Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Link Between the Law of Attraction & The Subconscious; How Science Supports Metaphysical Truths

The Link Between the Law of Attraction & The Subconscious; How Science Supports Metaphysical Truths

Pretty good review of Dr Joseph murphy's book, 'How to use the laws of Mind' on Amazon


The word, 'Lord' in the bible means the creative power of your own mind.

Dr. Joseph Murphy


The beautiful thing about Dr. Murphy's books and writing is that he is able to present so many different and enlightening illustrations of ONE TRUTH that he gets his point across so effectively to so many different people.

For instance, some people may conceive of the number "6" as being "5 +1", others "3+3", others "4 +2", still others "8-2", etc, etc, etc. The fact is that all those numbers represent the "truth" of the concept of 6, but depending on your reference point, it's easier for one person to "get" the idea of "3+3" than it is "8-2" or "4+2" and so on.

Dr. Murphy presents the truth from religious, metaphysical, psychological, philosophical and scientific perspectives. So, depending on how your mind is oriented, one can grasp the truth from an illustration that is easy for one not just to UNDERSTAND but also to BELIEVE and have faith in that it will work.

For instance, Dr. Murphy's essential theme throughout all his books is that thought is creative. He states that images and emotionalized thoughts (what you REALLY believe and accept as true) are the kinds of thoughts that reach the subconscious mind. The subconscious has the ability to attract the physical equivalent of those thoughts and images.

For anyone who has recently become aware of the idea of the Law of Attraction and may wonder how Dr. Murphy's writing fits into this, he articulates (albeit subtlety) that the subconscious mind controls your vibration. The Law of Attraction is not just the "Law of Attraction" but really the "Law of Attraction & Vibration". It states that everything in the Universe is energy (if you are religious or spiritual, Dr. Murphy writes in his book the Cosmic Energizer - written in 1974! - that "energy" is just science's term for "spirit").

The laws of physics state that:

1) everything is energy and this energy: a) constantly vibrates b) is electromagnetic meaning attracts and is attracted to things that are on the same wavelength or are in resonance with it c) is interchangeable d) is interconvertible e) is reversible -(ex. electricity produces magnetism, magnetism produces electricity, motion produces heat, heat produces motion, etc., etc.)

The subconscious mind controls the vibration that your mind and body is in and thus manifests your thought into its physical equivalent -whether that thought is a person [ideal relationship], place [where you want to be vs. where you are now] or thing [a different body, a job, more money, etc.]

What you a) REALLY believe (i.e. what you have faith in....faith is nothing more than a thought in your mind that you are emotionally attached) and what you b) imagine vividly make their way to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then has the ability to change your vibration such that you attract the physical equivalent of what you imagine and/or feel as true. This is the law! This is why he emphasizes affirmations and visualizations. When you state something enough times (an affirmation) you come to accept it as true. It then makes its way to your subconscious. Or, when you imagine something vividly it also makes its way to your subconscious.

This is the "science" behind what Dr. Murphy teaches. Thought is energy and as everything in the universe is energy and as your subconscious mind has the ability to "change" your energy....since energy effects energy...by using your subconscious mind accordingly you make things happen.

From a spiritual or religious perspective, one of Dr. Murphy's favorite biblical examples is where Jesus teaches each person the proper method of praying. When you pray, you are actually praying "what" you want and not prayer "for what" you want. There is a difference.

On Pg. 40 he ties biblical texts together with what science teaches. In other words he is showing the relationship between scientific truth and spiritual/biblical truth.

We are given instruction from the bible on the spiritual truth of how to pray properly and get guaranteed results since this truth is a law that works all the time:

"Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them (Mark 11: 24).

The difference in the tenses is intentional and of the utmost importance to understand this spiritual law which works with mathematical exactitude.

We are instructed to "believe that ye have receive them" - believe and receive are PRESENT TENSE and by doing so

"Ye shall have them" - "shall have" is in FUTURE TENSE.

We are told that the PRESENT TENSE belief that we have something (meaning right at the moment of prayer we feel and see in our mind's eye the thing we are praying for as already occurring in the outside world). By doing so, we produce that thing in the outside word.

Now the best nugget I got from this book (I have at least ½ dozen of his books) is his converging scientific truth with biblical/spiritual truth.

How does the verse from Mark on how to pray fit in with what we accept as true in the scientific, outer world?

Well as. Dr. Murphy explains on pp 40-41:

"Students of scientific laws know that all transformations of force are reversible. Heat produces mechanical motion. Reverse it and you discover that mechanical motion can produce heat. Science says electricity produces magnetism; likewise magnetism can produce electric currents. Cause and effect, energy and matter, action and reaction ARE THE SAME AND ARE INTERCONVERTABLE."

"Therefore, I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them (Mark 11:24).


Just as having a thing on the outside produces a feeling on the inside...

Having the feeling associated with the thing on the inside, produces the thing on the outside.

This is why Dr. Murphy teaches us that we shouldn't be like the average person who says "I'll believe it when I see it", rather we should understand that

"You'll see it when you believe it". The belief produces the thing rather than the thing producing the belief!"

This makes sense. Recall that the bible says that faith is not just some intangible thing it is an actual SUBSTANCE (meaning an actual thing....that thing is energy). Specifically we are told that faith is "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". The thing that we pray for is actually and literally made from something invisible that becomes visible. Just like steam which is invisible becomes visible as a solid when it turns to ice.

Our faith is a substance (and since everything is energy our faith or emotionalized belief is actual, tangible energy) that when held becomes visible as the thing we are praying forth - spirit (energy) becomes matter. What we experience on the outside is just the physical manifestation of what we can't see which is the thoughts, images, belief/faith we hold on the inside!


It all makes sense!

If you find yourself skeptical, you can check out a BBC story where it has been scientifically shown that thoughts can and do affect physical matter. They've recently produced a study where handicapped people where hooked up to a computer linked to a machine. When they were instructed to mentally tell the machine to move in a certain direction and the machine responded to their commands (they had a piece of equipment connected to the patient...but the equipment didn't do any of the work, it was the actual thoughts in the person's mind that caused the machine to move).

Our faith is nothing more than a thought in our mind that is emotionalized - it's emotionalized meaning we "feel" strongly that it is true. For instance we have "faith" that the sun will rise in the morning (i.e. we feel strongly that the sun will rise every morning).

Our faith, our habitual beliefs, the images we hold are nothing but energy/spirit made manifest. Energy/spirit becomes matter (i.e. it becomes the events and situations we experience in life). Our subconscious mind controls what our vibration is. What we visualize and accept as true is impressed upon the subconscious mind which attracts to use the things we impress upon it. Remember that "like attracts like". When you think something with feeling, when you really believe it, you are working with energy, real tangible energy an actual substance which is as the bible says "The substance of things hoped for [or prayed for] and the evidence of things unseen". The faith is actual evidence because the faith is the intangible unseen "thing" or energy that becomes tangible!

It has taken me quite a while to really get this. I hope this explanation of mine provides just a fraction of the insight that Dr. Murphy's work has provided me.

Thank you Dr. Murphy for sharing the truth with the world. He was (and is) a true prophet!

His work has had an absolute major impact on my life.


What I also learned from Dr. Murphy's work is that if we have prayed or attempted to use the law and not got an "answer" (i.e the response we want) what that means is that we have not yet impressed the idea of what we want onto our subconscious which then vibrates that energy and attracts to us the physical/material equivalent of what we want.

This is often due to 1) Lack of Faith and 2) Too Much Effort (Dr. Murphy mentions this in the book Power of Your Subconscious Mind).

Dr. Murphy says that a good way to use a test to see whether or not you have created within yourself the kind of faith or belief that is strong enough to reach the subconscious is this:

Ask yourself if you have what he refers to as "Divine Indifference". What does this mean? It means you feel as confident and as sure that what you are visualizing and affirming will happen as you are that the sun will rise tomorrow.

Ironically, once we reach this level of assurance we tend to forget about what we pray for. Just like we don't think everyday "Will the sun rise tomorrow?", when we have reached the point of "Divine Indifference" there is a level of peace and confidence that we feel that often leads to us dismissing the thing from our mind.

So if you have tried Dr. Murphy's techniques and haven't yet received what you have affirmed, just realize that you are working with a law. That when your mind finally reaches the point of complete acceptance (i.e. Divine Indifference) your subconscious mind will accept it and attract it to you.

I know 1) and 2) (mentioned above) have often got me, but when I finally figured it out, things looked up.

So keep on praying, you can have anything you want! This stuff works! Accept it! Believe it!

Whoever you may be right now, read Dr. Murphy's work and accept the teachings as truth. Once you get results you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your thoughts directly impact your experiences in "real life".

Blessings and happiness to you.


Shola Abidoye, November 25, 2007



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