Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Homeopathy...How To Make Your Own Remedy

How To Make Your Own Remedy

homeopathic dilutions

Elaine shows us how to make our own remedies when we don’t have access to regular ones or when the “regular” ones don’t address the problem.

What’s the value of knowing this?  It’s immense!  If you’re sick from vacationing in Mexico (famous for the water giving tourists diarrhea), you can make a remedy out of the local water — no offense to our lovely Mexican readers!  (And here they are now!)  

If the polluted air or pollens in the air are causing your problem, you can put a cup of water outside for 24 hours and let it collect whatever is in the air (make sure the water doesn’t evaporate out), and then make a remedy out of the water.  (I’m going to explain how to do this, don’t worry; and it’s very simple.) 

If you’re sick from something you ate, drop some of the food into half a cup of water, swish it around a few times, and make a remedy out of a few drops of the water.  If you threw the food away, then spit into an ounce of water, swish it around, then make a remedy out of the water.  

If you’re sick from the side-effects of a drug, make a remedy out of the drug.  If you’ve over-dosed on something you’ve smoked, blow some smoke into a half-filled, small bottle of spring water, shake it up and make a remedy out of the water.  If you have a cough and were lucky enough to have coughed up some mucus, spit what you coughed up into 1 or 2 ounces of water, swish it around, and then make a remedy out of the water. 

If you got a rash from pulling weeds out of the garden, mash up one of the weeds, soak it in water, then make a remedy out of the water.  If you’ve got a rash or an eruption that’s oozing or discharging, make a remedy out of the discharge using a Q-Tip to scoop it up and then let the q-tip soak in an ounce of water, then make a remedy out of the water. 

If you’re never well since exposure to radiation of some sort, like the computer screen, for example, place a glass of water in front of your computer screen for at least an hour, then make a remedy out of the water.   

As you can see, the list of possibilities for what you can make a remedy out of is endless!  Remember that whatever something causes, it can cure in small doses–that’s homeopathy’s motto!  So now, if you’re ready, here are the very simple instructions:

Get a small bottle of  water

(in an emergency any safe water will do), the exact amount of water or the size of the bottle is not relevant.  I always say “small bottle” because small is cheapest.  So, an 8 or 12 ounce bottle.
The bottles pictured above are 8 ounce bottles.

Pour half the water out (but save the water, you’ll be needing it.  In fact, you will actually need to buy more than one bottle of water; you’ll see why).

Now you have a half-filled bottle of water.  Pour in a small amount—maybe an ounce or less— of what you’re trying to make a remedy out of—let’s say for the sake of argument that you want to make “Homeopathic Coca Cola”—maybe because you drank some and now you don’t feel well, maybe that can of Coke was contaminated in some way; therefore, your half-filled water bottle should now consist of a solution of 90% water and 10% coke—there’s no need to be fussy about your percentages, just guess at what 10% might be when you’re adding your Coca Cola.

Now it’s time to “Succuss” this solution (pounding the bottle into your opposite palm).  Succuss means “pound” or “bang”.  Do it 40 times (see video demonstration below)  The lady in the video is making a “water potency” of the remedy “Thuja”.  What I want you to observe here is how to “succuss” the bottle:

OK, so now, pay attention:  Here is what you’ve done so far:

  1. You’ve bought a small bottle of spring water, it could be any brand of bottled water.
  2. You’ve poured half of it out so that you’ll be able to “succuss” the bottle.  (You can’t succuss a full bottle!)
  3. You’ve poured in an ounce (roughly) of a liquid—this time, it’s Coke—so that your half-filled water bottle now consists of 90% water, 10% Coke.
  4. You’ve succussed the bottle 40 times.

Now, here’s what you do next.  Get a piece of paper and write down the number “1”–meaning that you now have Coca Cola in the 1C potency, this means you’ve done a one-in-ten dilution with 40 succussions and you’ve done it once

Now, I know, some of you purists are going to say, “Elaine, isn’t this really a 1X potency?  Or a 1D as they say in Europe?”  Answer:  It doesn’t matter!  What’s important is the number!  It’s the first dilution!  You can call it whatever you want.  I’m calling it 1C for the sake of expediency.  We’re not counting drops here like they do in the homeopathic pharmacy, it’s just not necessary; this remedy, this way of doing it, will work just fine!  By the way, “C” is the Roman Numeral for 100; so, in the pharmacy, they would make a remedy by adding one drop of Coke into a vial of 99 drops of water and then succuss the vial.  You see?  That’s where the “C” comes from.  If the drop was added to 9 drops of water, the potency would be 1X—X being the Roman Numeral for the number 10.  Sorry I felt the need to dive into the weeds there.

Now, next step: Pour out 90% of this solution (the 1C you just made)—again, no need to be fussy about the exact amount, just guess at what 90% might be (you can think of it as leaving one swallow at the bottom)—and refill half way with bottled water again (so, please buy a few bottles of water rather than just one), succuss 40 times, and write down the number “2” on your piece of paper (meaning you’ve now dumped out, refilled, and succussed 40 times, twice).  Now pour out 90% again and refill half way with bottled water again and succuss 40 times again and write down the number “3” this time.  Do you get it now?  Over and over again you will: Dump out, refill, succuss;  dump out, refill, succuss; dump out, refill, succuss.  Keep going in this way until you’ve written down the number 6.  You’ve now got, in this case, Coca Cola 6C.

A 6C would probably have to be taken frequently, as it’s a low potency; in a chronic case, two to four times a day, in an acute case, maybe every 15 or 20 minutes; whereas, a 12C would be taken, generally, once a day in a chronic case; once an hour or every half hour in an acute case, and a 30C on an as-needed basis—one dose may be enough depending on what’s wrong with you.  As a matter of fact, don’t be surprised if even one dose of a 6C cures the whole case!  For that reason, I always say:

If there’s a striking improvement after the first dose or at any time, stop dosing for as long as the improvement lasts!  

Dose again if you start to relapse.  

Take less often as you start to feel better.  Always succuss your bottle roughly 5 times before each dose.  A dose is a sip.  Yes, I know, before I said 40 succussions; I am talking now about the number of succussions you need to do before each dose.

Now label your bottle “Coke 6C” and store it in the refrigerator.  Before each dose, succuss five times as I just said.  When the bottle gets low (when one swallow is left), fill it back up half-way with bottled water, succuss 40 times and now you’ll have a 7C; then, resume dosing as before with 5 succussions before each dose.

If you’re trying to make your remedy from something more solid, like for example, if you want to antidote the side effects of Penicillin or any other drug, or let’s say a drug was helping you but you had to stop taking it because of the side effects but felt that the drug, itself, was helping you in general; well, here’s what you need to know: the homeopathic remedy made from the drug can be given for the following reasons: it can be given for what the drug was FOR, it can be given to antidote the drug, it can be given to help you ease off an addicting drug and it can be given for the side effects of the drug.  

Just empty one or two capsules of the drug into an ounce of water in a disposable cup (and if it’s a solid pill, mash it up into a powder with a mashing implement) and let it sit in the ounce of water until the water is thoroughly saturated with this powdery substance.  Stir the substance around a few times, swish it around.  Now empty the watery part of this solution into your half-filled water bottle to get the 90% water, 10% drug ratio that we talked about in making a remedy out of Coca Cola.  Now proceed with “potenization” (succussing 40 times, dumping out, refilling, succussing 40 times, again and again) until you reach your desired potency, at least a 6C.

A brief note on dosing in acutes: Let’s say you’ve made a 6C.  In an acute, you may have to take a dose as often as every 10 or 15 minutes, take it less and less often as you get better.  Always succuss the bottle a few times before dosing.  If you should get worse, stop the remedy; an improvement may follow.  If it does, repeat only as needed.

If you’re making this remedy for a chronic case, figure on 2-4 doses a day, but be prepared to take more or less often, depending on how quickly or slowly you improve.

HOW TO “PLUS” YOUR BOTTLE (raising the potency)

When your remedy bottle is no longer working as well as it used to, you’ll need to raise the potency.  This is called “Plussing”.  The way to do it is this:

1. Pour out 90% of your bottle.

2. Refill with bottled water half way.

3. Succuss (pound the bottle into your opposite palm) 40 times.

4. Again, for the second time, pour out 90% of the bottle.

5. Refill with water half way.

6. Succuss 40 times.

7. Repeat this process one more time.  You will now have raised the potency by 3 degrees.  It should work again now.

What if you have to make a remedy out of a solid pill?

I already answered that?  But I’ll say it again.  You need to grind or mash this pill up into a powder.  I’ve done it using a chopping knife.  I could have used my coffee grinder if I had thought of it.  A mortar and pestle would be the best way but most people don’t have that in their home, but maybe they should purchase it.  

What if you have to make a remedy out of something you can’t mash up? 

I faced this dilemma once, and found I was able to do it, believe it or not,  just by letting the item sit (soak) in an ounce of water for an hour, then making a remedy out of the water!  How is that possible?  Because the water picks up the “energy” of the substance.  I know, it sounds a little “out there”, but it worked!

OK, so let me just summarize.  This method doesn’t replace Homeopathy as we know it.  You still need Arnica for injuries, you still need Gelsemium for the flu and you still need Calendula for cuts and scrapes.  

This method is a great option when “regular” remedies have failed over and over again, also, when you know what made you sick, and especially when there are no “mentals” to prescribe on!  If you know, for example, that you suffer from a side-effect of a drug, that drug “in potency”, as we say, is the best remedy you can take!  If you know that toxic fumes from your workplace are what’s making you sick, making a remedy out of the fumes (by placing a bowl of water in your workplace overnight) should be your first thought!  

When it’s not clear what caused your illness, when there’s no direct cause-and-effect situation that you can point to, but you have a discharge, then make a remedy out of that.  If there’s no discharge, then there’s saliva, urine or blood.  

Be sure to check the comments below for experiences people have had  doing this, very valuable!

Articles where people have made their own remedy:


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases.  Write to her at LEWRA@aol.com

Visit her website: https://ElaineLewis.hpathy.com


About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at LEWRA@aol.com
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at:
https://elainelewis.hpathy.com/ and TheSilhouettes.org

Notes from commenters

Definition of Isopathy:

“Isopathy refers to the decision to ignore the symptom picture and give the substance which caused the problem in the first place. It is common in isopathy to give a product of a disease (nosode) for the disease itself, thus administering the same thing in an attenuated form. Many people use it as a shortcut to repertorizing.”

Isopathy is a good method, but we should not name it “homeopathy”, because it is not a cure by a similar, but it cures by the same substance that caused the disease.

A note to what once has written Paracelsus: For every disease a remedy (plant) grows in the vicinity of the patient. Well, then isopathy is the most modern application of what Paracelsus has advised to do.


Isopathy is a branch of homeopathy. It’s perfect for when there are no symptoms to repertorize! Everything is common–sneezing, runny nose, runny eyes…nothing peculiar; or, there are no symptoms but you know you’ve been exposed! Or, no symptoms, you just don’t feel well, and you know you drank the water! Or, all your symptoms match the side-effects of your antidepressant! What are you going to take? Does that mean you’re too lazy to repertorize? You’ve found the culprit, the etiology, the “ailments from”! Etiology over-rules symptomatology. Sometimes the isopathic remedy is the only one that will cure, especially when well-selected remedies have been tried and failed. But, of course, when you see a remedy picture in a case, go for the remedy, not the isopathic.


I have failed to understand why to succuss 40 times. When ever we want the potency in X form with 1/10 ratio you always succuss ten times this is what makes it succeeding X. And in C potency with 1/100 ration even the you succuss for 10 times. Can you explain 40 times logic behind.


I must have read it somewhere; but, clearly, this is a random number because I have also read that you should succuss 100 times when changing the potency, and I have also read 20 times; AND, I have also heard that there is a machine that does it just once: a good hard shake and then the vial is dumped out, refilled, and shaken again! God only knows which one of these is “right”. The important thing, I suppose, is that you must succuss (any number of times) and then dump out and refill and succuss again. Certainly, the more one succusses, the more powerful the medicine becomes. If you want a gentler medicine, succuss fewer times. This is the only guidline I can give you.

Sorry, Abdul, I misread!
Solution 1:10 —— 10 succusions (each time)
Solution 1:100 —–100 succusions (each time)
And so on…..
That’s why it took Hahnemann’s students weeks or more to prepare high poteny remedies.
All the best, Eva


I have a homeopathic liquid that is made up of a combination of about 4 strengths or Xs. Can I use it as a Mother tincture to create more of the very same remedy? Making and collecting at each dose level and mixing together as it is listed on the bottle?


Yes, you can increase the potency of that liquid bottle by adding a dropperful to a small bottle of spring water (pour half the water out first so you’ll have room for succussion) and succuss 40 times and you will then have the next higher potency of that preparation.



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