Friday, September 17, 2021

Imagination Creates Realty...Your Real Purpose

Imagination Creates Realty...Your Real Purpose


God became you so completely that he forgot that he was God. In becoming man, God reached the limit of contraction and opacity. God totally forgets that he is God in order to become and animate His creation, man. God then goes through all of the experiences of knowing good and evil and even death, in confidence, that man will eventually awake from this dream of life to once again know that he is God. There is only God in the universe, fragmenting himself as humanity, and God plays all the parts in this time-space dream.

Your own wonderful human imagination is God in action. I am is Christ in you (your savior). And Christ is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.

God speaks to us through desire, urging us to reach higher and higher levels of awareness. Exercising his own wonderful human imagination to achieve these desires, man is actually experiencing God in action. Through faith in his imagination, man will eventually conclude that Christ (the Power and Wisdom of God) is within him as his imagination. At the end of this fabulous journey or dream of life, man will awaken to remember that he is God, the Father, enhanced by the experiences he put himself through; when he forgot that he was God. Man’s sole purpose is to experience scripture (all of the states of consciousness personified as men in the Bible).

Man’s goal is to reach the state called Jesus Christ. Then he will know that he really is the Father (Jesus) and that his son is Christ (all of humanity fused into one being). Man may have many goals in the meantime – to accumulate possessions, to become powerful, to become famous, or to express anything that he desires. Eventually the hunger to know God will come upon him, and he will then have the experiences that are necessary to bring to his remembrance that he truly is God, the Father.


Neville Goddard

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