Saturday, October 2, 2021

How to use the Laws of mind, Chapter Eleven, Why Are You Here?

How to use the Laws of mind, Chapter Eleven, Why Are You Here?


Every man's life from beginning to end is a plan of God. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life . . . more abundantly." You are here to lead a full, happy and glorious life. You are here to release your hidden talents to the world, to find your true place in life and to express yourself at your highest level. 

Claim Your Good Now

Now is the accepted time. Many people are always looking forward to the future for better times. They are constantly saying that some day they will be happy and successful, instead of realizing that God is the  Eternal Now!

The truth is that all the powers of the Godhead are within you. Peace is now; you can claim that God's river of peace flows through you. Healing is now; feel and know that the infinite healing Presence which made you is now restoring every atom of your being. Claim that the creative Intelligence which made you knows how to heal you, and that Divine order governs your mind and body.

Wealth is available now—it is a thought-image in your mind. Claim it boldly now. Affirm: "God's wealth is now circulating in my life." Why wait for it? Strength is now. Call on the power of God within you, and this power will respond, energizing and renewing your whole being.

Love is now. Know and believe that God's love saturates your mind and body, and this Divine love will be filtered through and made manifest in all phases of your life.

Guidance is now. Infinite Intelligence within you knows the answer, and it responds to the nature of your request.

Claim your good now. You do not create anything; you give form and expression to that which always was, now is and ever shall be. Moses could have used a loud speaker or television. The idea or principle by which these are made always existed in Infinite Mind.

Plato referred to the "archetypes of Divine Mind," which simply means that there is an idea or a pattern in Divine Mind behind every created thing in the universe.

The Present Moment

Did you ever stop to think that if you are planning something in the future, you are planning it now? If you are fearing something in the future, you are fearing it now. If you are thinking of the past, you are thinking of it now. The only thing you have to change is your present thought. You are aware of your present thought, and all that you can realize is the outer manifestation of your habitual thinking at the present moment. The two thieves are the past and the future. If you are indulging in remorse or self-criticism over past mistakes and hurts, the mental anguish you experience is the pain of your present thought. If you are worried about the future, you are robbing and stealing from yourself joy, health and happiness. Count your blessings now and get rid of the two thieves.

To think of a happy and joyful episode in the past is a present joy. Remember, the results of past events —good or bad—are but the representatives of your present thinking. Direct your present thought in the right channels. Enthrone in your mind peace, harmony, joy, love, prosperity and goodwill. Dwell consciously on these concepts and claim them—and forget all other things. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true . . . honest . . . just . . . pure . . . lovely . . . of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).

One Life Principle

There is only one Life Principle animating the entire universe. God is Life and that is your life now, but this Life Principle may be directed constructively or destructively, because you have the ability to choose.

You are using the Life Principle destructively whenever you indulge in fear, regret or any form of negative thinking. All resentment, hostility, spiritual pride, self-will, criticism and condemnation are especially disastrous methods of misapplying the Life Principle. Furthermore, the negative emotions which are dammed up in our subconscious come forth as all manner of diseases, both mental and physical.

When you tune in with the Infinite and let it flow through you harmoniously and joyously, and when you think right, feel right and act right, your life will be one of unalloyed happiness and success along all lines—right here and now.

Divine Discontent

You are here to reproduce all the qualities and aspects of God. Inasmuch as this is the true reason for your existence, it behooves you to .have a wholesome dissatisfaction with anything less than complete harmony, health and peace of mind. An inquietude regarding frustration, lack and limitation should become a great incentive to you, enabling you to overcome all difficulties through the Infinite Power within you. Your joy is in overcoming. Problems, difficulties and challenges of life enable you to sharpen your mental and spiritual tools, enabling you to release the treasures of the infinite storehouse of riches within.

Infinite Mind is spaceless and timeless. Cease limiting yourself. Remove all stumbling blocks which are in your mind and enter now into the joy of the answered prayer. . . . Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest (John 4:35).


How to use the Laws of mind, Chapter Eleven, Why Are You Here?

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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