Saturday, September 25, 2021

How to the Laws of Mind, Chapter Four, The Power of the Spirit

How to the Laws of Mind, Chapter Four, The Power of the Spirit


A Simple Truth

The power of the Spirit (God) is not a half-way measure. We must carry the spiritual life into every sphere of our natural and social interests. We are here to live by the Spirit. God is Spirit, and this Spirit has become manifest in this beautiful world of time and space. This Spirit in us gives us the power to be victorious. There is in us a Divine Presence enabling us to lift our problems into heavenly light and see them transfigured by the guidance we claim and receive. There is a guidance for every need; there is love for each heart. Love is the greatest healing power, touching the subconscious, quickening, strengthening and transforming us into radiating centers which bless mankind.

The Inner Meaning of the Golden Rule Is Important

The Golden Rule is known to almost everyone, but how many understand what it really means? To put it in simple, everyday language, all it means is that whatever you think about another person you are creating in your own life, because your thought is creative. Knowing this to be true, you will be careful to think only God-like thoughts about the other. Every thought tends to manifest itself.

What a different world it would be if all of us practiced the Golden Rule and the law of love. We would create heaven on earth. The average man can quote the Golden Rule by heart, but he does not really understand the inner meaning of it. Therefore, he does not obey it.

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise (Luke 6:31). This is a directive from within your own soul, which, when followed, brings harmony, health and peace into the lives of all who practice it. If people practiced the Golden Rule there would be no war, no crime, no cruelty, no rape, no suffering and no inhumanity. There would be no need for armies, navies, air forces, police, nor atomic or other nuclear weapons. When your thought is right, your action will be right. It is impossible to produce right action out of a negative thought, in the same way that you cannot get an apple tree from a non-viable seed.

. . . That Ye Love One Another . . . (John 13:34)

The inside governs the outside. You can't love others unless you have loving and harmonious thoughts in your mind. The people who inhabit your mind are thoughts, ideas, beliefs, opinions and your reactions to everyday events. Be sure they conform to whatsoever things are true, lovely, noble and Godlike.

Your disciples and the disciples mentioned in your Bible represent the disciplined qualities of your mind. Are you disciplining your vision? Your vision is what you are focused on, what you are looking at in your own mind. And you go where your vision is. Your faith is disciplined when you adhere to and give allegiance to the creative laws of your mind and when you believe implicitly in the goodness of God in the land of the living. Your faith is not in creeds, dogmas, traditions, men or institutions, but in the eternal principles, which are the same yesterday, today and forever.

You discipline your imagination when you imagine what is lovely and of good report. Your judgment, when disciplined, means you decide upon the truth or falsity of any thought. When you affirm the good constantly, that is called righteous judgment and brings harmony and peace into your life. Whatever you make real you will demonstrate on the screen of space.

Remember, if your mind is full of fear, worry, resentment, prejudices, anger, jealousy or religious bias, then you cannot really love because the occupants of your mind are the opposite of love. You project your mental attitude upon others and you will blame them and criticize them.

He Said that the Explanation Changed His Life

In the month of August, 1979, I spoke in Caxton Hall, London, and said to a troubled man, "You must preach the gospel to yourself. The moneychangers and thieves that you are talking about are in your own mind. You are the temple of consciousness, and the thieves and moneychangers which rob you are fear, ignorance, superstition, self-condemnation, self-criticism and ill will. The spiritually minded man casts all of these thieves and robbers out of his mind by filling his subconscious mind with life-giving patterns and the eternal truths of God. Then he will experience peace and harmony within and confidently express it without, in his body, his business, and in his relationships with all people."

This man had been thinking of a temple which existed 2000 years ago and believed the thieves and moneychangers to be outside of his own mind. Realizing that he was robbing himself of vitality, peace, harmony, wealth and success, he stopped doing it. A light seemed to come into his mind, penetrating the fog. The explanation was the cure.

Your Desire Must Reach Your Subconscious

Many people have said to me that they wished for prosperity, success and the good things of life, and they prayed for a quiet and relaxed life, but nothing happened. Oftentimes they are so restless, fearful and habitually anxious that their routine thinking has become their master.

The way to overcome this is to think quietly about your desire for promotion, expansion, prosperity and success, realizing that your desire for growth and expansion is from God and that the power of the Almighty is bringing your desire to pass in Divine law and order. Gradually, as you think along these lines, you will succeed in integrating your desire in your subconscious mind, which will bring it to pass.

Many people in offices, factories and business establishments are more or less mechanical men and women, merely responding to the pressures and suggestions all around them. In this way, they tend to become automatons by responding to every wind that blows. Many are repeating the wrong thing, both in thought and action. Be sure to repeat to yourself the eternal verities. By repetition, faith and expectancy, you will reap a rich harvest.

She Was Hounded by Fears and Guilt

A young woman 22 years of age said to me, "I am hounded by all kinds of fear." She was afraid of God, of the future, of the after life, of evil entities, of a devil and of voodoo. The Bible says: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7).

I explained to her that when young, we are all highly impressionable and malleable and that her parents and those around her had conditioned her mind with falsehoods about God, life and the universe. She began to realize that she was not born with any fears, sense of guilt or self-condemnation, and that all these had been given to her. She possessed weird ideas about evil entities and beliefs that the woods were full of goblins and sprites. Danger seemed to lurk everywhere.

She began to read and meditate on the 27th Psalm night and morning and began to affirm many times a day: "God loves me and cares for me. I am a daughter of God and a child of Eternity." She practiced this simple affirmation doggedly and faithfully, and she found a new estimate of herself, a new blueprint of herself. With this healthy vision of herself, she is blossoming forth in Divine order.

The Two Selves in You

Think along these lines: The first self is that which I now am; the second self is that which I long to be. Therefore, I must die psychologically to what I am so that I can live to that which I long to be. The abovementioned girl died to the old self. All the falsehoods implanted in her mind in childhood were obliterated and she bequeathed all the energy she had locked up in the old beliefs to the new image of herself. The energy lost in her image of limitation, lack and fear passed over to the new image of success, charm and beauty.


How to Use the Laws of Mind, 

Chapter Four, The Power of the Spirit

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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