Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Golden Key approach to prayer, as taught by Emmet Fox

 The Golden Key approach to prayer, as taught by Emmet Fox

  1. Stop Thinking About the Problem: Shift your focus away from the issue or challenge you’re facing. Don’t dwell on it; instead, let go of any negative thoughts.

  2. Turn Your Thoughts to God: Replace thoughts of the problem with thoughts of God, divine love, and harmony. Imagine yourself surrounded by light and love.

  3. Affirm the Solution: Affirm a positive statement related to the situation. For example, you might say, “God is guiding me to the perfect solution,” or “Divine wisdom is at work.”

  4. Persist in This Affirmation: Whenever your mind drifts back to the problem, gently bring it back to the positive affirmation. Keep affirming it until you feel a sense of peace and trust.

Remember, the Golden Key is about shifting your mental focus from the problem to the solution, trusting that divine wisdom is always available. 

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