Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Eight, Fulfill Your Desires

 How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Eight, Fulfill Your Desires


God is forever seeking expression through you. God speaks to man through desire. If you are sick, you desire health; if poor, you desire wealth; if in prison, you desire freedom; if lost in the jungle, you desire to find your way out and be secure.

The realization of your desire is your savior. Everyone is his own savior, and every man answers his own prayer, because whatever he really believes comes to pass. You have a desire to grow, expand, unfold and realize your heart's desire. You desire to be greater tomorrow than you are today.

If you are a musician you don't want to be a mediocre musician; you desire to excel so that your music may stir the souls of men and women. Scientists desire to know more of the secrets of the genetic code; other scientists delve into the secrets of the atom. Their desire or hunger for more knowledge of cosmic laws and the secrets of the universe is continuing to bless mankind in countless ways. The urge to express is in everything, everywhere.

Your Innermost Desire

Your real innermost desire is to find your true expression in life where you are doing what you love to do. Divinely happy and Divinely prospered. You may do six things well, but there is one thing you can do better than the six—that is your true place, or true expression.

Your Higher Self knows all your talents and will reveal to you the answer. Affirm, "Infinite Intelligence within me reveals my true place in life and I follow the lead which comes clearly into my conscious, reasoning mind." The lead will come to you. Follow it. You desire to express yourself at your highest level and exercise your faculties at the highest degree, and you desire a marvelous and wonderful income consistent with integrity and honesty.

Desire Is the Gift of God

Desire is basic in life. Desire is! It is impossible to get rid of desire. If you are hungry, you want food; if thirsty, you want water. A man asked the electrical wizard, Thomas Edison, "Mr. Edison, what is electricity?" Edison said, "Electricity is. Use it."

You can use the power to bless mankind in countless ways. You can also use it to electrocute someone. You can thus use any power two ways. You never, under any circumstances, should desire another man's job, his wife, his home or anything that is his. To covet or envy another is to attract loss, lack and limitation to yourself. You impoverish yourself along all lines. You are saying to yourself, "He can have these things, but I can't." You are denying your own Divinity. To steal from another mentally is to actually steal from yourself.

The loss can come to you in many ways: loss of health, prestige, promotion, love or money. The way loss comes is past finding out. You do not want the other fellow's position: You really want a position like it, giving you the same privileges, emoluments, salary and perquisites.

Infinite Intelligence can open a new door of expression for you if you call upon it. You will get an answer.

Suppression of Desire

In India and other places in the East students are taught to suppress their desires. This is foolish and has disastrous consequences. One woman said to me that she wanted to reach the place where she did not want anything, and then she would be free. However, she was the most frustrated, neurotic woman I have ever met in any Ashram.

I asked her: "Don't you desire a cup of coffee in the morning? If you are a musician, don't you desire to play music and lift others up? If you are a medical doctor, don't you desire to alleviate pain and suffering? If you are a farmer, don't you desire to plant and harvest and have food for your children?"

His Desire Was to Go to College

A young man was stealing money from his employer and was caught and discharged. He said to me later, by way of explanation, that he stole because he wanted to go to college. He had misdirected his desire. There was nothing wrong with the desire to go to college. I explained to him that God, who gave him the desire, does not mock him and that he has the unqualified capacity to go to the God-Presence within and claim his good. I added that God, being the Source of everything in the world, would somehow open up the way for him to complete his college course.

I gave him a simple prayer, as follows: "God is the Source of my supply, and God's wealth is circulating in my life. There is always a Divine surplus. God opens up the way for me to enter college in Divine order."

I explained to him that his desire was good but that he had misdirected it and misused the law of mind. You do not steal, rob or injure another in order to get ahead. To do so is to attract all manner of loss and limitation to yourself. The mere fact that you steal indicates you are in a mood of lack, followed by a sense of guilt, all of which have destructive consequences.

So he used the law constructively based on the above prayer, and the way opened up for him. He won a scholarship and found the Source of all blessings.

Reason Things Out

If you did not desire, you would not make any choices. However, you are a choosing, volitional being. If you made no choices, you would not grow. You would not do anything. In everyday language, you would not exist. If you did not desire, nothing would rouse your interest. You would be dead to love, to peace, to laughter and to motivation. You would shrivel up spiritually, emotionally and physically. Actually, you would be a nonentity.

Trying to suppress or eradicate desire is a sort of spiritual suicide. Welcome the desires for health, happiness, peace, joy and true expression. You are here to express all the qualities, attributes and potencies of God. You are here to reveal more and more of your Divinity every day. You are here to contribute to humanity, to put your shoulder to the wheel and to make the world a better place to live in. You are here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

There Is an Answer

Realize that desire is the motivating force behind all progress and advancement in science, art, industry and in all phases of life. It is the moving principle behind all of your achievements. There is an answer for every true desire of the heart. There is a right way to fulfill your soul's sincere desire. You could not desire unless the answer to the desire existed. Realize that Infinite Spirit which gave you the desire will reveal to you the perfect plan for its unfoldment in Divine law and order.

Paul said, For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). You desire to excel and grow in wisdom. This desire is of God, the Life Principle, working in and through you, urging you to climb the ladder of life and express yourself at higher levels. Do not repress desire. To do so is to repress the Life Principle, Itself. It is foolish to refuse to breathe air or drink water, since death would quickly follow.

You Are Needed

Every person wants to feel needed and wanted, and desires to achieve his true place in life. In other words, he wants his riches in life and all the necessary money to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Money is a symbol of freedom, luxury, refinement, abundance and security.

Look to the Source of all blessings and affirm from an Infinite standpoint: "God's wealth, spiritual, mental, material and financial, is circulating in my life and there is always a Divine surplus." The Infinite Intelligence within you will respond according to the universal law of action and reaction.

Each person is unique and wants to express himself at his highest level. To be successful in the art of living, contribute to the well-being and fulfillment of other people's desires and hopes. Then you will be prospered. Recall the old Hindu maxim, "Help thy brother's boat across and, lo, thine own hath reached the shore." The most worthwhile and truly successful person is the one who continuously aids and assists other people to achieve their hearts' desires.

There Is a Light Within You

Years ago I read the words uttered by the late King George of England. He quoted the poet, who had said, "I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the Unknown.' And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way.'"

The light referred to is the Supreme Intelligence within you that knows all and sees all. As you turn to this Indwelling Light, It will turn to you and lead you to green pastures and still waters.


 How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Eight, Fulfill Your Desires

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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