Thursday, September 23, 2021

How to Use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Two, How your Mind Heals You

How to Use the Laws of Mind, Chapter Two, How your Mind Heals You


The Power of Belief

I had a phone call from a woman in Utah, with whom I had been in correspondence. She was suffering from terminal cancer and was praying for guidance, wholeness and perfection. She had been saying, "I don't want an operation. I don't want to go to the hospital. I don't want to see a surgeon."

I explained to her that she should never make any such statements, as they indicate fear and cause her to experience the very thing she is afraid of: For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me . . . (Job 3:25). Furthermore, I explained to her that it was wrong for her to dictate the way the healing would come, as the ways of the Infinite Presence are past finding out. She kept on praying for guidance, wholeness, beauty and perfection.

A friend told her about a book published by Dr. John Richardson and Patricia Griffin, describing 90 cases of cancer sufferers who were healed by treatment with Laetrile. She went down to Tijuana, took the treatment, kept on praying and had a full recovery. She went there believing and received accordingly. Therefore I say unto you. What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them (Mark 11:24). . . . If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).

The Father Within

The Father within is the Source of all things and beings. It is the Life-Principle. Jesus called this Presence "Our Father," which created all things visible and invisible. It is the Power which Jesus used to heal the blind, the halt and the lame. It is the mind and intelligence which quiets the storm, which multiplies the loaves and fishes, the mind which enabled Jesus to disappear in the multitude, to converse with Moses and to raise the dead to life.

When you see a mind like that operating, you know there is the Source and Power called the "Father within." . . . The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works (John 14:10). You do not see mind, thought, faith or confidence. The Bible says, . . . He that hath seen me hath seen the Father . . . (John 14:9). In other words, if you see a mind performing all these wonderful actions and miraculous healings, you realize that mental and spiritual forces operating are directed by the Father within.

Expect Security

Over the years I have found that a great number of people expect disappointments in life. Many are afraid of some unseen danger; a sense of foreboding, uncertainty and anxiety seems to hover over their mind like a cloud. Great numbers are convinced that the will of God for them is something downright unpleasant and that God is bound to send suffering, difficulties or obstacles of some nature in order to test their faith or punish them for their sins. It is amazing how many people think that the will of God for them is some sort of sickness, pain and punishment for their errors.

Remember, God's will for you is the tendency of the Life-Principle, which always seeks to express Itself as love, beauty, joy, harmony and the life more abundant. The will of God for you is something marvelous, wonderful and beautiful, transcending your fondest dreams. God is absolute peace and cannot wish pain. God is boundless joy and cannot wish sorrow. God is boundless love and cannot do anything unloving. God is wholeness, beauty and perfection and cannot wish sickness. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Man brings on suffering, sickness, pain and misery for himself due to his ignorance of the laws of mind and the way of Infinite Spirit. Man must get away from the jungle ideas that God is a personal being with personal feelings of vengeance such as a man may have. God is also universal law, and the law is not vengeful; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons. . . . God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).

When man uses the law negatively, he suffers from the reaction of the law. The sun shines on the good and the bad man, on the murderer and the holy man. The rain falls on the just and the unjust, and the Infinite Spirit passes no judgment on any man. Man rewards and punishes himself based on the way his conscious mind impregnates his subconscious mind. If man thinks good, he receives good; and if he thinks evil, evil inevitably follows. It is as simple as that.

. . . How can ye, being evil, speak good . . . ? (Matthew 12:34). Rewards and punishments are inherent in man's own thinking and imagery. It is very foolish for him to postulate the cause of his good fortune or misfortune outside himself.

Don't Fight the World

When you open your newspaper in the morning or listen to the evening news on radio or television, you may read or hear about shocking cruelties and tragedies in the world. If you resent all the crime, rape and murders or try to fight these things in your mind, getting angry and upset, you will always be at odds. and, being inharmonious within, you will manifest disharmony in all phases of your life.

Realize that God's peace fills your soul and that God's love saturates your mind and heart. Furthermore, claim, feel and know that the light of God shines in all humanity. You are then contributing, to some degree, to peace in this changing world. Cease wasting your precious mental and spiritual energy in fighting and opposing worldly conditions. Use your energy constructively and create health and happiness for yourself and all those around you.

The Two Worlds

When we speak of metaphysics, we refer to that which is above and beyond the physical. It refers to the inner world of your thoughts, feelings, imagination and beliefs. When you stop and think, you realize that everything you do and that you refuse to do is previously determined by an attitude of mind—a way of thinking on your part. If you find your condition chronic, if you are leading a dull, routine, monotonous life, it is very likely that you too are dwelling on the past and repeating the same old mental patterns. You are here to grow, and when you refuse to let the Life Principle move through you at higher levels. It has no alternative but to, perhaps, bring about some negative experience such as sickness or other problems, which will arouse you out of your lethargy and cause you to find the solution. In that way, you discover yourself.


How to Use the Laws of Mind,

Chapter Two, How your Mind heals You

Dr. Joseph Murphy

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