Friday, September 24, 2021

How to Use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Three, The Secret of Success in Life

How to Use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Three, The Secret of Success in Life


He Said, "I Am Not a Success"

Recently I talked with a man who said that he had subordinated all ends to money-making, and he had accumulated a vast amount of money and real estate holdings. He added that in the business world he is called a great success. He admitted to me, though, that he was not a success; he had used questionable means to take advantage of others and had won his fortune through cheating and deceiving others who had trusted him. He was presently suffering from bleeding ulcers and extremely high blood pressure. Furthermore, he had a guilt complex, which meant to him that he had to suffer and be punished.

His bleeding ulcer, as I explained to him, was due to ulcerated thoughts. Further, if he would reverse his thought pattern a healing would follow. He was suffering from the side effects of the drugs he was taking. He consequently reversed his thought patterns by reiterating the following truths out loud night and morning:

'The Lord is my shepherd. I sing the song of the jubilant soul for I have chosen God as my shepherd. Divine Intelligence rules and guides me in all my ways. I shall not want for peace, harmony, or guidance because God's wisdom governs me. I lie down in green pastures always, since God is prospering me beyond my wildest dreams. I find myself beside the still waters as I claim the Infinite peace of God floods my mind and heart. My emotions (waters) are stilled and calm. 

My mind is now serene and it reflects God's heavenly truths and light (my soul is restored). I think of God's Holy Presence within me all day long. I walk the path of righteousness through my devotion and attention to God's eternal verities. I know there is no death and I fear no evil. I know 'God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love and power, and a sound mind.' God's rod (love) and staff (truth) comfort, sustain and nourish me. The banquet table of God is always set before me; it is the secret place of the Most High, where in my thoughts I walk and talk with God. I eat the nourishing truths of God whenever fear and worry (my enemies) trouble me. The bread I eat is God's idea of peace, love and faith in all things good. The meat I eat is the omnipotence of God; the wine I drink is the essence of joy. The wisdom of God anoints my intellect; it is a lamp unto my feet and a light on my path. My cup (heart) is truly the chamber of God's Holy Presence; it runneth over with love and joy. I mentally dwell on goodness, truth and beauty; this is my house of God."

As he saturated his mind with the interpretation of the 23rd Psalm over a period of time, he noticed a distinct change in his whole demeanor and outlook on life. He became more kindly, considerate and more loving in all ways. Drugs were no longer necessary. He discovered that a changed attitude changed everything. He ceased condemning himself. The Life Principle never condemns, and when you begin to use your mind in the right way, right results follow. Your mind is a principle, and if you think good, good follows; if you think lack, lack follows. The Life Principle holds no grudges, no more so than the principles of mathematics or chemistry hold grudges.

You may have been fired by companies you worked for because you could not add or subtract correctly, but by following proper instruction you don't make these mistakes any more. The principle of mathematics has no grudge against you. The same is true of your mind. Begin to use the law of mind in the right way according to the Golden Rule and the law of love. The Mind Principle has no grudge against you. The past is forgotten and remembered no more.

The Law of Reversibility

Edison knew that speech produced undulatory waves and theorized that these vibrations could reproduce the speech or song. In other words, he conceived of inverse transformation, the reproduction of speech or song by mechanical motion, namely the phonograph.

Students of scientific laws know that all transformations of force are reversible. Heat produces mechanical motion. Reverse it and you discover that mechanical motion can produce heat. Science says electricity produces magnetism; likewise, magnetism can produce electric currents. Cause and effect, energy and matter, action and reaction are the same and are interconvertible.

Therefore. I say unto you. What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them (Mark 1 1:24). Here you are told to pray, believing that you already possess what you pray for. This is based on the law of inverse transformation.

Achieving Success in Prayer

A mother wished to visit her son in London, who was graduating from college. However, she did not have the necessary funds. I asked her what her attitude would be if she were over there now, embracing him and witnessing the graduation exercises. She said, "Oh! I would be so happy! I would be delighted."

I suggested that she experiment at night prior to sleep, making there here and the future now and to feel herself embracing her son, making the whole scene vivid and realisticso much so that when she opened her eyes she would be amazed that she was not in London with her son. Experimenting along these lines, the third night she subjectified the state. When she opened her eyes she was really amazed that she was not physically there. The answer to her prayer came with the repayment of a loan she had given to a woman ten years previously. With the interest added to it, it was more than the amount necessary for her trip.

She assumed that she was already witnessing the ceremony and conversing with her son, and that joyous feeling and assumption brought about the joy of the answered prayer. She contemplated her objective as an accomplished fact. She understood that all transformations of force are reversible. She knew that her physical presence in London would bring her great joy and satisfaction. Capturing in her mind the joy that would be hers in being there, this mood, she knew, must produce the answer to her prayer.

. . . He . . . calleth those things which be not as though they were (Romans 4:17). Success in your prayer life is based on laws of mind. Realize that if a physical fact can produce a joyous mental state in you, the joyous mental state can produce the physical fact.

Unscrupulous Methods

When a man uses unscrupulous financial or business methods, he may not suffer financial loss, but loss can come to him in many ways, such as loss of health, loss of promotion, loss of prestige, loss of self respect, loss of love, etc., for the ways of the subconscious are past finding out. All misdeeds or misuse of the law of mind must be accounted for sooner or later.

The only success that permits a man to rest peacefully and harmoniously is that which conforms to the Golden Rule, i.e., to think, speak and act toward others as he would wish others to think, speak, feel and act toward him. Success is primarily moral and spiritual, governed by honesty, integrity and justice and tempered by goodwill to all men everywhere.

All of us are interdependent, and it is reasonable to assume that the welfare of others is essential to the success of every man. It is undoubtedly true that the more man cares for and appreciates the spiritual life, the more he will use his material wealth wisely, judiciously and constructively.

A spiritually-minded person should be comfortably housed, clothed and fed. In other words, he realizes that all things are here for his use and enjoyment. . . . God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy (I Timothy 6: 17).

It is true that no one possesses anything in the absolute sense. God possesses all, but we have the use of God's treasures in the earth, including the sea and the air. A spiritual-minded person should have all the money he needs to do what he wants to do, and when he wants to do it. Money is simply a medium of exchange, and it has taken many forms down through the ages. It is God's way of maintaining the economic health of a nation.

The Source of All Blessings

The Bible says: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). The Bible is a psychological and spiritual textbook and is not referring to a particular man. The characters in the Bible are personifications of truth. You do not go to any person for rest, security or peace of mind. You go to the God of peace within you and boldly claim: "God's river of peace, love and joy is now flowing through me vitalizing, healing and restoring my soul."

The Divine Presence is within you. As you contemplate God's love, light, truth and beauty in your own heart, you are enfranchised and lifted up because you have found God in your own heart. The Divine Center is within you.

The Psalmist says, Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him. . . (Psalm 37:7). The word "Lord" represents spiritually the Lordly power, which is God; but to "rest in the Lord" means to rest and trust that Infinite Spirit in you which created you, governs all your vital organs as you sleep and is in complete control of all externals. In other words, it is your Higher Self.

In ancient times there were feudal barons who had the power of life and death over the serfs, slaves and peasants under their control. The lords in England today represent titled nobility and have no such power. Look at the whole thing this way: The Lord in you is really your dominant conviction, your master thought or belief, which controls and dominates all lesser thoughts, ideas, opinions, actions and reactions. For example, your Lord could be fear, i.e., if you are dominated by fear. If fear predominates, then fear governs and controls all your thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions.

A wonderful Lord to enthrone in your mind would be a God of love ruling, guiding, and directing you along all lines. This dominant conviction would work wonders in your life, and your whole world would magically melt in the image and likeness of your dominant conviction. When Divine love and Divine right action govern you, the true Lord is ruling in you and will keep you in peace. You will be successful in your work and in your relationships with people. You will have good health and be free from despondency and melancholia.

Your dominant belief rules your world and determines your future, where you shall go and what your experiences will be, whether good or bad. Quimby said in 1847: "Man is belief expressed." You will be assured of success, true expression and harmonious relations with others when you make it a habit to tune in to the Divine Center within you and look upon the Divine Presence within you as your guide, counselor, way-shower and source of your promotion and welfare. Then all the petty, fearful, annoying worries, jealousies and envies will fall away. There is no room for them in your mind any more.

All of us suffer until we get the insight to look within. The Bible says: returning and rest shall ye be saved . . . (Isaiah 30:15).

Meditation for Success

" 'Wist ye not that I be about my Father's business?' I know that my business, profession or activity is God's business. God's business is always basically successful. I am growing in wisdom and understanding every day. I know, believe and accept the fact that God's law of abundance is always working for me, through me and all around me.

"My business or profession is full of right action and right expression. The ideas, money, merchandise and contacts that I need are mine now and at all times. All these things are irresistibly attracted to me by the law of universal attraction. God is the life of my business; I am Divinely guided and inspired in all ways. Every day I am presented with wonderful opportunities to grow, expand and progress. I am building up goodwill. I am a great success because I do business with others as I would have them do it with me."


How to Use the Laws of Mind, 

Chapter Three, The Secret of Success in Life,

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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