Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions, Four

The Intimate Dance of Beliefs and Emotions, Four

You are in charge of the vital energy that sustains and connects you with the larger cosmic reality. When you abdicate and ignore your abilities to create your reality, essentially you turn your power over to be manoeuvred by others. The tendency to think that someone other than yourself is going to save you has been programmed and conditioned into humans. No one is going to save you: in order to flourish and thrive, you must be willing to take charge of your life. The feelings you experience are important keys toward understanding how you operate.

Clarity in thought, word, and deed is of utmost importance for creating the version of life that you want. In ancient times the power of words was known to be the art of old magic. Language is a powerful tool for directing and manifesting energy into form. We suggest that you purposely choose your words with care and certainty, know what you want, and establish clear positive intentions as to your purpose.

Given that you are highly telepathic, you can be influenced by the thoughts and activities of others, especially if you have poor boundaries and are confused about who you are. External suggestions and images, such as those from television and the media, program your subconscious and unconscious minds. If you are unaware of your thoughts, or have abdicated your choice to direct your thinking, then electronic methods can easily influence and control your mind. Your conscious mind sets the commands, and the subconscious mind is the processing center where the directives or beliefs are filtered and then carried out. Empowering your life begins when you have control of your thoughts. You then must decide what you want and proceed to attain it; otherwise your commands will have no conscious intent to direct the course of your life.

Path of Empowerment
Barbra Marciniak

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