Sunday, September 26, 2021

How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Five, Teach Us To Pray

 How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Five, Teach Us To Pray


The Holy of Holies

You can make contact with the Infinite through the medium of your thought. You can sit down quietly and think of God as boundless love, infinite intelligence, absolute harmony, indescribable beauty and absolute joy and dwell on these attributes and qualities. As you do this, you will experience a transfusion of God's grace and an effulgence of light and love. In this way you are the Holy of Holies—the Presence of God within you* All creeds and liturgies, as well as intercessors, are removed and you experience your personal fellowship with God.

The Prayer of Faith

The Bible says: . . . The prayer offaith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. . . (James 5:15). There is no time or space in mind or Spirit. True prayer for a sick person does not consist of supplication or flowery words addressed to the Deity, nor a series of nicely wrought statements projected from unfeeling lips in the direction of the throne of God, which fall short of the mark. True prayer for the sick person is to claim earnestly and feelingly that the uplifting, healing, strengthening power of the Infinite Healing Presence is flowing through the patient, making him whole and perfect. Know and feel that the harmony, beauty and Life of God manifest themselves in him or her as peace, vitality, wholeness and perfection. Get a clear realization of this, and the sick condition will then dissolve in the light of God's love.

Paul says: . . . Glorify God in your body ... (I Corinthians 6:20). Make sure that your mental picture agrees with your affirmation. In your mind's eye, you see the patient radiant, happy, joyous and bubbling over with life and love. That would be true prayer. True prayer is claiming that what is true of God is true of the person you are helping.

There is the type of prayer that cannot be ''worded," since prayer becomes oftentimes more efficacious in proportion to the degree it becomes more internal. It is simply turning to the God-Presence within and opening your heart to receive the influx of His healing currents and Divine love. True prayer, when uttered, is radiant with love and spiritual life. Look upon true prayer as carrying a Divine fragrance from the God- Presence in you, and when wafted upon the ill person, it has a life-giving spiritual potency in it. The subconscious of the sick person is stimulated and reinforced and proceeds to resurrect God's omnipotent love. A healing then follows.

. . . The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much (James 5:16). It is in accordance with the laws of mind, unbending and invariable spiritual laws, that sincere, earnest prayer for the sick affects them and helps in the restoration of perfect health. If one should rise instantly and walk, or be raised to newness of life, in response to prayer, it would be no miracle, no violation of the laws of mind.

Angels Watch Over You

Many people have asked me about angels. The word angel means the angle at which you look at God. It also means an attitude of mind, an inspiration, or a message from your Higher Self. The Bible says: And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him (Luke 22:43). . . . Angels came and ministered unto him (Matthew 4:1 1).

All of us are angels of God in another way of looking at it. When we pass on to the next dimension, we are still angels, or expressions of God, operating in a rarefied and attenuated body. Your loved ones are all around you, separated by frequency only. It is unequivocally stated in the 91st Psalm,* There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways (Psalms 91:10-11).

The Infinite Presence responds to each person according to the law of reciprocal relationship. In the highest sense of the term, prayer is contact with the God-Presence within. Whose nature is responsiveness. There are many people all over the world praying to saints and angels. In the hour of their extremity, they are speaking in the language of Hamlet: ''Angels and ministers, defend us!"

Saints represent any man or woman dedicated to the truths of God, and who practices the Presence of God. In other words, it means any person who entertains God-like thoughts and walks in paths of righteousness. The invocation of saints and angels has been practiced by millions of people all over the world. These represent good men and women who led Godlike lives.

A man in India once said to me that he addresses holy men in the next dimension as living beings, living in a higher realm of mind, namely the fourth dimension. He asks their aid, their prayers and their intercession with God. Because of his faith and belief, he gets results. Whether the object of your faith be true or false, you will get results, for according to your faith is it done unto you. Your subconscious responds to your blind faith. His faith and confidence and his belief that the holy men would respond to him was accepted by his subconscious mind and, of course, his prayers were answered.

People all over the world have had remarkable healings by calling on saints and angels long since gone. But if you reason it out, they have not gone any place. They are all around you, functioning fourth-dimensionally, just like your relatives who have passed on.

All good must come from God, the primal source of all blessings. Millions theorize that it is perfectly proper to ask dedicated souls in the next dimension of life for help in times of extremity. If to ask a spiritual healer or a dedicated doctor to aid and help you involves nothing objectionable and is not robbing God of the worship due Him, why is it improper to ask the same dedicated man who is now in a higher realm of mind to aid us after he has graduated to a higher world? All these forms of prayer get results, also. . . . If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

Are You Omnipresent?

A Yogi at the Forest University, Ashram at Rishikesh, which is at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains, said to me that many people ask him if they request aid of those in the next dimension, is it possible that they hear them, or are they in different lands, with omnipresence only applying to God? He explained to them that to be present in 15,000 places is not omnipresence. Spirit (God) is out of the limitations of time and space. This is the distinction between Spirit and matter. 

He added that when he speaks in India to thousands of people, he is present to all of them through the medium of sight and sound. A man who writes a book, by his thoughts and beliefs, is present to millions of readers all over the world through the medium of his book. Therefore, he said, it may be easily conceived that those holy people in the next dimension are present by their thoughts and their love, which constitute their essential life, to a great many people and places at the same time, through spiritual law.

The old aphorism states: "The saints on Earth, and all the dead, but one communion make." There is really no separation, since subjectively we are all one. The word humanity means the One appearing as many.


How to use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Five, teach us how to Pray

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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