Thursday, May 11, 2023

Gemmotherapy: 8 macerates for respiratory disorders

Gemmotherapy: 8 macerates for respiratory disorders

Near ear, nose and throat (ENT) and lung disorders are the lot of many of us this winter season. Although adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, sometimes the cold and humidity get the better of you. This is when respiratory problems such as colds, sinusitis, angina, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis... occur. Discover how gemmotherapy can help you and support you from the first symptoms for a quick recovery! Zoom on the 8 essential plants.

La gemmothérapie ou la thérapie par les bourgeons en naturopathie

In the large family of herbal medicine, there is a branch called gemmotherapy. It involves glycerinated macerates of buds, young shoots or rootlets. The interest of this natural practice lies in its broad field of application, which extends from the physical sphere to the emotional and energetic. Indeed, the bud, the young shoot or the rootlet are what we call plant embryos. They contain within them all the parts of the plant: root, stem, trunk, bark, leaf, flower, fruit... 

In naturopathy, gemmotherapy is commonplace because it has the advantage that it can be used at all ages of life. 

Troubles respiratoires en naturopathie

In naturopathy, respiratory disorders are usually associated with an overly burdened or somewhat lazy liver (with the holidays, it's easy to see why!). The latter is a main emunctory (gateway to the evacuation of toxins), one of whose missions is to eliminate "glue" type waste. When this one is tired or clogged, secondary emunctories take over. Here, it is the poumons. The previously mentioned "glues" take the form of mucus. 

The naturopathic strategy to calm respiratory disorders is to rely on an anti-inflammatory diet and low in "glues" (gluten/dairy products...) and to drain the liver. At the same time, we will try to calm the inflammation, to fluidify and expel mucus with plants including gemmotherapy

1. Le bourgeon de peuplier, populus nigra

Poplar grows in wetlands that it drains and sanitizes. Poplar contains salicylic acid on the surface of the bud, which is none other than the active molecule in aspirin. When bees gather the young poplar flowers, they take this resin with them to make propolis. 

Thus, poplar bud acts like propolis. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious

It is recommended for inflammatory, chronic or infectious respiratory problems such as tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, strep throat and bronchitis

2. La jeune pousse d'églantier, rosa canina

The wild rose or rose hip is "the" plant of the immune system. Just as it protects itself from invaders with its thorns, it protects you from bacteria and viruses...

Children (and adults) who suffer from repeated respiratory disorders will benefit from its milder immunostimulant properties than black currant or oak. 

Roseberry also calms irritated mucous membranes. It will thus be advised to accompany: rhinitis, angina, rhinopharyngitis, tracheitis (but also tonsillitis and otitis)

3. Le bourgeon de charme, carpinus betulus

The hornbeam is a social tree that participates in the growth of other trees around it through the formation of humus under its feet.

His bourgeon is used to calm respiratory spasms like coughing or sneezing. It also acts on the sinus mucosa which it soothes.

His benefits will relieve sinusitis, untimely sneezing, hay fever.

4. Jeune pousse de sapin pectiné, abies pectinata

Pectin fir is primarily used in children to promote proper growth and stimulate the immune system. It is recommended as a second-line or secondary macerate in cases of angina or asthma. 

5. Bourgeon de cassis, ribes nigrum

The blackcurrant bud is a staple of gemmotherapy. It is the macerate that takes care of your adrenals, it is cortisol-like and therefore anti-inflammatory, tonic, anti-allergic (among other things) and acts as an adaptogen and potentiator in synergistic complexes.  

6. Bourgeon de viorne, viburnum lantana

Virginia is a shrub that grows throughout France in hedgerows and the edge of woods. In gemmotherapy, viburnum is a pulmonary antispasmodic. Its main action is on allergic grounds presenting asthma. 

Take in cases of bronchitis asthmatiform, chronic asthma, allergy ... 

7. Bourgeon de noisetier, corylus avellana

The hazel bud dr and regenerates lung tissue. It calms inflammation and then promotes cicatrisation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tree. 

Primarily recommended in low respiratory disorders

8. Jeune pousse de ronce, rubus fruticosus

Fresh young shoots of bramble are traditionally used in folk medicine to calm coughs and irritated throats. 

The glycerinated macerate of young bramble shoots regenerateslung tissuein emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or respiratory insufficiency

BONUS les complexes : une synergie prête-à-l'emploi

Complexes have the advantage of the synergy of the different components. Thus, to prevent or relieve winter respiratory disorders, the HerbalGem laboratories have designed SINUGEM, a bud complex of hornbeam, alder, rosehip and black currant. 


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