Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Hermetica…The Zodiac and Destiny

The Hermetica…The Zodiac and Destiny

God created humans to appreciate the awesome wonder of his universe; to be themselves a beautiful embellishment of the Cosmos; and to share in God’s creative powers and participate in the work of creation.

The heavenly gods, the planets, who had already bestowed on man some of their own power, now urged the Creator to be cautious. They fear that man will use his inquisitive mind for destructive as well as constructive purposes. Man’s powers, they complain, are too great and unlimited, and therefore dangerous to himself and the order of the Cosmos.

God responds to their concerns by creating the Zodiac. This celestial mechanism will control the fate of men and be ruled over by the goddess Destiny. She sows the seeds of a person’s fate, which grow and develop under the constraints of Necessity, the limits and demands of physical nature, to shape every human life.

It is man’s lot to live the life prescribed for him by his fate. Very few human beings are capable of escaping from the determining influence of the Zodiac. Man’s earthly life is controlled by the power of Destiny, through the physical limitations of the mortal human body. However, if a man’s mind is illuminated by the light of God, he becomes free from these celestial influences – for even the gods are powerless before God. Hermes teaches that it is our duty not simply to acquiesce in our fate, but rather, through intense contemplation of God, to rise above our merely mortal nature and awaken our immortal soul.

The Hermetica,
Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy

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