertains.

The whole motion of the Cosmos is toward truth. It is the Creator moving through space, dramatizing himself for the joy of self-expression. Every man is that Being, but he doesn’t believe it. The holy place of man is his conscious mind where he contemplates ideas and the most Holy of Holies is his subconscious or subjective mind, the womb of God, Isis, the Goddess of ten thousand appellations, Eve, the Mother of all living, that which is all things to all men called “the harlot” in the mysteries. It is through our feeling nature that we consecrate ourselves to God.

Man must walk the earth in silence contemplating eternal verities; then he walks on the water; he is by the shores of Reality, and all who come in its presence will say audibly or silently “There goes a holy man.” At that moment all who see him will think of God and be blessed, because they felt the presence of God,—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The cedars of Lebanon are used in the construction of the temple of the living God; these represent wisdom and understanding and wealth. The cedars are the cross of Christ, the perpendicular beam is “I AM” or consciousness. Our fixed psychological belief is the horizontal or that which crossed it. There is no other cross, there never was and there never will be. Man is the cross and there is only man. The cross is God conceiving himself to be man. Let us for our own good now die on the cross and let the sword pierce our side and we will be resurrected as new beings; we will become illuminated and transformed from the Jesus state to the Christos plane of God being, Blood and water came out of his side. Blood and water do not fall from a dead man. This is a great truth and must be interpreted mystically and in no other way. Blood and water flow at birth; therefore it symbolizes the birth of the Christ consciousness. As this awareness expands we say “Blessed be the Name of the Lord.” “Blessed be His Angels.” The angels and the saints are the divine ideas that we are radiating; it is the subtle aura of love toward all men, the extension of ourselves as operating centers of consciousness. We realize all men are saints or holy because they are the channels through which the Holy One of Israel walks and talks. We also say aloud “Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin of Mothers.” We now have purified Mary or the subjective by true prayer, and dispelled all false beliefs and superstitions. Now we bring forth the blessed One, the beloved Son of God, the Christ consciousness. Our world is heaven and we abide in it.

In conclusion let us contemplate this profound truth “Beloved, now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (I JOHN 3:2)


Wheels of Truth, Dr. Joseph Murphy

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