Friday, August 10, 2018

“Images” or Wrong Conclusion, Two

“Images” or Wrong Conclusion, Two

The wrong conclusions that form an image are drawn in ignorance or half-knowledge and therefore cannot remain in the conscious mind, and could actually have been carried over from previous incarnations. As the child grows up, his or her newly learned intellectual knowledge contradicts the old emotional “knowledge.” The person pushes the emotional down until it disappears from conscious sight. Yet the more the emotional knowledge is hidden, the more potent it becomes. These unconscious images then restrict the unfolding of the person’s potential. Therefore, a conscious effort has to be made to bring these images into awareness and learn how to inactivate them.

To find out if such unconscious images exist in you on a deeper level you can use an infallible key that will give you faultless answers. This is: How do you feel about yourself and about your life? How meaningful, fulfilled, and rich is your life? Do you feel secure with others? Do you feel comfortable about your most intimate self in the presence of others, or at least with certain people with whom you have a goal in common? How much joy are you capable of feeling, giving, and receiving? Are you plagued with resentments, anxiety, and tension, or with loneliness and a sense of isolation? Do you need a lot of over-activity in order in order to alleviate anxiety? Actually, the fact that you do not consciously feel anxious, by no means proves that you are without anxiety. Many start out on the path without awareness of their anxiety, but they feel dead, numb, listless, and paralyzed. This may be a sign that the anxiety was overcome through an artificial deadening process. This path cannot skip the step of making you first feel your anxiety and then feel whatever the anxiety hides. Only then can real aliveness come.

Exhilaration, enthusiasm, joyousness, and the unique blend of excitement and peace that connotes spiritual wholeness are a result of inner truthfulness. When these states are absent, then truthfulness must be absent. It is as simple as that, my friends.

So if you are prepared to embark on the journey into yourself to find, acknowledge, and bring out whatever is in you, if you summon all your inner truthfulness and commitment for the journey, if you find the courage and humility not to appear other than you are even in your own eyes, then you have indeed every right to expect that this path will help you realize your full life, and fulfill your longing in every conceivable way. This is a realistic hope. You will increasingly know it to be so.

The Pathwork of Self-Transformation
Eva Pierrakos

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